is there an emoji or emoji habit that bothers you?

if you use 🥴 you should be set on fire imo

also the people who use 😂 always mix up you’re/your, write plurals with ’s, and to/too, meaning they should also be set on fire 🔥💯

edit: oh yeah, generally people who use 🥺👉👈 are not functioning members of society. it’s usually an egirl/eboy whiny type who has a lot of baggage and drama. or ddlg people
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if you use 🥴 you should be set on fire imo

edit: oh yeah, generally people who use 🥺👉👈 are not functioning members of society. it’s usually an egirl/eboy whiny type who has a lot of baggage and drama. or ddlg people
Yes so much to both, ddlg/cute beggars are the worst ugh.
I don’t like when people put emojis before a period. It just looks off to me.
That, or when people end sentences with an emoji rather than using a period. Using one after a punctuation mark is fine, but not before or in place of.
That, or when people end sentences with an emoji rather than using a period. Using one after a punctuation mark is fine, but not before or in place of.
Funny enough, I don’t mind that at all! I tend to speak more informally online, so that could be why.
i don’t care what people choose to do w their typing styles or use of emojis. it’s usually amusing at the least and sometimes they can be cute. i can’t imagine being genuinely bothered by a little cartoon picture of a face lol even though the faces aren’t my favorite i still don’t rlly mind them. and it’s also fun to use the more “cringey” ones ironically w friends
I feel very awkward with this emoji: 🙂
I know this was the original smiley that started it all, but it has honestly not aged well. It looks like a creeper smiley. Looks soulless.

These are much more acceptable to me:
They convey a happy face, unlike the one up above.
I feel very awkward with this emoji: 🙂
I know this was the original smiley that started it all, but it has honestly not aged well. It looks like a creeper smiley. Looks soulless.
Yeah or people being ironic or trying to tell you off in some weird way, ugh. It defo looks better like this : ) (without space lol)

literally don't need to say anything else
lmao i like it at least if im friendly with the other person and we get each other xD but yeah i wouldn't want it from some random obvious male person being an *******.

💅 this though just no
fairly confident someone else has said this, but the emoji-after-every-word thing bothers me. like in chain messages? it might just be because i hate those too, but that use of emojis just feels wrong.

and also the 🤪 emoji. just something about it looks so... ew.
and if you use these i’m sorry, please don’t take this personally
I think I'm too old to be bothered by emoji's much. So many different phrases of cringe have passed me by over the years, I'm just glad people seem to be enjoying themselves, you know?

Although, now I think longer about it... I dislike emojis that people use to sound overly positive in this insincere, condescending way. I'm thinking of 🙏 in particular. Like when someone wants to wish you well but you know they don't actually care for you much, and then they put the praying hands behind it... I hate that so much.

Similarly, when people apologise but they aren't meaning it and just write something like "oops 🙈".

Or if they tell you something that is a pretty harsh thing to say and they are fully aware of it, but still try to lessen it by putting a 🌞, 🌻 or ✨ behind it. Like all the others I dislike, how they are used then just feels so condescending. Just own up to what you are saying instead of trying to seem nicer because you use cutesy emojis.
i used to use certain emojis ironically or as a joke but it kinda stuck to me lmao now idek what i use seriously and what i use as a joke oops

or maybe a mix of both i guess