Island Living: A Photo Journal

Island/Town Name
I enjoy visiting Tangy at home because I love the way her house is decorated! So fruity! Everything's fruity! (I don't like fruits in real life. But I like the way they look and smell. I just don't like eating them. :LOL: ) The colours are great. Bright colours make me happy. (Again, I like looking at brightly coloured things. I collect them. But in real life, I'm mostly dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans. I will not wear anything brightly coloured. o_O ) I always take too many screenshots when I visit Tangy. And I'm not stopping. :p
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This makes me want to have Tangy! Never thought about it
Jitters, my pint-sized jock, is pretty much a loner. I rarely see him interact with the other islanders. He's friends with Claude, his next door neighbour who visits him. But, compared to the hyperactive Dom, my other jock, Jitters seems to enjoy being alone and quiet. He's either home working out or crafting, or taking long walks around the island. Have I mentioned that I love his wide-eyed expression? I believe he looks the way I feel. All the time. :oops::LOL:

Today, I found both Jitters and Dom on the beach. Jitters was walking around with his net; Dom was zooming around like a mildly crazed jet plane. They had their first conversation together. It wasn't anything particularly eye-opening or memorable but I was glad it happened. Despite my fondness for Jitters, I don't plan on keeping two jocks on my island. Either Jitters or Becky will be the next one moving out.
Just another day on the island where I zip around doing my chores while my villagers relax in the sun without a care in the world. Also, aren't Rolf's sky-blue toe beans the cutest thing?! 😃
The Bug-Off was fun! I enjoy catching insects more than I do fishing. After exchanging my points for a full set of prizes, I did play some more so I have a few extras. The shirt, backpack and doorplate are my favourite. I plan on giving the extra shirts, umbrellas and doorplates to my bug-loving lazy islanders.
Rain! I do love it. I hope to see a storm soon, a big one with lightning and thunder. I have not experienced one in the game yet although I've seen other players' screenshots and they looked cool and dramatic. Right now, it's just a lot of heavy rain. But even that won't stop Tangy from singing her heart out at the plaza. 🎤
I love your pictures! They are so gorgeous! Do you use another program to edit them after you take the pictures or are they all-natural with the ACNH filters?
I love your pictures! They are so gorgeous! Do you use another program to edit them after you take the pictures or are they all-natural with the ACNH filters?

Thank you!

I do edit them. With a photo editing software called PhotoScape. It's free. Just google for it and download. I do recommend it because it's so easy to use. I've been using it for years. A lot of fun!
Claude is the last of my starter villagers. I've no intention of moving him out because he makes me happy! This means his home is not "original". But I've known Claude for so long and he's never complained about his so-called starter interior. He's told me that he loves his log bench because it fits his butt perfectly. :LOL: I've gifted him furniture and accessories that I feel complemented what he already had. His interior looks fine to me, it's no less appealing than his "original" one would have been. It's Claude's home and, as long as he's happy in it, so am I. :)
Had fun in the sea today! The very first sea creature I managed to find was the sea anemone. I'm keeping it in the house because it looks pretty in its tank. Pascal did pop up and give me a DIY for a scallop I'd picked up. Can't wait to go diving tonight and see if I can catch different creatures.
I get excited every time I see my islanders talking to each other. Before I drop in on the conversation, I like to imagine what they might be talking about. Is Wolfgang asking Raymond for fashion advice? Or is he suggesting that Raymond do something about his inclination to pepper his speech with bombastic and foreign words? :unsure:
Dom is the only villager on my island with the "play" hobby, so I guess that explains the amount of running he does every day. He runs more than he walks. Every single day. On the beach, in the bamboo forest, at the plaza. He just runs all the time. Whenever I spot him not running, I'm amazed. And when I see him get distracted by a butterfly, and actually follow it taking small, slow steps, I take pictures.