The music.
There are songs I hate like Baby it's Cold Outside and Up on the House Top, but there are also songs I love like We Three Kings, or Winter Wonderland. And I really like instrumental Christmas music. Also if someone has a cool one to recommend me I am all ears.
I actually gave in today, and started listening to some Christmas music. I have some missing videos in my playlist
And I just realized the OP asked for Thing and not Things so I guess for adventurers, you get bonus content.
There are songs I hate like Baby it's Cold Outside and Up on the House Top, but there are also songs I love like We Three Kings, or Winter Wonderland. And I really like instrumental Christmas music. Also if someone has a cool one to recommend me I am all ears.
I actually gave in today, and started listening to some Christmas music. I have some missing videos in my playlist

And I guess something that kinda pertains to this category is singing Christmas songs with a group of people. This kind of thing only happens at church anymore, but when I was a kid, sometimes we would do this at school, or in girl scouts. Mom also use to do this with me when I was really little.
I also like Sugar Cookies with fun shapes like trees or stars, and that colored sugar sprinkle on it to give it some color that people sometimes make. I don't make them, because I am not a fan of rolling out dough and storing it in the fridge. I guess I am too impatient for that and would rather just blob it on a pan so it can be done faster.
I like seeing lights displayed in public places, but don't expect to see much of that for a while considering the energy crisis in the world. Even if a nation could, I think they really shouldn't. As an adult, I know more about the worth of things we often take for granted that as a kid I never really gave it much thought. I think there are more solar powered light décor now than when I was a teen which is good and hopefully more of that would be chosen.
Oh! and I like seeing window clings. That is more of a year round thing for me though. Holiday related or not, window clings are neat.
I am also ok with going to a family dinner if they aren't in stress mode. But it still makes me uneasy.
Other than that, honestly I don't really care for the holidays, and would kinda like to just skip them. As a kid I always thought it was kinda Grinchy for people to go away to "skip the holidays", but now that I am older, I get it. Some people just want simplicity and are just tired of expectations, demands, attempted guilty trips, and criticism over whatever. And if you are working during the holidays, you have my sympathy.
I also like Sugar Cookies with fun shapes like trees or stars, and that colored sugar sprinkle on it to give it some color that people sometimes make. I don't make them, because I am not a fan of rolling out dough and storing it in the fridge. I guess I am too impatient for that and would rather just blob it on a pan so it can be done faster.
I like seeing lights displayed in public places, but don't expect to see much of that for a while considering the energy crisis in the world. Even if a nation could, I think they really shouldn't. As an adult, I know more about the worth of things we often take for granted that as a kid I never really gave it much thought. I think there are more solar powered light décor now than when I was a teen which is good and hopefully more of that would be chosen.
Oh! and I like seeing window clings. That is more of a year round thing for me though. Holiday related or not, window clings are neat.
I am also ok with going to a family dinner if they aren't in stress mode. But it still makes me uneasy.
Other than that, honestly I don't really care for the holidays, and would kinda like to just skip them. As a kid I always thought it was kinda Grinchy for people to go away to "skip the holidays", but now that I am older, I get it. Some people just want simplicity and are just tired of expectations, demands, attempted guilty trips, and criticism over whatever. And if you are working during the holidays, you have my sympathy.