January update speculation

It will undoubtedly include Pavé and a redesigned Pavé series. I really enjoyed the new version of the harvest festival set, so I hope they'll do a similar job with Pavé's. I don't know if Brewster will be a part of this update... Honestly, I don't think we'll see him before March or April.
It seems likely to me that we will see some new ways of designing your island. It would be nice to see new kinds of default paths on the Island designer app. I personally long for a way to customize cliffs and riversides, as it is imagined in this Twitter post from a while ago.

In my opinion, it would revolutionize the way my island looks.
However, house exteriors customization is much more likely to be included in a future update such as January's. Maybe we'll be finally able to live in a manor or in a Japanese castle, like in New Leaf. If they included such a feature, they would probably add new customization options, maybe with other architectural styles.

OMG you spoiler, i need that i it looks so pretty i wanna do that to my hills and river sides o_O
I'm expecting an extravagant redesign for the Pavé furniture, they can go wild with the theme. New reactions based around dancing seem almost like a given, based on the Halloween update, a few Nook Shopping seasonal items to celebrate minor holidays and another small QoL or feature like all previous updates have had.

I'm hoping that if there is a Valentine's day event/celebration, they don't limit it to "opposite gender" shenanigans. Developers have made a great job so far on that topic, so I'd prefer to not have anything at all than them pulling a forced view.

March update news is the one I'm more interested because it's when we're going to get a clearer view of their future plans. I have this idea/hope? that the second year of the game will be centered about expansion, featuring many items (including adding new items to the big holidays) and many other things- especially because Covid has defintely delayed lots of tiny updates. I'm also expecting paid DLC down the line.
At this point, I just want more furniture updates rather than uneventful events. I wish Nintendo will bring back both princess and gorgeous series next year.
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