Island Tune/Town Tune Maker - Make Town Tunes for Each Other

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Hey man! I really appreciate what your doing for the community! I had my hand at creating a tune that resembles the song I wanted but it sucked lol. I would really appreciate if you had a go at trying to recreate it. Thank you in advance! (It's ok if the song gets cut off a bit since it might be a tiny bit longer than usual.)

Hello! could you please do Kakyoin Noriaki's theme from JJBA? from the seconds 0:41 to 0:45? thank you in advance!
Hey! I'm new to this and I'm glad I found this thread. I need your help, is it possible you can help me with this song or two? :(
I need help with the chorus or like from seconds (0:20-0:25)

or this one, from seconds (0:01-0:05)

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it! :)
@KoalaTux Here is "Tarkov Theme.":


Low E, all other notes high. It's not quite accurate. The second to last A should really be an A flat, but it's not possible with a town/island tune. This is as close as I could get. I hope this works for you anyway. Let me know if you want me to do a different song.
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@Amelia-kuma I've done "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST 09 Virtuous Pope" before here:

But I think you requested a different part than I did previously, so here's the part you asked for:


Low E, all other notes high.

@theRascals Here is "Peach Tree Rascals - Mariposa":


Low E and D, all other notes low.

Here is "Peach Tree Rascals - not ok (Lyric Video)":


All the low notes.
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@MrsEdm Here is "The drunk Scotsman (lyrics)":


All the low notes.
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Lastly, (since the limit is 3 lol) Is it possible you can you help me with the same video but during seconds (0:12-0:17)

@theRascals Here is that part of "Peach Tree Rascals - not ok (Lyric Video)":


All the low notes or all the high notes will work.

And if you have more requests, you can make three more tomorrow, and every day after that. :)
Hopefully this hasn’t been requested before, I tried my best to search before requesting but it’s frustrating on an iPad.

Could I please get the first few seconds of This as well as a version when the melody starts around 00:16?
Thank you so much!
@lPeachy Here is "Stardew Valley OST - Fall (The Smell of Mushroom)":


Low C, all other notes high.

Or, to fit in more notes by increasing the tempo:


Low C, all other notes high. But it's a slow song, so the slower tempo felt more accurate to me. You can use whichever one you like, of course. :)



High G, all other notes low. If you want to add the last note of that musical phrase, it's a low G, but you'll have to remove at least one sustain line - somewhere else in the tune, which will change the timing and make the song sound different.
Hello! I did my very best to make sure that this song was not already requested my sincerest apologies if it already was.
I wanted to get a town tune/island tune of this song from 0:28 to 0:44 if possible! Thank you so much in advance! :)(y)
@sarif Here is "Best VGM 888 - Deus Ex - Main Theme":


First C and the first two B's are high, last C and B and all other notes are low. The musical phrase was too long to fit into a town/island tune, so I made it three lines long. You can use two of the lines as they are, or try removing sustain lines - or rests z to fit more notes in, though this will change the timing of the song andmake it sound different.
Hi! I think nobody requested it yet, so may I request a tune based of this song if possible?

Part is from 0:15/0:16 - 0:20

@Scrapper Here is "Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia":


Low E, all other notes high. The musical phrase was too long to fit into a town/island tune, so I made it three lines long. You can use two of the lines as they are, or try removing sustain lines - or rests z to fit more notes in, though this will change the timing of the song and make it sound different.
Hi:) Can i request this song :

- Troye Sivan - Take Yourself Home (
). (I would like when the beat or when he sing the lyrics take yourself home, or whatever the time, i want to recognize it :) )
- Troye Sivan - Bloom (

Thnaks you :)
@AxelDchamps Sorry, but I'm not familiar with "Troye Sivan - Take Yourself Home (Lyric Video)" so I don't know which part you were referring to, so I just did the beginning:


All the low notes or all the high notes will work.

If you want me to do a different part, please tell me which seconds of the video it plays during, and I'll be happy to make it into a town/island tune for you.

Here is "Troye Sivan - Bloom":


High G, low E. I did the beginning of this one, too, so let me know if you want a different part, and which seconds of the video it plays during if so.
Take yourself home : (2m30 to 2m50)
Bloom : (1m23 to 1m35)

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@AxelDchamps Sorry, but I'm not familiar with "Troye Sivan - Take Yourself Home (Lyric Video)" so I don't know which part you were referring to, so I just did the beginning:


All the low notes or all the high notes will work.

If you want me to do a different part, please tell me which seconds of the video it plays during, and I'll be happy to make it into a town/island tune for you.

Here is "Troye Sivan - Bloom":


High G, low E. I did the beginning of this one, too, so let me know if you want a different part, and which seconds of the video it plays during if so.
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