Trading If you are planning on selling Marshal look here first :)


Michael Myers Mom
Jun 10, 2013
100% (44) +
Ill give u both Freya and lolly for him + 8 Million bells, 2 of EACH color hybrid, a tweeter, magic beans, glow heart wand, and a wet suit.
Jeez! You seem like you really want Marshal! Well, I hope you get him. You look like you well and truly deserve him with what you're giving away here. :)
You may wanna up the price by a million or so, since Marshal is VERY sought after and lots of people want a lot of money for selling him. Some people don't need other villagers/hybrids so that's probably why. Good luck, though~
You may wanna up the price by a million or so, since Marshal is VERY sought after and lots of people want a lot of money for selling him. Some people don't need other villagers/hybrids so that's probably why. Good luck, though~

ikno idk why ppl sell him for so much :( hell i give all mine away no matter who they are...its a long shot but ill try!
Well, first they want a profit. Two, Marshal is often already close to them so they want to make sure it's worth giving him away.
eh still, I think people should be letting people who cant afford him afford him, but hey :) thats what I am for I guess lol everyone knows ill give ferya and lolly away when they ask to leave haha