January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

Hey folks! Sorry for not posting much as of late. I'm still playing every day, don't you worry!

Club LOL finally opens today, so I'm looking forward to finally getting some emoticons and music finally. Also, Rory moved out today.
Rod moved in today and Tabby is in boxes. I made a giveaway thread for her and am hoping that someone wants to adopt her!

Today I got my second hybrid red rose which means I'm one step closer to getting blue ones! Last time it took months for me to breed my first blue roses. Hopefully this time they'll spawn faster.

Aside from that, nothing much happened. Crazy Redd was in town for the third time but I always forget to mention him. Also I saw something very hilarious. I was coming back home from the island when I decided to check if there were any coelacanths on my beach since it was snowing. I found Fang from the edge of the beach. There he was, all alone, and furious. He had steam coming out of his head and he was stomping his feet on the ground. It was so funny. I don't know what happened. There was no one else there, just him.


I wish I had a better pic, with the steam and all.

Hold on. This took embarrassingly long but now I know what happened.
He must have fallen into a pitfall I had buried there! Omg... Poor Fang... I promise I didn't intend this!!
I spent a few hours last night earning medals, then going to Tortimer Island over and over til I found pieces of the Mermaid set. Managed to add 3 more pieces to my house, then I got tired of doing it. I'll probably do it all over again tonight, and every night, til I complete the set.

Awesome! Paula requested the Police Station today and I had enough bells to pay it all off :)

Placing it was a pain (dang you, Isabelle, for being so picky) but I finally got it into the area I wanted it in. Had to sacrifice a still-growing non-native cherry tree, but I have more of them so it wasn't a big loss.
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dizzy moved out and now i have to plot reset beau but i dont want to ugh xD

I don't think anyone actually wants to plot reset, but the horrors of what could happen if we don't compels us to do it.

I still think that we Mayors should have more say in where villagers can put their houses. It is OUR town after all.
I don't think anyone actually wants to plot reset, but the horrors of what could happen if we don't compels us to do it.

I still think that we Mayors should have more say in where villagers can put their houses. It is OUR town after all.

I just think we should be able to make housing plots, like those in City Folk. Isabelle would allow us to choose some (12-15) places where housing plots will be, and when a villager moves in they can choose one of those to build there house on. I don't think we should be able to place their houses, that makes no sense, but housing plots are totally logical and makes a lot more sense, also if you compare it to real world. Hopefully that'll happen in the next AC (NX)!
Molly plotted her lot like right in front of the town's only pond.
It's not that bad, I guess. After all, she is a Duck.

Also, Kick's is finally being built!
Phil moved in!

Built a bridge because my friend was complaining XD

I also got a pink rose!

I got 2 Badges, the bell bronze and the bell silver

I have 7 badges :)
(Day 19)
Got 10,000 HHA Points.
Pierce visited Celestia in the campsite.
Molly plotted her house, its at an okay place, near the retail, but directly in front of the town’s only pond. (Thought is a Duck.. so.. yeah..)
Did some shopping, and noticed that Kicks is being built!
A quick visit to the island.
Got club LOL going but other then that I haven't been able to get on very often. Going to get everyone to ping to see who wants to move.
Day 20th

The Museum second floor opened, and got a silver fishing rod & dig site floor.
Also Dr Shrunk opened today to and got my first emotion. Agreement. :)

and Moose is in my campsite and hes just a bit too creepy to be invited in my town lol.
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Sheldon was in my campsite today. He must be one of the villagers that I've hear least about. I had no idea what his name was before I talked to him. Didn't invite him in because I don't want 3 jocks in my town!

Otherwise it was p quiet today. I got 1 hybrid, bought a new mailbox, put more gyroids in my exhibition and donated a third piece of art to the museum. Timmy and Tommy have been selling lots of useful furniture as of late. I customized a couple of things today. I've been totally broke for a while so I really need to go beetle hunting when I'm less busy!
finally plot reseted beau, club lol opened, astrid wants to move out and i will let her go, placed a yellow bench and paid it off :D