January update speculation


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May 23, 2017
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Let's start some harmless speculation 🤓
What do you guys hope to see in the next update?

Personally, I always liked Pavé's event and I hope they don't change a lot about it! For those who aren't aware: in NL there would be feathers floating around in the sky, and you'd have to catch the colour Pavé requests. In return he'll give you a furniture item from his set! I thought they were all very pleasing to the eye and fun to run around town trying to catch the ones you need :)
I assume we'll be getting DIYs instead of furniture and I also think they'll update the furniture set a bit to make it more modern-day, although it was one of the few special sets from NL which I thought were quite fitting in a house!
I think they'll also add some more emotes, like Pavé's dancing (at around the 20 second mark!), at least I know I'd love to be able to do that lol!

Apart from that, I hope they'll also add some more gameplay changes/updates that aren't limited to an event, kinda in the way they added diving and dreaming. I just don't expect them to add Brewster or Kappn/Tortimer's Island because it doesn't really seem to fit January, so perhaps something completely new will be coming? I'm not really sure what, though 🧐

Anyway, what do you guys think?
Pave is a given since his little face was in the icons. I'm not sure if the New Years is already updated in this game or not, but we will probably get cider/glow sticks. I never cared for his furniture in NL so anything they do can't be worst.

I wouldn't say I want it to be more modern. Animal Crossing isn't really about being modern/realistic. So if they make Pave's furniture more wacky, I won't object.

It will be really cold around this time of the year when the update rolls in. So it'd make sense for them to push Brewster and a hot cup of coffee to warm up your body. But I really don't expect to see much other than Pave/his holiday. The last few updates focused solely on Halloween, Turkey Day, and Toy Day. Other then that, we got pumpkins that were for the holidays and some emotions that the villagers had from day 1 (so they might've finally been able to implement them to the player's character)
Luckily I think New Year's will be the usual since there's not much you could change about it (fireworks and Redd etc). However, I do really hope they plan to keep and add the zodiac animals (one of my favorite sets in the game).

I was disappointed that Toy Day doesn't have you figure out what the villager's want like in New Leaf. It just felt more involved leading up to the holiday. So Hopefully Pave's event is more involved and has some nostalgia as you said from the New Leaf one.

Most of all, with any update, I just hope they throw in some more furniture items and sets. Especially some of the old ones (alpine, etc). :(
Luckily I think New Year's will be the usual since there's not much you could change about it (fireworks and Redd etc). However, I do really hope they plan to keep and add the zodiac animals (one of my favorite sets in the game).

I was disappointed that Toy Day doesn't have you figure out what the villager's want like in New Leaf. It just felt more involved leading up to the holiday. So Hopefully Pave's event is more involved and has some nostalgia as you said from the New Leaf one.

Most of all, with any update, I just hope they throw in some more furniture items and sets. Especially some of the old ones (alpine, etc). :(
Oh man the zodiac animals were so cute. I miss those and their little heads that bobbed when you toggled them.
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Oh! I thought it was a February update next? But I certainly won't say no to an earlier one 😉

And the only thing I'm willing to expect is Pave. Plus maybe a Valentine's event of some sort! I'd LOVE to see a little bit more of an event for that, maybe delivering cards to villagers? But not getting my hopes up.

New years is already set, it seems (I mean, I think this was a LATE January/Feb update at least, IDK why they'd hold off on adding New Years until after, lol), and...
I'm, like, 99% sure I saw a Chinese zodiac bobblehead and some adorable food/cider for New Years! It hasn't been released in the game yet, but I'm guessing dataminers/hackers found it.

TBH, we hit a clump of holidays this time of year- I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get much besides holiday stuff. Maybe something else small, like more reactions or scattered furniture, but I'm not holding out hope for really big changes. Not because I don't want them, but I've found getting my hopes up for big changes when they aren't promised is basically a guaranteed way to get disappointed 😝
I always wanted to dance with Pavé so I hope you're right about that appearing as a new reaction!
I wouldn't say I want it to be more modern. Animal Crossing isn't really about being modern/realistic. So if they make Pave's furniture more wacky, I won't object.

Ah well, what I mean with "more modern" isn't that the stuff needs to be super sleek. It can still be wacky. But like they did with pretty much all furniture sets, they kinda amped it up a little bit so it's actually more useful and a little less outdated, you know what I mean? Like I loved all the Halloween stuff and I thought it was a lot better than the previous Halloween sets.
I'm so excited for the confetti that will be falling magically from the sky! I hope they don't remove that! And I'm hoping the new Pave furniture set will be completely changed, just like the harvest set from Franklin was. I really didn't like the look of it.

My prediction is we will get even more new reactions - this time it will be dancing ones! The event itself will probably be pretty similar to how it was in New Leaf. I'm hoping there will be more to the update than Festivale. But I'm stumped as to what it will be
I seriously hope that the update doesn't only contain Festivale. There's also Valentines Day, but that isn't too big of an event. We usually just get letters and chocolate from villagers. I am hoping for more reactions. I need dancing reactions and not just the Shrunk Shuffle.

