January update speculation

Shortly after the game was released it was announced that ACNH will be getting regular updates for at least 3 years. Granted, we don't know the extent of these updates, so you using the term 'substantial' is hopefully wrong. If 3 years of updates just means 'here's some new hats' I'll be pissed lol
I remember an article saying that there could be updates for three years -- as in the interviewee could see that happening -- not that it was guarenteed.

I don't want to be right, but I can't base what I believe on what I want to be true.

This game has been important to me too and I am not trying to bum anyone out. I just think that high expectations could lead to bad feelings too.
Besides adding the WW and NL furniture and items back, I would like the path tool updated so they don't look so fake.

Give us a feathering and blending option, and more realistic paths.

I honestly thought this would have been an update by now.

Not a fan of fake paths so I use the in game paths, but they are still not as good as the natural dirt paths from NL.

Hopefully they will update these.
All I want is new dancing reactions. It would be the perfect time for them imo. Pave is such a fabulous character.
Catching floating feathers in the air would be cute!
I also think they could make a brand new beautiful pave furniture set. The previous one was bland. I feel like they could add a lot more colors into the new one.

My expectations are pretty low though since nintendo seems to disappoint more often than not nowadays.
i think the floating feather mechanic is super likely given how they've used it for maple leaves, snowflakes and cherry blossom petals thus far. unlike NL though, i think they'll probably be required as crafting materials like the eggs were during bunny week.
Luckily I think New Year's will be the usual since there's not much you could change about it (fireworks and Redd etc). However, I do really hope they plan to keep and add the zodiac animals (one of my favorite sets in the game).

I was disappointed that Toy Day doesn't have you figure out what the villager's want like in New Leaf. It just felt more involved leading up to the holiday. So Hopefully Pave's event is more involved and has some nostalgia as you said from the New Leaf one.

Most of all, with any update, I just hope they throw in some more furniture items and sets. Especially some of the old ones (alpine, etc). :(
actually they do about zodiac animals lol

we will get zodiac ox figurine soon xD

I only am really wanting a redesign of the pave series. Even though I like the NL version, I want to be able to incorporate some of the pieces realistically into my house. I also am really hoping I will still be able to wear the feathers, I really loved that : )
That interview gets taken out of context so often that the "3 years of updates" bit is now considered fact :< if you're talking about the producer interview after the game was released, all that's said is "we hope players will notice new things 1-2 years after release" (paraphrasing). They don't confirm anything beyond bunny day in that interview, iirc. I'll find it and edit it in. I don't mean to call you or specifically, I just see this passed around so often and accepted as the truth when they haven't confirmed anything beyond this first year, and it's very frustrating.
here's the interview, here's the part in question :
View attachment 345533
Sorry, guess I misinterpreted the " We want to make sure that in two years or three years down the road, players will still continue to find new surprises in the game. So we hope to create an update that you can do that with." part...

Would you mind clarifying that line for me please?
Sorry, guess I misinterpreted the " We want to make sure that in two years or three years down the road, players will still continue to find new surprises in the game. So we hope to create an update that you can do that with." part...

Would you mind clarifying that line for me please?
I don't blame you or anyone else for misinterpreting it, when I was looking for the article a bunch of sites had it deliberately framed that way for clicks.

I took it exactly as I phrased it, that "find new surprises" =/= "yeah we're updating it for 3 years". I just found 3 years of updates hard to believe when in the rest of the interview, they don't know if anything beyond bunny day.

A later interview with Doug Bowser (which I believe is linked in this thread now) seems a little more hopeful, but I'm going to taper my expectations as he's more of a spokesperson than a game developer.
I don't blame you or anyone else for misinterpreting it, when I was looking for the article a bunch of sites had it deliberately framed that way for clicks.

I took it exactly as I phrased it, that "find new surprises" =/= "yeah we're updating it for 3 years". I just found 3 years of updates hard to believe when in the rest of the interview, they don't know if anything beyond bunny day.

A later interview with Doug Bowser (which I believe is linked in this thread now) seems a little more hopeful, but I'm going to taper my expectations as he's more of a spokesperson than a game developer.
So you think it's along the lines of what I was originally worried about? The updates will be minor things like clothing items etc.?
So you think it's along the lines of what I was originally worried about? The updates will be minor things like clothing items etc.?
It's hard to say. I don't think it will be updated beyond its second year, if that. The next confirmed update after Pave, the Mario one, already seems pretty minor (then again, splatoon got the octo expansion pretty late into its life, iirc? So anything could happen) . I hope I'm wrong and that we get updates that add proper new features to the game, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
It's hard to say. I don't think it will be updated beyond its second year, if that. The next confirmed update after Pave, the Mario one, already seems pretty minor (then again, splatoon got the octo expansion pretty late into its life, iirc? So anything could happen) . I hope I'm wrong and that we get updates that add proper new features to the game, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
We can hope for a Welcome Amiibo scenario though :) That's when they added my much loved 'Desert Island Escape'. I'm still hoping for that lol
I don't blame you or anyone else for misinterpreting it, when I was looking for the article a bunch of sites had it deliberately framed that way for clicks.

I took it exactly as I phrased it, that "find new surprises" =/= "yeah we're updating it for 3 years". I just found 3 years of updates hard to believe when in the rest of the interview, they don't know if anything beyond bunny day.

A later interview with Doug Bowser (which I believe is linked in this thread now) seems a little more hopeful, but I'm going to taper my expectations as he's more of a spokesperson than a game developer.
After reading the interview with Doug Bowser, I suspect he talked about user-created content as a way of deflecting from the discussion about future updates. The idea being that players will still engage with the game two years from now because they will enjoy each other's creations (patterns and towns), not necessarily because there will be new game content.

I am glad that you also wanted to talk about this. I was worried my wanting to talk about this was an intrusion. And since I am sick and isolated at the moment, I was taking that harder than I should have been.
I'm guessing it'll just be paved and some new reactions and DIYs for January, though any furniture, quality of life, or any other additions at all would be great! As much as I miss Brewster I feel like he's not very likely to return in the next update since he's such a popular character that it would be weird to keep him as a surprise (when his return could be used to bring back players who lost interest in or gave up on new horizons). But i do hope he comes back soon! Around Valentine's Day or new horizon's birthday would be sweet.
It will undoubtedly include Pavé and a redesigned Pavé series. I really enjoyed the new version of the harvest festival set, so I hope they'll do a similar job with Pavé's. I don't know if Brewster will be a part of this update... Honestly, I don't think we'll see him before March or April.
It seems likely to me that we will see some new ways of designing your island. It would be nice to see new kinds of default paths on the Island designer app. I personally long for a way to customize cliffs and riversides, as it is imagined in this Twitter post from a while ago.

In my opinion, it would revolutionize the way my island looks.
However, house exteriors customization is much more likely to be included in a future update such as January's. Maybe we'll be finally able to live in a manor or in a Japanese castle, like in New Leaf. If they included such a feature, they would probably add new customization options, maybe with other architectural styles.
I think Nintendo needs to take notes from diehard fans lmao and just give the people what they want. Brewster, Kapp'n, Harriet/shampoodle, the police, the pelicans, Katrina, more buildings/a city-like area, and the rest of the staple and fun gameplay mechanics that make animal crossing what it is/was. I really truly don't understand why they removed everything and am still salty.
I think the only thing that is certain for now is that pave will be returning. I'm still hoping for Brewster to return, but I suppose that isn't likely at the moment.