Is Nintendo switch worth it?

Is Nintendo switch worth it?

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Mar 21, 2018
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
I want to buy one especially after the recent direct (animal crossing). I want to ask the switch owners that is it worth it? Even after that online thing? Which games have you been playing on it and give me a small review on them? Have you experienced any problems with it? If it's not worth it then why?sry for so many questions ;-;
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being able to play Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, even if that's all you do with a Switch, is worth the price of admission imo...
See it really sucks that Nintendo had to go ahead with the online service because they were doing so well selling the Switch but now I really think this is going to make people think twice before buying one. I personally think it's still worth it. There are plenty of games you can do offline without the multiplayer. Also not all the games are affected. Super Mario Odyssey can still have the Luigi's Balloon World mode played without the online membership and games like Fortnite don't require it either. Though the online does heavily effect the content for games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 where a lot of the play value is through the online. I already summarized a good amount of games I'd recommend in this post. I've had no issues with the console personally. I have read a thread that Ethernet connection can cause dead pixels to appear if left untouched due to overheating. The battery life is really short in portable mode. I think the console is worth it in general if you're someone who plays a lot of story-oriented games. The online isn't really worth it right now but I don't know if they're going to do anything about it and if they did it would probably be further down the road.
It's definitely worth getting if any of its games peak your interest. If they don't then wait until next year when AC2019 is released.

Don't be put off by the online service as its dirt cheap, I could find enough loose change each month to pay for it... (and it's more expensive here in New Zealand too). Personally I'm addicted to Octopath traveller and monster hunter generations ultimate. I also own Mario Odyssey, Zelda BOTW and dragon quest builders or whatever it's called. I honestly would like to play the other games more but I've got PC games to clock...

But yeah definitely buy one at anytime because you will not regret it ^-^
I was disappointed when info about the Switch leaked, I didn't like the sound of it. I already have a 3ds why do I need a portable console? But I bought it day one and I love it. I play about 50/50 docked/handheld and it's super convenient. The games have been great too. I've sunk tons of hours into Breath of the Wild. Even if you don't like action games, it's great just for exploring and doing side quests. Super Mario Odyssey has been really fun so far. Arms and Splatoon2 are fun for competitive games, you can enjoy them single player, but they're definitely meant for online/multiplayer. PuyoPuyo Tetris is a lot of fun but it took me a while to get the hang of it. I just started Little Dragons Cafe and it's been enjoyable. And there's a ton of cool games on the eShop too (like golf story). There's really something for everyone and with all the new games coming out soon, I think it's worth it.
I don't own one but I have to just say that if there is a game or games you are interested in enough to justify the price, then yes it is worth it. Animal Crossing (main series) is definitely a multiple hundred pound investment for me no matter the system so the Switch is going to automatically be worth it for me. You really just need to take into consideration what you will use it for and how much you are willing to pay for those things.
There are definitely switch-exclusive games on there that are worth playing. Id say just about enough to buy a switch. Too bad the eshop is mostly saturated with a bunch of ****ty indie games that no one cares about. Other consoles make up for that more by having more BIG games on there. Online is cheap enough too i guess but it is crap.
Yes it's worth it. I don't play any online games right now so buying into the online subscription is a necessity for me right now (until AC comes out). If you're only interested in the switch for animal crossing, then you can wait until there's deals, coupons, or a black friday sale since AC isn't coming out until 2019. But here are the games I've been loving and playing that do not require online.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Playtime - approx 100 Hours
This was my first Zelda game, I never really cared for Zelda in the past whenever I saw my friends playing it. However, I played it on my friends switch and easily got into the game and the exploration. The AI and physics in the game were so cool, the fact that the skull enemy would pick up it's fallen ally's arm to use as a weapon was mind blowing. Also the many different ways to solve the shrine puzzles. I actually went out and bought a switch just to play this game without hogging my friends switch.

Stardew Valley - Playtime - 300 Hours
I'm an avid Harvest Moon fan but have been disappointed in the direction it has gone in the past few years. BUT this game brings it all back and BETTER. It's only $15 on the e-shop and you can easily sink into the game, you can learn each farming, fishing, mining component at your own pace. The fact that this game was created by 1 person still boggles my mind. (There will be a co-op multiplayer coming out for this game as well but it's still TBA)

Octopath Traveler - Playtime - 60 Hours
This is a great RPG game for new people venturing into this genre as well as old time fans. The mechanics are not too difficult and the customization of classes is great! It also plays episodically so in my opinion, very easy to just play 1 hour and stop. The music and graphics in this game is so beautiful too!
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Yeah I'd say it's worth it but that's all 100% of the type of person you are. In my case I've plenty of money to spend on my hobbies, buying a switch took two weeks of saving, and I bought extra joycons, a pro controller, and a few games. My point is anything I have to say is coming from someone with enough income to comfortably get the switch and not really be sacrificing too much. But lets say you're not employed and have lots of other commitments, and it would take 6 months or more to save for the system, well you'd obviously have very different opinions to me.

