Is this abuse or am I just in the wrong here?


May 19, 2017
New Horizons Token
Pardon me about this but I need everyone's opinion:

My leader or supervisor refuses to let me take absence despite I'm sick (and clearly suffering at work). I understand that everyone might be affected in our team because we all get extra overtime if one is absent. Also I already filed a resignation letter (my country has a 30 day render rule) stating I can't work anymore because I have gotten ill and unhealthy. He signed it and such and I thought we had an agreement that I am sick but just rendering the needed days.

Though as time pass by my health had deteriorated rapidly and I'm suffering from Laryngitis right now. I pleaded him to spare me a day to rest and ask a doctor about it. He refused and threatened me to file an immediate resignation or be terminated. I was forced and had no choice but to come in to work. I was suffering for whole eight hours of work and my customers bearing with my hoarse voice and also straining my throat to the point I could taste iron (blood) in my mouth. I had to go to the clinic to go get a numbing spray to continue because resting will just get me shamed as always. I endured until it was an hour left in our shift. My throat feels like it was grinded with a razor and I was almost in tears. I had to approach the second manager to let me go to the clinic again and agreed because he felt pity. I asked the clinic in our office and our higher management for clarifications regarding the render if I do warrant a termination for taking rest. They said I won't but I'm afraid my supervisor will reject my required rest given from my doctor (I went to get checked) and force me to immediately resign and not render. I want to finish my last days because I truely enjoy my work but I feel like I don't belong in our team no matter how much great scores I get for our observations.

I just like want to ask if this is abuse or not? What do you think? For working individuals, is this fair? For students, would you be happy if you were forced to be expelled or leave the school just for being sick?

If the above was too personal the mods have the right to remove my thread btw. Thank you.
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No that is not fair, wtf is wrong with your workplace? Also no if you have a period before you actually have to leave it should count as working days and you should be able to call sick. Also your system with people forcing overtime if someone is not at work sounds pretty... uh messed up.
It's why I asked our higher management for clarifications. I explicitly stated I have health issues as my reason for resigning and this counts. I don't want to pay for the days I haven't rendered because I was forced to resign/terminated. I have screenshots of our talk just in case the higher management demands proof. Including my attempt to communicate with him privately and directly. He had to shot me down in our work group chat which felt humiliating.
I dunno if you can contact a trade union where you live or otherwise, but that'd be a good start and they can support you talking to the management and such.
I call that RUDE that is not right they must don't care if you die (I know you wouldn't but just as an example) even though I can tell you are an amazing person hope you have gotten better.
That's ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING for what they are doing to you! You've clearly stated that your health is in poor condition and yet force you to keep on working?!?! This is madness. If I were you, I would resign and just find a different place to work. You've already dealt so much and I don't think it's worth working there with people would would abuse their power and such. Now, I'm not sure where you live but don't you have some kind of right to report this behaviour?
This is not ok at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not even legal. You can't help being sick, and you should have the right to medical attention without being verbally abused.
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It's impossible to tell whether or not it is illegal unless we know where you're from. It sounds like you're not from the US/Canada. If this is a violation of worker's rights in your country the best thing to do is contact your manager's boss. If that is not possible, legal authorities are the best option. Furthermore, you may want to tip off the press about this if it isn't commonplace in your country.
Every workplace both my partner and I have had were like this. Unfortunately, it seems like the less you get paid and the harder you work, the worse you're treated... my parents never went through this kind of thing, so they would always tell me that it definitely is abuse and I need to leave, but sometimes it seems like it's the only option... I'm sorry this is happening to you and I hope you are able to find a job where they treat you better. This is not by any means okay, but it is also not uncommon, which makes it so much scarier.
I’m so sorry you’re in this position. :(
I’m not sure what your country has in terms of laws protecting workers, but from a moral and ethical standpoint this definitely isn’t OK.

Do you read the blog Ask a Manager? Alison has tons of great scripts to use with your employer and advice for handling situations like this.
It's impossible to tell whether or not it is illegal unless we know where you're from. It sounds like you're not from the US/Canada. If this is a violation of worker's rights in your country the best thing to do is contact your manager's boss. If that is not possible, legal authorities are the best option. Furthermore, you may want to tip off the press about this if it isn't commonplace in your country.

I'm from Philippines! Work laws here are kinda flimsy actually but abuse can be reportable but takes time...I think.
Making someone work while they are sick is definitely not okay. If it were me I would just leave the company and never come back. I wasn’t sick like that, but I left my first job from a couple years ago because I didn’t like the people I worked with at all. The job I have now when I’m not in university is much better. I hope you get time to rest and feel better soon. :)
Making someone work while they are sick is definitely not okay. If it were me I would just leave the company and never come back. I wasn’t sick like that, but I left my first job from a couple years ago because I didn’t like the people I worked with at all. The job I have now when I’m not in university is much better. I hope you get time to rest and feel better soon. :)

My leader just replied today and told me I was a ****ty person for being absent. I just cried my eyes out and I'm going today as promised to show the medical certificate but I felt I had no value at all and useless. I'm asking the HR today if I can have an exception and be released or resign immediately because of what happened.
I'm so sorry to hear this... This isn't right at all... Is this common in the Philippines?
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My leader just replied today and told me I was a ****ty person for being absent. I just cried my eyes out and I'm going today as promised to show the medical certificate but I felt I had no value at all and useless. I'm asking the HR today if I can have an exception and be released or resign immediately because of what happened.

If anyone is acting ****ty in this situation it's your leader - not you. You are not useless & you're a very strong person to have worked through all of this. Your leader is a jerk who doesn't seem to have simple human compassion. It's not like you wanted to get sick or wanted to lose your voice. No one wants to feel poorly or be in pain. Your leader is definitely being emotionally abusing.

I'm terribly sorry you had to go through this on top of not feeling well. I hope you can get out of there as soon as possible.
It?s not abuse. It?s immoral and wrong, but not abuse.

I can?t really help you, either. The unfortunate situation is hat most of us are forced to work when sick. People lose their jobs for chronic illnesses. Disability is hard to get, and inadequate. It?s a situation a lot of us are also sucked into without a way out. (For the US.)
Omg, that is wrong on so many levels. You might end up in the hospital if your manager keeps forcing you to come into work. You need to get out of that job as soon as you can because it seems like you're being targeted in a vicious fashion, running you into the ground to the point it's making your terribly sick physically & mentally. This may seen a bit over the top but do you understand how this situation is very dangerous to your life? Please save yourself and never return to that office again. I been down this road before, trust me.
This is completely unfair! I'm not sure what it's like where you live but do you have any kind of work unions that can help support your case? I'd definitely consider seeking help from a union or perhaps a government support system if there's any in place for you to access, just to find out the legalities of the situation.
I've been in a very similar situation, I was seriously ill and my boss was making it very difficult to allow me time to go to doctors appointments and blood tests, to the point I had a full on anxiety attack in front of customers and they had to let me leave. They don't seem to understand that healthy workers tend to be happy ones!

I really hope you feel better soon and manage to get things sorted <3