Join Date Anniversary Thread

Today is my join date anniversary! It's been 9 years since I joined the forums which feels absolutely wild to me. 😭 I've taken a lot of breaks so I haven't been consistent throughout that time, but I still feel like I've come a long way! I've met some of my closest friends through here so I'll always be grateful for that. 💕
It's not my join date, but today marks 1 year since I was appointed as a moderator alongside @LadyDestani! It definitely hasn't felt like a whole year has gone by! Time moves too quickly, lmao
I can't believe it's already been a year! It really has gone by fast, but it's been so much fun!

Happy Mod Anniversary @~Kilza~! 🥳
today marks thirteen years since I joined this forum! if that didn't already date me a bit, I was also twelve years old when I joined 😂 so I've been a member here for over half of my life now haha.

I remember being very interested in Super Mario 64 at the time, hence my username. it feels like a meme at this point and I can't bring myself to change it. plus that's still my favourite game of course 😌

here's to another thirteen years??!?!? 😱
I apologize in advance for this huge post and if any of this sounds silly, I just had so much to say and I’m very thankful for a lot of things. I don’t know where this will be going but let’s do this.

So today marks 10 years since I’ve joined the forums. I still remember the day I signed up here. It was when JVGS Jeff had a friend code exchange chatroom on their website where you could chat and trade with other players in ACNL. But after some time, it was due to shut down and they redirected to this site. I never imagined I’d still be here after 10 whole years but I’m very happy I am especially for this year. It’s also kinda funny, this site celebrating its official 20th year and me with my 10th. Two big milestones at almost the same time. :p

I remember when I was new here, I made so much TBT from cycling villagers in the New Leaf days. Popular villagers like Marshal would go for quite a lot and it was really nice posting and stuff in a website for a game I really loved. Later on in the late 2010s though, I was a bit of a troublemaker and petty both here and irl. 6 warnings and a month ban show that, but they remind me that since then, I’ve learned so much and improved. I’ll be honest, I used to be disappointed and sometimes even a bit mad when events and raffles ended and I saw I didn’t win anything. After the raffles that ran in December last year, I had many thoughts run in my head like “What’s the point of entering drawing events and raffles if I never win anything?” So in the beginning of this year, I lost a lot of motivation but near the end of February I received a very kind message from an artist I look up to offsite. It really cheered me up and from there, I promised myself I will try harder, get my act together and stop feeling sorry for myself. Farewell New Leaf was the perfect event and chance for me to do what I can and my best. It was very nostalgic and bittersweet looking back at New Leaf before online services were shut down alongside the rest of the community that loved ACNL and had memories with it. 🩷

I was also dealing with something else earlier in the year, another community that I was part of turned toxic. I’ll put the following in a spoiler cause I don’t wanna detract too much from this celebration and don’t worry, I didn’t name any names etc and this is all offsite.
I used to be a moderator for this gaming YouTube channel and its discord server. I watched it since 2018 and it was very small with only a couple thousand subscribers up until earlier this year where the guy played this one game and suddenly thousands of people came over and subscribed to the YT channel. It quickly gained over 100k. At first I was happy for the guy but it was very overwhelming trying to manage all the new people coming and they weren’t exactly the nicest people ever. The guy needed new moderators so he hastily appointed a couple of the new viewers as mods in short notice and oh man they were really toxic to say the least.

The last straw however was when he began using AI generated “art” of his avatar for video thumbnails and It infuriated me so much especially since a handful of fans made fanart of him at that point. I tried talking to him and the new staff about it but I’d be told we can discuss it another time or worse, I was straight up ignored which hurt me a lot. I despise AI “art” and if you ask me, It’s not art, just content for cheap laughs. Then there’s all the other horrible things like stealing artists’ work to train the models on, scammers that try to sell what they produced and passing it off as their work, it’s disgusting. In the past year I’ve supported so many artists and one even told me they cried because I was the first to commission them in a very long time. I’m definitely no artist but that hasn’t stopped me from admiring the love and hard work that goes into making beautiful work. I really love helping and supporting others, especially smaller artists, reminding them that there’s still good in the world. Anyways, I don’t know if I said this before here but I’m autistic and one thing I very much hate is change and the guy’s changes were for the worse. The community was toxic and the guy developed a huge ego. It was clear he now only cared about views. Overall, everything felt fake. Sometime in April, I had enough so I up and left the channel and the server for good. I felt like I didn’t belong there anymore and they weren’t worth my time or energy and since then I haven’t looked back especially with the help of this forums’ events. I had older members of that community message me recently and tell me how the new staff is very toxic, how they talked behind my back since I left and that they love to point fingers at members they don’t like.