Well, onto the review. The switch is a GREAT system if you've a lot of local play going on in your house. Setting up mario kart for 4 players is so painless and seamless, to me the switch is the ultimate multiplayer console. I hope to see more games like this in the future, maybe mario party will scratch that itch too.

For the online... I'm gonna be real with you chief if you can't afford as low as 7 bucks a year (the cost if you do the family deal) you shouldn't be buying 300 dollar systems and 60 dollar games.

Games like splatoon 2 are absolute gold (think I crawled over 300 hours) so fun. So infuriating too but, so fun lol.

Zelda alone is probably worth getting the system to be honest, but also it depends on who you are. But yeah, the experience of zelda honestly buried all the single player experiences I had on my ps4. But that's also maybe a taste thing.

The switch is great for it's indie options. Stardew was MADE for the switch in so many ways. The switch suits indies in a way a pc just can't ...

Overall It's my favourite system. If you've the funds get it, if you're tight on cash I'd hold out till black friday/cyber monday, or just save till the release of animal crossing.
I would say it's definitely worth it. With huge games already being available on the system and a very good looking line-up for the end of this year and also 2019 it's definitely a must buy. But that's only if you're into the kind of games Nintendo puts out, I know plenty of people who don't care about Mario, Pok?mon or Animal Crossing. So basically, if you like the games then yes it's more than worth it
It depends on a variety of aspects: Your taste in games, how much you value portability, your access to other consoles (especially the Wii U), etc.

With a certain taste in games, benefiting greatly from portability, and not having ever had a Wii U, the Switch would no doubt be heaven. However, if you have/had a Wii U and played the games you wanted on it, I don't think the Switch would be a very fulfilling console at this point. Unless games like Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Mario Tennis Aces, Kirby are just so amazing and fulfilling for you. (Trust me, as someone who was super excited for Odyssey and certainly think it is great, it will only last you for so long). Also if you love indies, I suppose the Switch is good for that. Otherwise if you have a Wii U and another non-Nintendo system the Switch is mostly going to feel like a rerelease console at this point. Most third party titles are released at a delay and some of them are a really large delay. If you have another non-Nintendo system you'll probably just buy them for that system instead of waiting.

The portable aspect of the system is great. In fact, I've pretty much played the system portable 99% of the time, I can't lie. But I think the system still needs some time before one should buy it just yet, unless you are the specific type of person that this system's current games can really appeal to. But "I just want this for Animal Crossing" probably isn't a good reason to jump on right now. We know absolutely nothing about Animal Crossing Switch. Nintendo just dropped the Animal Crossing logo and said it was coming and that was it. It has been given a tentative 2019 release date, and every moment waiting for that one game you want while having nothing to play on the system in the mean time can make you disappointed.
I got the Switch at Launch with Zelda and I love it! I don't have a big games library - Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, and Okami; but it is a swish little system. Breath of the Wild is an amazing game and I still haven't finished it because every time I boot it up I just go chase horses around cos I have the attention span of a spoon.

I play it mostly handheld, cos my dog pee'd on my docking system while I was out one day and I've never bothered to replace it ...
I'd say it's worth it. I'm saving up for one myself since the AC announcement too. Of course I wanted one before with Zelda BOTW, but now I want it more with the AC Switch announcement lol
Tough to say, really.

I do personally intend to purchase one because I want to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the upcoming Animal Crossing game, the next main series Pok?mon games next year, and probably some other things like Mario Tennis Aces.

That said, I'm not really all too content with the Nintendo Switch. While the Switch will be the only way to experience these games and more in the future, the console from what I've gathered seems to have been rather poorly conceptualized and shoddily constructed. I've heard the system runs rather hot, so hot that it actually causes the plastic to melt and crack. I've heard reports of people's Joy-Cons messing up, particularly the left ones for whatever reason. The screen will get scratched if you put it in the dock improperly, requiring you to spend more money on a screen protector. If you're not careful, your Joy-Cons can also get locked into place and you'll be unable to disconnect them without some effort.

Additionally, as someone who actually bought a Wii U and enjoyed it, the Switch online functionality feels like a ripoff. I can grudgingly accept that they are willing to charge us for what is likely the same online experience we got for free, but that's not really the biggest issue with it for me. I really don't like anything about the concept of the NES games being tied to your Online service subscription. I'd far prefer the same Virtual Console experience we were granted on the 3DS and Wii U. Frankly, I don't care about the NES games they're offering and I would rather be able to buy the somewhat niche Virtual Console games from the SNES and other consoles. Sure, they'll probably add more consoles and games to this whole thing they've got going now, but I very much don't expect that they wil add random enjoyable stuff like Gargoyle's Quest II and Demon's Crest that were previously available. Curated lists might work for some people, but I'm not one of them. I want the freedom to pick my own library. It's not a total loss since I still have a Wii U, it's just annoying.

