In love with Gerard Way
If anyone is looking for an axe let me know! I've got one to give away![]()
Omg kit! I neeeeeeeed an axe! Can I have it please? ^-^
If anyone is looking for an axe let me know! I've got one to give away![]()
Omg kit! I neeeeeeeed an axe! Can I have it please? ^-^
Sure ^_^
In like 7 minutes lol I'm still PWP ping-resetting and I just got back in the water XD
Woohoo, I just got my first PWP request! Lucy thought that it would be a good idea to have an outdoor chair in town. I was hoping I would get a request soon. An outdoor chair is definitely something I'm going to build at some point, so I'm extra happy!
Have you guys gotten PWP requests yet?
Haven't updated in a while, but Marshal moved in!!!![]()
My other pings have been pretty useless as well. I'm glad Zucker ended up plotting in your town! Sorry he's not being cooperative though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope he plots well soon. : DNo, no pwp request, no nickname changes or anything. I've only gotten pinged a few times and it was to sell or buy stuff. :c
Also, Zucker is not being a bro about moving in, sheesh, I even found a few other places I'd be content with him in but he switches between the three most inconvenient places in my town ugh.
My other pings have been pretty useless as well. I'm glad Zucker ended up plotting in your town! Sorry he's not being cooperative though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope he plots well soon. : D
Haha that's great, way to go Zucker for finally realizing what to do! Good luck with your finals too lol!Right after I saw this he ended up in the exact spot I wanted him.Wow, you should spare some hope for me on the finals next week.Though now looking at it there's still a lot of space between it and Bettina but I still really love this spot!
Also yeah, I really want to change Barbara's catch phrase but no ping on it. She picked up Lucky's and it's just weird. Do you have any catch phrases you want changed?
Hopefully someone you don't like will ask you soon!
I'm currently doing the PWP request trick and made 2 villagers angry in the process of trapping them![]()
Woohoo, I just got my first PWP request! Lucy thought that it would be a good idea to have an outdoor chair in town. I was hoping I would get a request soon. An outdoor chair is definitely something I'm going to build at some point, so I'm extra happy!
Have you guys gotten PWP requests yet?
Ah I love the Moai Statue! Nice luck you had there! I'm wishing that I'd get it soon too. Last time I decorated the area around it with blue flowers and lucky clovers like this:Colton requested a Moai Statue yesterday. I was so excited to get my first pwp request lol.
It'll be up and done today![]()
Ah I love the Moai Statue! Nice luck you had there! I'm wishing that I'd get it soon too. Last time I decorated the area around it with blue flowers and lucky clovers like this:
View attachment 161464
Hoping to do something similar in my OYC town too.Do you have any ideas how you're going to decorate around the statue if you are?
Rosie requested a Caution sign too! Infact after an hour of PWP farming that's the only request I got, ad I got it before I even started!GRRRRRR! Day 3 of the Garden Shop and still no axe for sale. I always cut down a tree, then plant the new tree in the same I can't start my perfect peach orchard until Leif has an axe
Pashmina moved in. She's cute, but I really, REALLY dislike having her house right behind Town Hall, so I'll probably let her go when/if she wants to move.
Benjamin visited my house and stayed for at least 20 minutesI set my DS down, fixed, and ate lunch, tended to some laundry, came back to my DS and he was still wandering around my near-empty room. Silly doggie
Built, and paid off, the Camp Site todayDid some fishing, found the fossils, money rock and ore rock, ran a few errands for my villagers etc. Just a typical, slow day in Moonvale.
Annnnnnnnd, Puddles requested a Caution Sign. No, Puddles, I don't care how much you "need"'s ugly so I'm not building it.
I only really want Rory, Truffles, Agnes or Bettina to move out. Just a little unlucky. :b
Did he like build the PWPs around the villagers who requested them? That's a pretty cool idea!Oh, that's really cool.
I honestly have no idea. For now, I've got it by Colton's house (kind of doing what Chuggaaconroy did with villager's pwp requests).
I'll probably end up moving it, once I've got more stuff placed down. I didn't even think about decorating. I should. The blue looks really nice around it. I'll have to get more stuff down, before I can really get a feel of what to do. I've never actually had a town that I decorated. I spent a good few months on my very first town without even knowing what a PWP was, lol.