Pokémon In need of advice: sword, or shield?


Hat Tips and Tea Sips
May 18, 2015
Snow Bunny
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Moon Bunny
Shooting Star
Snow Bunny
Strange Doll
Flower Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Blue Mote of Flame
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Here's the sitch, I want more pokemon exclusive to shield, but the sword legendary.

Pokemon I *must* have that are from sword:
Zacian (and to a lesser extent than all the ones mentioned here, Darmanitan (both regular and HA)

Pokemon I *must* have that are from shield:
Cursola (HA), Eiscue

now here's the thing, I can probably trade a sirfetch'd for an eiscue

but what I'm wondering is: if Max Raid battles are shareable, can someone with shield invite me to a cursola raid where I get to catch it with its hidden ability?
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Check your OP, as you said Shield twice

I'd go with the mascot over everything tbh. I can trade you a corsola/cursola later if you'd like!
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That would be amazing if I get sword!
I love the mon and its hidden ability perish body

Eiscue is just so gimmicky that I can't not love it (+it's a penguin)
You'll probably have an easier time trading for exclusive Pok?mon over the one legendary one.