Is anybody else hoarding the sea creatures?

I think I have 3 of the Venus flower baskets.

I wouldn't mind having a model of the Venus Flower Basket in the house. It's so elegant looking. But I haven't been saving up sea creatures. I hadn't thought about being a completionist for critter models but it might be a fun challenge when I'm more advanced in the game and running out of other things to do. I probably have about 40 models at the moment so not a bad start.
I keep the creatures that have cylindrical aquariums, but am not really trying to hoard anything in particular. I do wonder if they'll eventually add a sea creatures - to - models npc.
Only sea creature I've held onto is a Giant Isopod, and he's being used as a decoration on my beach. As much as I love the models, I can't seem to figure out how to use them (exception being the butterflies and some of the beetles).
I've saved none of them, even though I completed my diving catalog yesterday (since I did some diving on an SH island a while ago). I kinda regret that now, because I'll have to do more diving if I want some for display purposes...
Sadly, CJ will not commission models of clams or other deep sea items that are not considered fish 😥
omg I was since the diving update came out but then I sold them thinking it was pointless seen as there's no option to have them made as models and they were filling my storage up (pre-storage upgrade). Now I'm starting to think maybe I should have held onto stuff just in case. 😭
No, but I don't plan to get models of everything. I'm mainly working my way through the butterflies and dragonflies. I made a couple of fish for specific purposes, but don't see doing any others right now.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, there is not possible to share any living creatures with others. Never tried to donate to someone's museum, but (probably) it's impossible too, as the gate on the airport is open.
Could anyone confirm or deny it?
It is indeed impossible to trade fish or bugs with other players. That also goes with donating to other people's museums.

AHHHHHH whyyy game?! Collaboration should be encourage in bug/fish catching efforts, no? There goes the dream to ever complete my encyclopedias :( :( :(

Thank you both for the clarifications though. I will now stop the hoarding behavior...
for some reason I really doubt they would add models for sea creatures but that wont stop me from hanging on to a few and hoping with all my little heart lol
I'm hanging on to a large number of these, basically three of anything I don't think is ugly, as I really love putting odd critter models along my beach and that's part of my vision for my island. It could never happen and just be a waste of storage, though. But since some of these are seasonal and I don't time travel, I really don't want to get rid of them.
I kept some of them in my "trophy" basement. I won't consider it as hoarding though. :LOL:
Some of the diving creatures make great beach decor! I use mussels, oysters, and the pearl one (spacing the name rn) since they all come in the cute see through containers. I like to use them with placed shovels to make shellfish digging areas ^-^ Outside of that I only hoard the crabs cause I like how they look in storage XD
AHHHHHH whyyy game?! Collaboration should be encourage in bug/fish catching efforts, no? There goes the dream to ever complete my encyclopedias :( :( :(

Thank you both for the clarifications though. I will now stop the hoarding behavior...

You're not alone. I don't understand why some things we could share with others but some of them not. For example - we can easily share our fossils - assessed or not and this affect or someone's collection, but any creatures cannot been given to anyone else. Where's the logic?
Yes... I know... strict museum rules :p
I keep them as i catch them, selling the ones that are all year and any i get over 3 of, except spider crabs, i have an army of 16 of those
I only just started to do this after the latest update where they gave us the storage expansion to 2400 inventory slots. Before that I thought about it but just had not enough inventory to spare. So far I have a few crabs and a sea pig in store.
no, I sell all my deep sea creatures instead of hoarding them. if the day comes when we can make models, I guess I'll just have to go diving for them then
I’m not hoarding them, but I definitely hope we can make sea creature models someday!
I was, then I sold them all. This thread makes me want to start again though, especially with bigger storage.
Well I got some of them but i stop as they was taken space for fish and bug models i do not have yet. I wish get whatever his name is to show up more so i can unload them. But I not in the rush as thankgiveing took some of the fish but i can wait till my store of fish and bug get down to a small number.