Thought bubbles. I'd been seeing them a lot lately. There have been requests to play a game, sell or buy an item. Today, Fuchsia wanted me to run an errand and Wolfgang asked if his catchphrase still works. Then, Maelle asked to leave. I was surprised, but I said yes. No resident request to leave is an easy choice. I like all my islanders. I like Maelle. But I know the game would become stale for me if I stopped looking forward to meeting new animals. So, yeah, I'll be doing some mystery island hopping in a couple of days! 🏝
I spotted Wolfgang, who is indisputably this island's Most Voracious Reader, on the beach. Reading.
But the highlight of the day belongs to Fuchsia. I mean, she has
so much backstory! None of my other residents, not even the ones who have been with me the longest, has half as much personal history or character development as she has. Unpopular opinion ahead: I feel like the uchi personality is the best written one. She's talked about the island she grew up on, her grandparents, her parents, her father's birthday present, the neighbour kid, her tone-deaf friend, the old woman in the park, the band she was a part of, then how they broke up, a fancy dinner party she didn't enjoy, etc. And today, another story that's a first for my ears.
