Is anyone suffering from rendering issues?

o013 WOLF 130o

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2014
I recently decorated a marketplace area. I'm very happy with how it turned out, but ever since my game has had really bad rendering issues when I go near that area. It's so bad that I really dont want to play. I run into invisible items that havent poped up yet and my running is laggy and slow. I love how it looks and I'm trying to figure out a new way to change the design so it stops, but I really like how I have it. Is there a way to make it stop?
Do you have a lot of furniture in the area? The system often struggles when there's a lot of stuff on screen--or at least supposed to be on screen. I would maybe try to stand still in the area to let it load in, but that's not that convenient if you have to travel through a lot.
Unless Nintendo comes up with a way to optimize the game (if they can), this is actually more of a Switch limitation than a problem with the game. Frankly the Switch is and always has been a bit underpowered of a console hardware-wise. :( If it bothers you then the only thing you really can do is start removing things from that area so it has less to load.
It happens to me sometimes because I have a heavily decorated island. I have an area where I built two big "fake houses" and surprisingly they don't pop-in as much as I thought they would. I tried to limit the amount of moving (fans, flowers, etc.), lighting (lamps, floor lamps, etc.), and large objects (nook mile items, 2x2 items etc.) in that area which helped a lot. Not sure how much custom designs affect pop-ins but I limited those to my stalls and I don't use many custom designs on the ground.
I have nothing extreme but have had them somewhat in the past. Never to your extent though.

The only way around it is to take down what you built and try one with less parts to it.
It sucks when you have to do that but try to look at what you have made and what of it you need to keep and what can be removed to make the same design. Maybe a smaller version of it or something
I have a love/hate with this, if you can call it that? I understand why it lags... I am surprised this system can be so powerful for such small parts. But, I also feel a little sad when I see videos of people's islands where the items will pop in and out of existence when they are standing still! The frame already loaded, so idk why the items pop in and out? With movement, I could understand since it's loading the items in the area the player is moving to. but standing still, even with a lot of items that shouldn't happen imo.
I have a love/hate with this, if you can call it that? I understand why it lags... I am surprised this system can be so powerful for such small parts. But, I also feel a little sad when I see videos of people's islands where the items will pop in and out of existence when they are standing still! The frame already loaded, so idk why the items pop in and out? With movement, I could understand since it's loading the items in the area the player is moving to. but standing still, even with a lot of items that shouldn't happen imo.

ACNH is really aggressive about not showing anything that isn't on screen, because with all the lighting and ambient effects the Switch is barely keeping up. I suppose that when there are lots of items everywhere it simply cannot load and unload all that stuff fast enough, or it starts making mistakes when deciding which items do not need to be shown.

At least rumours about an upgraded switch (the Super Nintendo Switch, lol) are picking up. Some decent sources say Nintendo is working with Samsung for 7 inch OLED displays on the switch pro (better battery life!) and that it will have a more powerful CPU and support 4K when docked, so that should be noticeable with in-game performance, if true. The extra performance will probably have a price tag, though...

Here, have a link (
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ACNH is really aggressive about not showin anything that isn't on screen, because with all the lighting and ambient effects the Switch is barely keeping up. I suppose that when there are lots of items everywhere it simply cannot load and unload all that stuff fast enough, or it starts making mistakes when deciding which items do not need to be shown.

At least rumours about an upgraded switch (the Super Nintendo Switch, lol) are picking up. Some decent sources say Nintendo is working with Samsung for 7 inch OLED displays on the switch pro (better battery life!) and that it will have a more powerful CPU and support 4K when docked, so that should be noticeable with in-game performance, if true. The extra performance will probably have a price tag, though...

Here, have a link (

Ahh! Thank you so much for this info! I don't really know much (if at all) how all this rendering works, so this is really helpful.
For some reason I started getting weird frame rate drops recently. They've stopped now (again, for some reason, lol). I didn't have a lot of items in that area, so not sure what the issue was.