January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

Wow. I missed a lot of **** in here.
I got a mermaid bed and Club Tortimer membership ^-^
Expanding the second story. It'll be done tomorrow. Currently trying to rack up some medals.
Colton wanted to move, but...nah. Drilling Rig is up and going. I like it. It brings back memories (I've seen a lot of them, whilst on vacation).
(Day 11)
The post office sent a gift for saving 500,000bells.
Also received the genuine piece of art from Redd’s.
Got 16,000 Bells from a Rock!
Return a lost tie to Cobb. He was the 2nd to last villager of all to claim it.
Built a perfect Snowboy.
It turned out that I had good luck today because all the trees and rocks gave me double bells.
Paid off second floor loan, and the house will be expanding.
So I am looking to borrow a gold watering can for one of my withering black roses. Someone has offered to sell me a gold can for 35 tbt and a gold set for 100. Tho it does not say anything against it in the rules, something about it feels cheaty. Any advice? Do I just borrow one or can I buy one?
So I am looking to borrow a gold watering can for one of my withering black roses. Someone has offered to sell me a gold can for 35 tbt and a gold set for 100. Tho it does not say anything against it in the rules, something about it feels cheaty. Any advice? Do I just borrow one or can I buy one?

Nothing wrong buying tools with TBT...
I did some late night fishing in Moonvale and finally caught an Oarfish! Donated that, of course. Sold a bunch of fish at Retail and almost made enough to finish paying off the $198,000 expansion. I should be able to completely pay for it tomorrow.
How do you guys unlock things so fast?

I really want to cry becasue I'm so far behind

I"m too poor to move on in my town like people do
Just playing the game daily should be enough. The first week will be the slowest really, you should try to fill that time by catching as many bugs and fish as the season will allow. Try and push for that second house upgrade as it will unlock the island. Once you have access to the island, grind the beetles from 7pm-11pm as they can be sold for some major cash. I usually settle for having 1m-1.5m in reserves for turnips. Through the stock market, you can increase your funds easily if you know how the stock market works. However, there is a more effective way of selling turnips. You can go to the turnip thread and wait for someone to post their turnip prices, someone usually has their for over 500 bells each at least once a week. It will take around 7 mil bells to max out your house and you should always have more than that for public works projects. I always invest in the stock market as early as I can since I consider grinding to be the worst part of any game.

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Other things to consider playing your game is to water any plants that need watering or just the ones that you want to breed. I also purchase any item in the stores to add to my catalogue. If you really feel like slacking off, make a mental note of the most important things to further progress in your town, such as donating to blathers on a daily basis to unlock the cafe, purchasing items from the shop to unlock upgrades, checking up on stock prices (if prices are good, getter get comfortable as selling them can take some time), upgrading your house, watering your plants. Animal crossing, as you should be well aware of now, is not a game that provides everything right away. Many players devote a lot of time to their towns in order to make them look good.

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You know that feeling where you put your foot in your mouth multiple times in one post? No just me? w/e. This thing is going on for a whole year so there is no rush at all. Well maybe for the challenges. If you still need the fruits I can help you out with that. As for money. . . you already missed a week of turnips so yeah, your behind. Guess what, you still have 50 more weeks to go and you still have 3 days to earn money for turnips. (Unless you want to wait another week)

Edit: TL;DR :
Need money?
Grind Beetles as usual, invest in the stock market, get rich by using someone else's epic turnip prices.

Feeling left behind?
Don't sweat it, we will be doing this for a year, 1 week won't make a huge difference.