I doubt we'll be getting Groundhog Day because the Resetti brothers are not... present. I also doubt we'll get Shamrock Day because we don't have lucky clovers anymore.

I just hope we get Brewster and Gyroids... but that hope has always been dashed with every new update. But then again, they could be saving it for the game's first anniversary on March.
After the past updates, my expectations are pretty low so I don't expect much. Like what you said, it's probably only going to include festivale. However, Im hoping that nooks will finally go through another upgrade.
I'm looking forward to the hints they drop at the end of the video. Nothing about Pave has me particularly excited.
I wonder if they'll give zodiac furniture on new years, just like they did for new leaf!

I wonder if they'll do something Valentine's Day related. It would be cool to see a new NPC!
We may get a dancing reaction, it's already coded in the game, as you can see the animals dancing sometimes.
I seriously hope that the update doesn't only contain Festivale. There's also Valentines Day, but that isn't too big of an event. We usually just get letters and chocolate from villagers. I am hoping for more reactions. I need dancing reactions and not just the Shrunk Shuffle.

I doubt we'll be getting Groundhog Day because the Resetti brothers are not... present. I also doubt we'll get Shamrock Day because we don't have lucky clovers anymore.

I just hope we get Brewster and Gyroids... but that hope has always been dashed with every new update. But then again, they could be saving it for the game's first anniversary on March.
Man...all these holidays that we haven't heard anything about really bums me out that they're probably not going to add the bulk of them like they did in the other games.
January speculation. Well, according to the datamine we have some New Years items and the ox zodiac. I doubt they will add anything else. The only one that makes sense to me is Brewster and the gyroids. NH is supposed to be slow pace so everyone needs to chill and not get so pessimistic about the lack of Brewster. All in good time. The Roost will make its comeback. As for Pavé, I believe that we will probably get Carnivale themed OUTDOOR furniture. NH is afterall, focused on outdoor customisation so the Pave series wont be in.
Man...all these holidays that we haven't heard anything about really bums me out that they're probably not going to add the bulk of them like they did in the other games.
Yeah. There are so many events in previous games that are missing. NH focused on bigger holidays. The reason why this game felt so... uneventful.

It was great having May Day, Nature Day, and Museum Day. It added a little distraction. Too bad we didn't get anything else after that. Most events doesn't really have anything much happening. It usually just involves getting an item. So instead, those items were given to us through seasonal items on the Nook Stop.
Mark my words: we will know when Brewster is coming because they will tease him at the end of whichever vid comes out the month or season before it happens
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From my crystal ball, I see in the next update...

-A new round of villager-crafted DIY's to start off the New Year
-Gyroids and the Cafe added in

I do not see Valentine's Day/Festivale announced in this update - They will be added in early February, as introducing those in January would be way too early, considering less monumental those days really are.

I say this even though the Pave set was my all-time favorite set - and can't wait to see what they'll do with it in this game. ;_;
From my crystal ball, I see in the next update...

-A new round of villager-crafted DIY's to start off the New Year
-Gyroids and the Cafe added in

I do not see Valentine's Day/Festivale announced in this update - They will be added in early February, as introducing those in January would be way too early, considering less monumental those days really are.

I say this even though the Pave set was my all-time favorite set - and can't wait to see what they'll do with it in this game. ;_;
You may want to do a once over on your ball ;) The event may take place in Feb not Jan but Pavé is getting announced next update, they were already teased by Nintendo directly in the last video
iirc, the update is for late jan/early feb, right? so i can only imagine it'll be something small that's valentine's related (even though that's been exclusively tied to the roost until now) and then festivale + pave, since they don't tend to do much of anything else if there's an event included. maybe some QOL tweaks, new reactions, or villager house visits being added. i'm not getting my hopes up for much more than that.

as for festivale itself... i desperately want the furniture to remain the same. it was my main room in NL and i adored the whole series. unfortunately, i think it's going to go the way of the harvest, spooky, creepy and jingle furniture: scrapped completely or "modernized/minimalized". given how obsessed NH is with exterior decorating specifically (guess they forgot we have houses with six rooms), i imagine it'll all be replaced in favor of some outdoor festival-themed stuff that i, like most, will never have a use for.

hopefully the event itself, at least, remains the same as NL. it could be a bit of a grind sometimes but given how heavy they've pushed trading between players this time around, it should theoretically be easier to get missing pieces. i really don't want to see it simplified like toy day, halloween and even the harvest festival have been.

as for after that? i imagine the roost and brewster will probably be saved for march at this point, around the game's 1 year anniversary. winter made way more sense for coffee and a cafe imo but i suppose i could stretch to early spring and something about hot drinks washing away the last cold chills of winter.