The idea is to debate the title ^^ just be kind to others 
I’m curious about everyone’s opinions about this
Personally I totally disagree! In New Leaf there were veeery few kitchen options and they were all the same colour (white) and lovely was the only exception. I think the ironwood set is fantastic! It’s so versatile that with the different customisation options every kitchen can look different! Mine looks nautical! I’ve seen pink and pastel, dark and fancy, cosy and green and full of plants, etc. etc. etc. I’ve been loving everyone’s kitchen designs
(in New Leaf everyone had white ranch but, honestly I couldn’t blame them, it was one of the few furniture sets that matched)
I’m curious about everyone’s opinions about this
Personally I totally disagree! In New Leaf there were veeery few kitchen options and they were all the same colour (white) and lovely was the only exception. I think the ironwood set is fantastic! It’s so versatile that with the different customisation options every kitchen can look different! Mine looks nautical! I’ve seen pink and pastel, dark and fancy, cosy and green and full of plants, etc. etc. etc. I’ve been loving everyone’s kitchen designs
(in New Leaf everyone had white ranch but, honestly I couldn’t blame them, it was one of the few furniture sets that matched)
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