Ironwood kitchens are overdone (please read post)


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
The idea is to debate the title ^^ just be kind to others :D
I’m curious about everyone’s opinions about this

Personally I totally disagree! In New Leaf there were veeery few kitchen options and they were all the same colour (white) and lovely was the only exception. I think the ironwood set is fantastic! It’s so versatile that with the different customisation options every kitchen can look different! Mine looks nautical! I’ve seen pink and pastel, dark and fancy, cosy and green and full of plants, etc. etc. etc. I’ve been loving everyone’s kitchen designs
(in New Leaf everyone had white ranch but, honestly I couldn’t blame them, it was one of the few furniture sets that matched)
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I think the main reason why you mainly see iron wood kitchens is because that is the only full kitchen set in the game! Otherwise there are separate items like the stove, fridge, kitchen island, etc. but from what I've seen there is no alternative to the iron wood set if you are looking for another full kitchen set.

I personally like iron wood set A LOT, but I do wish there were more options in the game! In one of my character's houses I used the set, but in my main character's house, I wanted to do something different but, like I said, there are not really any other options. I do appreciate the color various like you said and really like how they fit a wide variety of themes.
There's not a whole lot of furniture to utilize for a kitchen. And so everyone is using it. I think that's pretty much the problem with a lot of the furniture, even now a year later. Like as soon as an update happens (that might give us new content/furniture) everyone is scrambling for the same stuff and then you see it on everyone's DA.

It's why the Japanese minimalism and cottage themes were so rampant. And probably still are.
I get the love surrounding the ironwood set, but it just isn't my style. I kinda dislike the color variations to be honest...
The shades of wood are fine by me but I don't care for the iron trims around every piece.

With the sets in NL you could make kitchens in so many different styles and with really unique vibes. I for one really miss the ranch and alpine sets, they worked great for a cozy little farmhouse kitchen ♥
The game offers very limited kitchen options. So naturally most people would go for what they think best fits their decor/themes, which happens to be the ironwood kitchen.
I use it because I love the look. It's a great set all around.
This is my kitchen. I only have two ironwood pieces. I originally just wanted the kitchenette for the sink counter combo but than decided to add the cupboard. Options are limited but I really like my kitchen.
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A lot of pieces of furniture are "overdone" just because there aren't any other options. If you want a kitchen, you're basically looking at the ironwood kitchenette, the system kitchen, or the kitchen island and that's basically about it.
I love the ironwood set but I wish there were more complete sets of furniture for the kitchen and also generally. I also dislike how the system kitchen has a white option and off white option but there are no other "off white" appliances. Early on, when my house had a low HHA score, I kept thinking I needed for everything to match perfectly to build a better score so I was somewhat stressed out by the kitchen items not coming with complete sets and that my island only had a weird assortment of colors of things.
I personally hate some of the iron wood furniture because it feels like it’s trying to do too much. Wood, iron, and minimalism. Others may like this, but I don’t.
Here’s my kitchen. When I have time, I want to swap the student desks for the dark brown office desks and craft some Harvest chairs.
I don't have any of the ironwood items in my kitchen lol. I use a system kitchen, a refrigerator, a gas range, table with cloth (with two wooden chairs), and two white rattan low tables where I put a rice cooker, dishes mixer and a knife block on them.

I decided to use the rattan low tables in white because they fit the color scheme I chose for my kitchen (black and white, with an accent of yellow).
If you like the style and it makes you happy, go for it! who cares if it's overused, lol.

my house is a mess and im not a great interior decorator, so the entire place is basically just extended storage atm xD
Sets are definitely a huge downfall/absence in NH. Furniture really in general.

So, I really can’t look at any setup and judge for being too common since...there really isn’t much to choose from.

The ironwood set does have the versatility to go with various things and styles though. So I agree and I enjoy seeing them regardless.
I definitely can understand why a lot of people are sick of ironwood kitchens. Ironwood kitchens have been done a lot. Though as others have said, I think ironwood furniture is currently the best option for kitchen furniture. My own kitchen in New Horizons is also ironwood so maybe I'm a bit biased. It could be possible to create a kitchen room design without it but I think the ironwood furniture is just easy and nice looking.

As far as New Leaf goes, I personally very fondly remember a lot of kitchen designs I saw using the counter table item from the Welcome amiibo update. I remember seeing a few of those in dreams that I really really liked and I remember those more than any white ranch kitchens.