If you could get any collectible, what would it be?

Yellow house, no doubt. I've wanted the full set ever since I joined TBT. One day.
I've always wanted quite a few of the collectibles that can't be traded - namely the Dusty Scroll and Spooky Toothpaste. I also missed the 2018 candy cane, so that would be nice to have.
Probably Coco or Ruby, I don't really have much of a way to get collectibles but I've definetly been interested in getting some lately lol so eventually I'd like to work towards that
Spinning green pinwheel followed by the glow wands. I was around for the green pinwheels but I think those were only awarded to contest winners and I wasn't around for the glow wands.
Weird doll, it's cool, one of a kind and a thing you can't really sell, so yeah.
pokeball. its valued a lot, and i just want to have all the diff kinds of pokevalls (so id have to get the moonball too tbh)
alternayively, id love to br anle to have a second flea :)
Hmm the dark candy I guess, even though it wouldn't fit in my rainbow candy line haha it's still cute and I like the candy collectibles (I also kind of want a gold candy now that I'm thinking about it). I never paid attention to the dark candy until we actually had the opportunity to get it in that Halloween event and I blew my chance by bumbling so hard at the puzzle. I had "canc_l" and the word "cancel" did not even come close to crossing my mind. Lol
Either of the pinwheels. Also dark candy and obligatory weird doll.
Weird Doll, hands down. Second would be Dark Candy. Third would be Zen Egg - this one I can (& will) eventually save up for at least.
eevee egg, pikachu egg, togepi egg, pinwheel, tetris and a emerald bought right on my birthday. I mean was gifted by someone else XD. It doesnt say when i get it XD.
i've always had my eye on that rainbow feather but man is it hard to get, i'd also like a star glow wand but they're expensive as all hell lmao.

other than that i'd take infinitely more heart glow wands and love balls.
The sweet feather is so pretty as well. And the love ball! Why are the prettiest collectibles the most expensive ones? ;)
IT'S HARD TO PICK JUST ONE.... i guess pierrot but it's impossible now! besides that it'd probably be the party popper or all the houses if i can pick multiple. ever since the start i really wanted to get all the houses in the right order :O
I've already gotten my mostest dreamest collectibles so I'm pretty content with what I currently have :)

Though 11 more special snowflakes would be really amazing as well. Surely that's not too much to ask.

I've already gotten my mostest dreamest collectibles so I'm pretty content with what I currently have :)

Though 11 more special snowflakes would be really amazing as well. Surely that's not too much to ask.


if anyone could win 12 snowflakes it would def be u laudine!!!!!!!!!!!

hmmm gosh idk what i'd pick, if u let me just have any it'd be star wand as it's my ultimate love but i already have 2 yay!!!!! probably the moon wand, i just love it so much, i tried so hard to get one in that event but i had no luck ahaha, i also rly like the pink candy!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've already gotten my mostest dreamest collectibles so I'm pretty content with what I currently have :)

Though 11 more special snowflakes would be really amazing as well. Surely that's not too much to ask.


I remember your entries in the 2015 Christmas events-- you definitely deserved 11 more special snowflakes, and if it had been left up to the good taste of the community you surely would have gotten them too :D

(but alas, it was instead left up to the weird tastes of all those nerds on staff at the time :mad:)
There aren't really any collectibles I want that badly. If I had to choose something though... I think I'd take the joke easter eggs from last year! Either Laudine's Eyes Closed Egg or Oblivia's Happy Egg would be my pick.