I want to thank the entire staff for all the time and hard work they put into making this website what it is and especially the work that goes into organizing and hosting the events all these years. This year especially taught me many valuable lessons and I’ll cherish all the memories made for years to come and I would like to give a special shoutout to some of you!

I remember when I would DM you about stuff years ago and you gave really good advice. I appreciated it especially when I thought it was silly to message you. I always look forward to count inside the bottle. It’s fun seeing what you’ve put inside the bottles, making my ultimates guess and then seeing the answer. It never gets old.

Thank you so much for the lineart coloring activities! Always excited to them and to me, It’s so nice and peaceful color it in especially when paired with music. Thank you as well for the incredible and cute merch especially the Celeste Chick plush! She’s so adorable and again, I appreciate the little extras especially the drawing. You’re awesome!

You’re very cool and I was very happy to see you become a moderator last year! Happy one year of being a mod! You were very amazing in camp bell tree 2023 and I’m happy to be part of the ISC and doing what I can despite me entering the event pretty late.

Happy very belated birthday and one year of being mod! You show so much kindness to many members, especially during events with answering their questions etc and you were an awesome co-captain for the Poyo Puffs! You’re also very cool!

And last but definitely not least, @Mistreil
Thank you so very much alongside everyone else in the Poyo Puffs (and the other teams) for the amazing experience that was TBTWC 24. By the end of that event, it has helped me to realize and learn so much. Even though we were in last place, I had a very fun and wonderful time with it, chatting with members, playing games together. It was nice to actually be more engaged in the community, be more active in the forums and in general, be more social. I loved the hide and seek games and I’m happy we as a community still play it from time to time. It’s always wholesome and fun to visit other members islands, be silly, and chat with you all! Thank you as well for making really fun games and just, you're very very cool!

I will never forget your present for our team. When I saw what you did, I was so overjoyed. It was unexpected in the best way possible and seeing my sleepyhead character alongside everyone else on the team made me feel like I was part of this community, that I belong especially after what happened in April. By the time of the closing ceremony of TBTWC 24, I learned that it doesn’t matter if I win anything or not. I had a very great time with the event and many great memories were made. To me, that’s the ultimate prize. The Poyo Puffs were an amazing team and I’m very proud of everyone in it. From the name, to the overall aesthetic, I really couldn’t have asked for a better team, teammates and captains. Poyo!! Poyo!!

With all that, happy 20th birthday TBT!!! This community is so wholesome and welcoming.
When the fair came, I gave it my all especially with Canvas Crossing. It was a really cute and great premise and seeing all the amazing art the community has made for others made me smile. I’m glad to be a part of it and that we could all come together, have fun and make memories with an amazing series and other events here. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything these past 10 years! Here’s to more good times here and just, thank you all for everything especially my best friend @Nika for being with me all this time. Thank you so much for the memories made from the ACNL days to now ❤️

In celebration, I’ve compiled several posts I’ve made in the past here. What’s also included are a handful posts I’ve made on these other 2 (long dead) forums for these indie games I was active in a year before joining TBT. Very nice to see a forum like this still thrive after so long. It’s wild and trippy looking back at 13 year old me with autism exploring and using forums on teh interwebs for the first time. Brings up a ton of memories both good and bad but I wouldn’t change any of this if given the chance. At the end of the day, we’re all human and we learn from our experiences. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I’m happy to be who I am today.


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I managed to dig up an old picture of what I believe is the 2016 prize pack. Sadly I lost it haha

But surprisingly, I still have the 2017 prize pack! Kracko sure gave us one heck of a time, Good times.

BONUS: I mentioned the TBTWC event before the premiere of an album from a small music artist. It was an amazing listening party, being hype with others. Coincidentally, it's perfectly fits here because the music is about the 2000s era of the internet and it has those vibes.


A year before TBT, I was in this forum called Goofans. It’s a site for this puzzle game called World of Goo. It has a sister site called InfernoFans for another indie game, Little Inferno, made by the same creators as WoG. My username was “Sam and max514” because at the time, I was so hyperfixated on this series of point of click adventure games of the same name minus the 514. Happy to see my love for puzzles is still strong to this day.















The picture I took on an iPod touch.

Their version of collectibles

It's bittersweet reading these in 2024. Hope those guys are doing well these days.




The numbers when I logged in recently... oof

Infernofans. Some of these are wild especially without context lmao



























Thank you all if you have read to this point! It means a lot to me and I hope you're doing well and if not, tomorrow is another day. You got this and you matter! With all that said and done...




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