Is anybody else hoarding the sea creatures?

I am hoarding the sea pigs because these things swim really fast and are hard to catch, so I was gonna try to see if I could donate them to friends’ museums... don’t know if that’s actually feasible to do or not though :unsure:
I haven't done this, though I'd consider it for the Giant Isopod, Gigas Giant Clam, Umbrella Octopus, or Vampire Squid.

Until such a time that the addition was made to the game, which might be never, they would just take up space in the storage and I'd rather sell them for the bells in the meantime. I'm not really in a rush even if they added the functionality soon, so I'd be content to wait until they were available to catch again months down the road.
I am hoarding the sea pigs because these things swim really fast and are hard to catch, so I was gonna try to see if I could donate them to friends’ museums... don’t know if that’s actually feasible to do or not though :unsure:

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there is not possible to share any living creatures with others. Never tried to donate to someone's museum, but (probably) it's impossible too, as the gate on the airport is open.
Could anyone confirm or deny it?
I'm holding 3 of the hard to catch ones too and extras for display if I ever need them. Also keeping 3 of my favourite looking ones like the umbrella octopus and vampire squid ^_^ just in case
I have been until fairly recently (before storage expansion). I really wanted crab models so until sometime before Harvest Festival I had a ton of Dungeness Crabs, still have a few red king crabs. I was saving spotted garden eels and three scallops, though I’m down to two scallops now. I have been neglecting diving lately, but I hope to find at least two more venus flower baskets. Might use them regardless if we get sea creature models or not.
Nah, I only have a few that I like to display at home in their aquariums, like the sea anemone and sea slug. Although I'd love a giga clam or nautilus model. I'd like models a lot more if they had a clear base though.
I am hoarding the sea pigs because these things swim really fast and are hard to catch, so I was gonna try to see if I could donate them to friends’ museums... don’t know if that’s actually feasible to do or not though :unsure:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there is not possible to share any living creatures with others. Never tried to donate to someone's museum, but (probably) it's impossible too, as the gate on the airport is open.
Could anyone confirm or deny it?

It is indeed impossible to trade fish or bugs with other players. That also goes with donating to other people's museums.
Yes! been doing that since the start lol, so I was really happy when we got extra storage.
I have been doing this just in case. Otherwise, I have been displaying them around town / in my character's houses.:)
not really, no; back when diving was first added in, i did think about keeping a few moon jellyfish as i thought they were pretty but with how full my storage was at the time, i ultimately winded up selling them after a few days. even with the storage expansion, i‘ve still stuck with either rereleasing or selling any critters that i catch, rather them having them take up space on my island or in my storage lol
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I have 3 gigas giant clams in the storage, and several spider crabs spreading on the beach. For the spider crabs, you don’t need a model, they themselves are enough for display :).