Need Help?
Ask. . .
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Payed off the Dream Suite and my second floor to my house. Campsite had Violet who I'm not too big a fan of.
Day 13: Usually I'd have all my paths planned out by now but for some reason I'm enjoying just taking it slowly and building them gradually. I managed to get a few bush starts from a friend so I've planted a nice variety of them in my main spots of town. I've pretty much sorted my town hall area, re-tail area, plaza and front of the station and a few other 'areas'. Now it's just a case of linking them together as I get more flowers ^-^

It was also my first ever meteor shower in this town :D




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Day 14

Dr Shrunk greeted me this morning! So I collected signatures for him and gave them back.
Kicks also opened. and dream suit to!
Katrena was on the event plaza so managed to do that to.
Also got a pro diver badge and made a snowboy (finally!)
Got a helm from Pascal.

I think i have all the fruits to! All from going to island tours, and think im just missing lemons!
Other then that al the usual stuff going on in Sherwood!
It's Velma's birthday today! I wonder how old she is. Me and Fang were there to celebrate with her and I gave her a pair of used military pants as a present. She seemed to like them.

T&T Mart is being built and Tabby decided to move out on the 19th. My hybrid breeding is finally bearing fruit (as are my perfect pear trees). Also the first villager to sit on a bench in Journey is Hippeux! I'm chilling with him right now. Lucy is relaxing on a nearby tree stump. So cute! What isn't though is that she picked up Clay's catchphrase.
Shrunk was creepin' outside my house this morning. Got all the signatures. So, Club LOL should be done soon. Got to donate more art, since Redd was in town yesterday. Didn't get a PWP request. So, I just put up a cutout thing with Lumpy space princess on it.
Nobody is in the campsite, again. Lief had an axe. So, I chopped some ****. Thinking about buying a golden axe but I kind of want to work for it, as I've never gotten one on my own before. Also, got a mermaid closet. Hopefully I can get a pwp request. The top story is expanded. So, I can fit more stuff now. Had Cyrus change up my baby bear. So, it fits with the room better.

I'm thinking that at the end of the year I'll take the screenshots and make a video with them. It'll be nice.

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Also, Kit, could you update my Mayor and town name info? I had changed it. It's now Mayor ?Axis? of Playland ^-^
Nookling Junction will be closing tomorrow to expand! Finally!
Cyrus has also woken up from his sleep! Unsure if I have anything I want for him to change just yet.
I built another Snowboy, who ended up didn't like how he was a built, I thought I built him fine..
I set up the fund for the Town's Fountain and paid it off.

Since the main floor in my house is expanded all the way, and I have the second floor expanded as well (the 498,000 loan). I am now considering series to throw into my house. Right now I am considering the cabana series for my main floor, along with some changes to make it my own. Anyone else have some series suggestions?

I have always done the Rococo Series, but I want to stay away from that this time.
cyrus woke up! i think it was thanks to my beetle hunt a few days ago haha
also, shrunk was there and i collected all signatures! :3
kicks is still building... hope he will open up soon!
i also changed my hair color to red and got myself a new qr outfit c:
ah and moe wanted to move out but i dont let him.. you just moved in cutie cat D:
here is my mayor and my house right now :D

Finally done with today's errands (stupid real life stuff :p ) . I need to plot reset Julian in one of my other towns first.....and he's being a pain about landing in a decent spot....ugh. But, hopefully I'll be able to boot up Moonvale soon (glares at Julian).
Just got Francine yesterday, so now i'm plot resetting her in a decent spot and not near my house, or a future bridge spot.
Just got Francine yesterday, so now i'm plot resetting her in a decent spot and not near my house, or a future bridge spot.

Eyyy I got Chrissy myself!

Also, I'm going for all Fairytale themed things and Bettina was sweet enough to recommend the Fairy tale clock I love her.

I also hoarded axes so now I'm doing operation cut and replant all trees.
Today in Moonvale:
- Nooklings will close for remodeling tomorrow
- Cyrus woke up. I rarely, if ever, use his services, tho
- I paid off my $198,000 loan, so I'll get my 2nd floor tomorrow
- Kicks still hasn't finished construction
- Rudy wants me to catch him a Koi, so I'll try to do so
- I made another Bingo Snowman
- I got a Snowman TV from the Snow Boy I made yesterday