Is it okay to update the DA of an unfinished island?


½ sugar
Aug 23, 2015
Heart Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
April Birthstone (Diamond)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Basically I've been in a stump whether to update my DA or not-- my island has changed heavily since my last DA update but I've decided to delete my DA because I felt embarrassed 1/4th of my island was hot garbage (overgrown flowers and weeds, un-erased tiles, etc.). That being said, I'm proud of where my island stands so far, and I want people to come visit and appreciate those parts of the island without them seeing the unfinished parts. Their takeaway of my island as a whole might be ugly or something. : (

So yeah, do you personally think it's okay to visit an incomplete DA? Or should I try blocking the incomplete areas?
Having visited an incomplete DA, I really enjoyed what I saw so far in it and favorited it because I look forward to seeing the whole thing when it's done. No shame in that. Maybe you could even leave a note on your bulletin board explaining it's a wip?
Of course it is. :) If there are parts of your island that you want to show off you should definitely update your DA. Don't worry about the unfinished parts, the majority of players haven't finished their island either! If you don't want people to see the work in progress areas you could block them. It's your island, so you can do anything you want with it. :)
I think it's totally fine! I've seen a lot of really cool islands where the finished parts are accessible and some of the unfinished parts are blocked off using fences and the under construction sign. It actually gives me motivation to save the DA and return at a later date.
Thank you everyone!! The DAs I've visited so far have been near completion, so that's why I was feeling kinda embarrassed showing of mine hehe 😆 I'm glad a lot of people feel the same way, I definitely wouldn't be bothered by incomplete areas because I'm also at that point and completely understand, I was just worried maybe other people would be nitpicky about it!

I think my goal now is to prepare my island for viewing and block off unfinished areas :D I'm very excited to share my updated DA soon!
It's cool to see islands in different states of 'completion'.

I've been to some where every square inch had been designed and thought-out, and I've been to some where half the island was a barren wasteland which the player clearly hadn't got around to filling just yet....I enjoyed both.
i don't see a problem with it! i can appreciate certain areas of an island in isolation
I like visiting islands in all different states of completion! My island is still under construction but I uploaded it anyways so that I can share the completed bits with others. It's fun to see what ideas people come up with for their islands, regardless of whether or not it's finished!
I’m perfectly fine both uploading and visiting WIPs! My first upload of Evwirt was right at its second day of being around, so all that was there was just snow, a few tents, a huge backlog of fish/bugs/sea critters and a house with a hay bed. Just so long as that’s not your final upload I think it’s perfectly fine!
I visited a lot of incomplete towns when it was “New Leaf.”

People did that to cash in on 5,000 in-game bells.
I think it’s fine updating your dream address even if it’s not complete. It’s always nice to see how islands progress over time and it’s perfectly fine to fence off the areas that are still under construction. So I say go ahead! Update it as much as you like! I’ll visit it here soon once I get some free time! 🥰
It like the cutting room floor level. It be kinky to see the area like at. I Love to go to the cutting room floor site to See uncomplte areas
I don't see any problem in updating an incomplete DA. I've seen that a couple of times in my DA tours and am not bothered by it at all.
If you like to share it then I say go ahead :)
I haven't updated mine because it was full of DIYs and other stuff, but I plan to finally update as soon I clean a little, even if my island is not 'complete' as I'm not sure when I'll get tired of decorating/changing things around and who knows when I'll ever consider it 'definitive'
(it is a mistery! 👻 )
So yeah, as long as you like it I think it's fine to have a DA with an incomplete island and such 😛
Of course, mine is far from finished, but anyone is welcome to visit, and comment on it, there's a link if you press my signature.
If anyone tells you that it's not okay, tell them to mind their own business. You do what you want to do. I haven't even made a DA and don't plan to until more stuff becomes available.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. It's Animal Crossing. People have to be very pretentious to judge a town that is clearly not done. And even if it is, as long as the owner likes it, that's all that matters.

Kind of makes me wonder if there are actual people out there you judge people based on a virtual island in a kids game.
Tbh no island is ever complete.

Plus seeing a partly made island honestly has charm to it, since you’d want to revisit to see the results on an update. Rather than visiting one town and never visiting again.
I enjoy it actually to visit unfinished islands, it's interesting to see the build up of them and how the final results may will look like. I updated my DA a few days ago and my island is also not 100% finish, I got the main things I wanted done, but still working on details and such. I don't see a problem at all here, so don't worry and go for it.