Finally, considering the rumblings of a possible next PlayStation making their rounds recently, I feel like that's a bad omen for Nintendo again. Work hard to get third party support after the awful Wii U situation, release your console in the middle-to-late stages of of Sony and Microsoft's latest consoles' lifespans, and then they just upgrade their performance and leave third parties not wanting to bother developing ports for your frankly underpowered and unorthodox console again. I realize that Nintendo has their corporate philosophy of innovation and all that, but I feel like it's just going to be another repeat of the Wii U depending on what Sony does. And perhaps that's wrong, but what if they make a New Nintendo Switch or something that's more powerful? Then you just potentially burn customers, not that that's uncommon with the Nintendo handhelds anyway, but you get the point.

Overall? Yes, it's probably worth it for the unique experiences it has and will continue to offer. Do they deserve to succeed with what they're offering? I'd say that's arguable.

My opinions might change if/when I get a Switch, and some of what I've said might just be ignorant since I don't currently have one and I lack the firsthand experience, instead depending on others' experiences. That's where I stand as of right now though.
My opinion is that it?s for sure worth it. I?ve definitely been someone who has thought some Nintendo consoles weren?t worth it before. The Wii U was easily the biggest waste of money in my opinion, so my hopes for the Switch were lower than they were when previous consoles came out. But even if they weren?t the Switch would?ve blown the hopes out of the water. Between all the games on the Switch available (30K?) and the actual quality of so many of them.. it?s up there as one of my favorite consoles. I seriously think you should get one, especially if you?d be into games like botw and smash as well as the new animal crossing. + if you like pok?mon or smash, those bundles are coming out soon! it?s just about holiday season~
I struggle to recommend the Switch.

Most of it's """exclusives""" are Wii U ports/rereleases. [edit] And I owned a Wii U, thus my inability to care.

I would rather play third party games like DOOM on my PC than the potato versions on Switch. Portability just isn't much of a selling point since I started driving.

Outside of Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (count Botw if you want...I had it on Wii U, so I don't), none of the games are really what I would call a system seller. MAYBE something to buy because you already own the system, but not a reason TO buy the system.
Stuff like ARMS and 1,2 Switch are glorified tech demos. Splatoon 2 and Mario Tennis Aces feel more like version 1.2 of the Wii U releases. Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is literally just a 3DS game.

That's not to say games like Splatoon 2 or Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate are bad games, they're not, they're actually what I've played most on the Switch...But they don't reinforce that the Switch was a good purchase because they feel more like DLC to games I already had.

That's also only counting games I can go out and buy right now. Of course Animal Crossing will be a system seller for me, but it ain't out yet.

That said, I'm not really all too content with the Nintendo Switch. While the Switch will be the only way to experience these games and more in the future, the console from what I've gathered seems to have been rather poorly conceptualized and shoddily constructed. I've heard the system runs rather hot, so hot that it actually causes the plastic to melt and crack. I've heard reports of people's Joy-Cons messing up, particularly the left ones for whatever reason. The screen will get scratched if you put it in the dock improperly, requiring you to spend more money on a screen protector. If you're not careful, your Joy-Cons can also get locked into place and you'll be unable to disconnect them without some effort.

Can confirm the system gets really hot. I try not to use it in handheld because the heat makes me feel it's going to overheat and break.

Can also confirm, as somebody who only had a Switch about a month (so it's an issue that should have been sorted since the reports near release, as far as I'm concerned) the left joycons are awful. Got two sets, the analogue stick on both sounds like it's going to break at any moment.
The bumper attachments I also refuse to use ever again since the first time I tried resulted in 20 minutes with a pair of pliers trying to remove it from the left one.

And whilst I think you should have a screen protector on a portable system anyway, especially one that isn't a clam shell...Why the heck isn't the inside of the dock padded/cushioned in some way to prevent scratching? It's just plastic, there, waiting to scratch some idiots system who forgot to get a screen protector.

And a personal niggle, I hate asymmetrical controllers anyway, but the tiny buttons and cramped layout of the default controllers really makes my hands hurt. I know I'm going to have to pay out for a pro controller soon because this is the first controller I've come across that gives me physical pain using it...Even the DS only made me physically hurt via Metroid Prime Hunters.
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letting you know that the switch controllers are pretty cheap, so they can be broken easy.
Always be careful with them because my sister wasn't careful with the controllers, so I have to deal with broken controllers.
letting you know that the switch controllers are pretty cheap, so they can be broken easy.
Always be careful with them because my sister wasn't careful with the controllers, so I have to deal with broken controllers.

Third party ones might be, and the wired ones are relatively cheap too (and useless for portable)...But ?60 for a pro controller and about ?70 for a pair of joycons? That ain't cheap.
It is worth it just for a select few exclusive titles, although I do enjoy the occasional indie game... but I always get scared about the maintenance. In my opinion, it?s not the sturdiest system. Mine heats up easily, both handheld and docked. I almost never play it docked because I?m afraid the overheating will crack my console (on top of the fact that I also live in a tropical country) Also, after playing 100+ hours of BOTW (my favorite game on the switch), my left joy con does the annoying auto pilot thing.

That said, since i bought my switch I haven?t touched any other console I own lol. With the new AC coming out it?s likely that it?ll keep me interested for a long time. Currently I?ve been playing Stardew Valley nonstop lol.
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