Is anyone else disappointed by the 10-villager limit?

No. I expected it to stay 10. Since there's only 8 personality types, I don't think it's that big of a deal that we can't have more than 10 anyway.
i would have loved the option to have 12 max, but i know thats born out of an indecisiveness on what villagers i want haha! its hard balancing those i got attached to in the older games, and getting to know new ones, but obviously thats not everyones experience neccesarily. more wouldve been nice, but i dont feel like them keeping the limit of 10 made it a worse experience or anything like that either!
I was, but after playing for a long time, I realize that ten is the perfect number for my island.
Also, how is it too small?
We've got way more space than in New Leaf and that had a 10 villager cap.
We also didn't have choice as to where the villagers would move (unless you were down for doing 100 resets).
I was hoping for there to be more villagers than in New Leaf, so I am a little disappointed about that. Will make it a bit harder to figure out who gets to live on my island long-term.
I’m fine with 10 villagers but it would be cool if the maximum was raised to 15. I have a lot of favorite villagers and it would be cool to have more plots open for them but 10 is alright.
I play the game by myself so I wanted at least 12 villagers. Oh well. A girl can dream.
Yes I am 100% disappointed that it’s still 10. One of my main hopes for this game was to increase the villager limit lol.
i'm fine with the max being 10 villagers, mostly due to how big your island is. if there was a way to 'expand' your island in a future update, or even the return of obtaining another island in some shape or form ... then i can advocate for an extra couple villagers.
I'm more disappointed for the lack of new villagers...Only 8? You serious??? 7 Years of development.... :\