Shop ☆ IGB / TBT currency exchange ★ ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧【Status: Open】 NEW UPDATE!

Hi! I'm interested in trading you 100TBT for 20mil IGB, but I have an exam tomorrow so maybe we can work it out on Friday?

Hi! Thnx for dropping by ~ and oh yeah that's no problem ^^
Good luck on your exam!
Hi! Will you make available to do the trade tomorrow? I'll be available from 2:00pm GMT+2 until midnight or so, so we can work it out if you can :lemon:
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Hi! Will you make available to do the trade tomorrow? I'll be available from 2:00pm GMT+2 until midnight or so, so we can work it out if you can :lemon:

Yea of course ^^ see you tomorrow!
Can I do 30 TBT for 7 million IGB?

- - - Post Merge - - -

nvm gonna go to bed sorry maybe tommarow?
Hello, I'd like to make another trade of 30 tbt for 7 million IGB. The internet has been working MUCH better today. So, hopefully things should go much more smoothly!
Hi, I'm back again! Can we do 150 TBT for 30 mil?

hey there! Haha oh sure.. I'm actually heading back home atm will be about 15 min. I'll VM you once I'm ready to go ^^
Thanks for the really smooth trade again! Just have to say that your drop method is really efficient because it doesn't rely on how far someone's Re-Tail is from the tracks, or if they have an ABD in their house. Keeps things consistent and quick because you already have a routine that doesn't get messed up by geographical factors!
Btw, do you want me to do another Wifi rating for you?
Thanks for the really smooth trade again! Just have to say that your drop method is really efficient because it doesn't rely on how far someone's Re-Tail is from the tracks, or if they have an ABD in their house. Keeps things consistent and quick because you already have a routine that doesn't get messed up by geographical factors!
Btw, do you want me to do another Wifi rating for you?

Aw thank you so much! Yeah, most definitely I did try every other method as well.. this one stuck to me better hehe. I'm so glad you had a great experience! c:
oh that won't be necessary! Thank you once again ~ and hope to see you soon ^^
Hi! I'm ready for the trade whenever you are :)

Hey wb! ^^ great ~ let me go start up my DS.. and how much were you looking for again?
Hi! I'd like to trade 100 TBT for 20 mil IGB. I'm usually available to trade after 1:00 pm EDT/noon CDT. Please VM if interested.
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