January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

Boy, the game really wants me to have Rocket. She's come up a lot in my resetting.

I'm gonna take a lunch break here in a minute and then maybe play some Fallout 4 for a while. Don't want to drive myself crazy with this.
Thank you!!
Side note: I've made a tiny little hybrid garden, trying to breed myself some purple roses. I've planted them like this:
xoxox X=Flower O=Empty

How do you guys plant your hybrid gardens? Does the orientation make a difference?

I tend to do mine like so:


The placement doesn't really matter too much, but the above placement does give them the most possible spots to grow, if I'm correct, that is.

Good luck on the hybrids! I'm working on blue roses already. Still need one more hybrid red rose, though.

- - - Post Merge - - -

It asked for permission, so I requested access.
I used an very old email btw..


I use this. Very useful. Updates hourly and tells you what is currently available for catch.
I'm four days late, but I ended up doing this challenge on accident kind of... A little story here, when I was playing my 3ds it was about 11:00 before the New Year and I noticed the time on my DS was off saying I was a minute into the new year so I fixed it and when I revisited my town everyone said I was gone for a year, Sylvia already moved in, Vladimir moved, and weeds were everywhere so I was confused, then realized I didn't fix the date so I time traveled, and I didn't want to play in a town I time traveled in so I just simply started the whole thing over, I was very irrated but I did reset before then when my break started soooo I didn't lose years of progress.... Uh, I'll just post the progress I've made so far.
Mayor name and town name I kept
Name: Rey Town Name: Sodosopa Fruit: Cherry
My starting villagers:
Baabara, Bettina, Lucky, Vladimir (The irony), and Bill
The first day I made the town was a pain since the Town Hall was closed, I made a perfect Snowmam and got the entire Ice Set and made my money that way, luckly the Nookling place had a Net. I caught all the bugs I could (Mole Cricket, pill bug, and Bee) to donate, have yet to see a Bagworm and I can't catch a dung beetle to save a life. So much salt about the town hall being closed. Oh and Chrissy made her plot as well.

Day two, I breezed through all of Isabelle's advice and my house was built. I made bank off of Snowmam and bought all these things for my house, new fence, roof and such but I waited to Upgrade (As in I forgot how to till yesterday) and caught a bunch of stuff to donate, donated all my fossils. I made Snowboy and he told me off on making him imperfectly. I also paid off my entire house loan as well as buying a bunch of upgrades. Also 100% approval rating!

Third day I didn't do much, upgraded my house finally, Tortimer came and I talked to him, Julian made his plot, and I basically played to get my clothes, fossils, water flowers, get money rock, then didn't play as I was busy the rest the day.

Today I get my Island access though and plan to work on the mermaid set since I have the roof already.
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Caught a stringfish! Donated it immediately. Also caught a centipede and a few fish I was missing. Bill has plotted and will be moving in tomorrow.
Day 2 Summary:
Isabelle told me to visit her at town hall.
Talked to Caroline and visited Katrina to get a fortune.
Got a good fortune :D
Starting Permit is 17…….
Sent Mail, Did Shopping
Checked Out new House…
Created a Snowtyke
Found that Muffy is moving in near my house…
Talked to Willow, she gave me clothes…
Caught a Pillbug, Donated to Museum..
Donated Fossils
Did some fishing, donated and sold them.
Paid off first loan..
Permit now at 60%
aaaah i want deirdre so badly why is this so hard.
plot resetting is a pain QQ
thanks kit for adding me to the blog list!
i feel like i miss a lot on here because i can only visit the forum on mobile right now <_<
Hey all! Does anyone have apples? Carmen wants one :)

Also pears grew back in my town and I'm going to give them away to fellow 1/1 challengers who need them (just ask!)
Day 2 Summary:
Isabelle told me to visit her at town hall.
Talked to Caroline and visited Katrina to get a fortune.
Got a good fortune :D
Starting Permit is 17…….
Sent Mail, Did Shopping
Checked Out new House…
Created a Snowtyke
Found that Muffy is moving in near my house…
Talked to Willow, she gave me clothes…
Caught a Pillbug, Donated to Museum..
Donated Fossils
Did some fishing, donated and sold them.
Paid off first loan..
Permit now at 60%

What do you think of the spreadsheet?
Boy, the game really wants me to have Rocket. She's come up a lot in my resetting.

I'm gonna take a lunch break here in a minute and then maybe play some Fallout 4 for a while. Don't want to drive myself crazy with this.

Lol. When I was trying to find a town, it kept giving me Beau, then Bam, then PomPom. One of those were in almost every town, for a while. At one point, it was Bam Beau, Fauna and Diana. It was ridiculous, lol.
I got so much done today omg ;u;
Got a wetsuit
Paid for beautiful town ordinance
Paid off campsite
Went to Crazy Redd's who had two real paintings today (hate it when that happens >:U)
Got my hair done at a friend's town
Unlocked intermediate island tours
I did start a tad early (8pm Dec 31st I believe?) as I wanted to see the fireworks and was able to pay off the first loan that night with a Marlin I found ;3
I'm getting an ugly penguin in my town so I'm just going to ignore her until she leaves, which will be a little while. She's in a pretty meh spot too.

I've been growing black roses primarily, I'm going to rush a perfect town and let 'em wilt. This is how I'm growing.


Honestly, this is the optimal pattern if I remember correctly if you're only trying to water a specific patch. If you want a specific flower, only water that patch, and you're very likely to get hybrids. I'm not even focusing and I have 4-5 hybrids so far.
Also, I have nearly all the fruit grown back in from when I planted (except pears, my sister sold them all because they were on premium haha). If you need some, let me know. I will be on for a little more today.
Also, I have nearly all the fruit grown back in from when I planted (except pears, my sister sold them all because they were on premium haha). If you need some, let me know. I will be on for a little more today.

I need every fruit except peaches and cherries! May I come to get some? :eek: