• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

I'm ready for anything!

Zen, do you have any pictures of the high top sneakers that you can get from Graciegrace, the fortune cookie items, the red suitcase as I want to see the name, the retro series and the Tingle hat.
And since I just thought about it... could you possibly post a picture of the ballet slippers, please? :3
Here is a good one! Do the power supply community projects, e.g. Solar Panel and Wind Turbine, provide a benefit to the town? Or are they just for looks?
The only item I believe that actually has a bit of a real function is the Trash Can which you can put trash in so you don't have to pay, but if you have a trash can in your house or a beautiful town, that really isn't an issue.
Sorry for responding to an old post, I've been sick.
Yes 500 hours is easy to get. But to also get 500 days will take, well 500 days, assuming I don't miss any. That seems like forever. I still think it's lame that it is both requirements instead of one or the other. Seems a bit odd since I'm sure there's no way to track it in-game.

Also grass day sounds a bit tough to get the items, wouldn't the weeds already be pulled in other peoples towns from them participating in the event before you get there? or will they respawn if you go there and talk to the sloth saying you want to help?

Ya. I would think less hardcore players could plug in their 3ds and leave the game running over night to get 500 hours. But if you need 500 days as well, the only shortcut will be time travel which would still be a pain even if you're willing to do it. Is it confirmed to be both requirements? It seems like several people have large versions of the town tree and I find it more likely they've played 300 hours than time traveled to 300 different days (or 180 days/hours)
Also, on the subject of wisp, which was bought up before. We know he's not in the game, but I found pictures of the magic lamp

... So could you tell us if the magic lamp is used in anything? Or if it's just a decoration
Easy time travling for 500 day tree

I think getting the 500 day tree should be simple. Set your town to beautiful START the game 500 days back from the current date, plant your tree and set up home.(which may not be an option since we dont know the first date in the game, if not possiable, start as far back as possiable, for instance it may be November 8th 2012, than fast forward to the 500 mark).

500 hours divided by 24 (hours in a day) equals 21 (20.8) days. Simply leave your game on plugged in at night and play by day. 21 days later and poff. Within the 21 days you should be able to meet any additional requirements that we come across and pick weeds. (the 21 days estimate does not include the amount of time it takes for YOU to plant your tree and set up home base.)

If we (my sister and I will be trying this) ended up at a future date than we can simply hold the date until it catches up or back track.

By no means do I think my idea is bullet proff and thier are a lot of factors we do not know of yet, for the english version especialy.

O' if you do use this idea i suggest not seeing the villagers that way they will not be missed when you fast forward and miss them. All step taken I think it should only take a total of 22 days. This is the shortest route to a 500 day tree I can think of when you first get the game.
By the way, do give me some time for answers and pics. I'm currently on vacation for the New Year and will be back home on the 4th :)

I'll drop in later and answer questions that don't require pics later today though!
By the way, do give me some time for answers and pics. I'm currently on vacation for the New Year and will be back home on the 4th :)

I'll drop in later and answer questions that don't require pics later today though!

Ok take your time.
Hope you're having a fab new year!!
Happy new years everyone. May all of your animal crossing dreams come true. Thank you Jake and Zen for all your help!

Ps. Sorry if my long post was more cumbursome than help. Just trying to get the ball rolling on thoughts for it.
Kaizo cannot remake any wallpaper or floor. You can, however, make your own as a pattern if need be.

That's too bad. I don't want to use up two pattern spaces for wallpaper/carpet, so I'll just need to decide what is more appealing: continuity of the series as a whole or the look of the furniture with a different look. I'll probably go with the former.
I'm sorry if this has already been asked. but how do you recolor/redesign items at the shop ?
I have enough money to buy the Enterbrain guide, but I don't know if the Nintendo guide is better. What you recommend me?

P.S: Sorry for my English,I'm Spanish and I must use a translator :)