Join Date Anniversary Thread

It feels weird posting about my nine years on here when I’ve only been active for the past year and a half. Technically, this account is nine years old on September 20th. I have to say that I’m very happy this place is still relatively active. I know it’s slowed down a bit but things here always pick back up eventually, especially during a large event. I’m happy to be a member of this forum.
Mine is today, exactly on the 1st of September 🥰 back in 2016 I barely participated in anything and could care less about socializing with others (I only created this account because at the time I was desperate for some items in New Leaf, and frankly I don't remember how I even found out this forum existed in the first place. Maybe it came up randomly during a Google search lol) but now in 2022 I've never been more happy to be as active as I am and to have met so many lovely and cool people here. I'm so glad to have stumbled upon Bell Tree six years ago. I can't imagine not having this forum and the friends I've come to know and adore in my life 💞 this forum is quite literally my only method of social media, if that makes any sense, and being here has helped me break out of my cocoon, in some ways~ because back then I was shy, quiet and pretty much a nobody...but now I have the confidence to just speak my mind and not be afraid of meeting someone new. Just be myself! Thank you for being a part of my life, Bell Tree!!
2 years as of yesterday. I miss my 2020-2021 era when I was really active all the time. Life has been hard but I'll always feel at home at tbt. The people here are incredible in so many ways, and I'm really grateful that I've been able to be apart of such a fantastic community! I'm going to be doing the hunger games giveaway again in celebration🎉
My nine years on here will be tomorrow. It may as well be only two years since that’s when my activity really peaked. I don’t have the activity to say I’ve been a full blown member for nine years, so my join date is irrelevant. I’m happy to have met so many cool people here. I enjoyed the numerous events I’ve been able to participate it and being active across the forum.

This is basically one of my only forms of social media. I’m happy to see a forum as active as this one is in 2022. This activity isn’t showing any signs of slowing down either. I’m glad to be a member here.
Whoops I missed my account's 9th birthday. Ah well, close enough.

I remember joining because I wanted to trade ACNL items, then sticking around because I found people to play island minigames with way after my bedtime. Funny thing is, I am still awake at unreasonable hours doing TBT things, so some things didn't change... At least nobody yells at me for not sleeping anymore. :D
This thread got me curious. Apparently 5 years from this June? That don't seem right...

I did join here to complete my NL town. Rng sucked and so I was hoping to trade for the rest of what I needed. Thanks to this great community, I was able to do it. I didn't come back actively until NH dropped.

Honestly for this place to be as active as it is, especially for a forum, is amazing. I've been to a lot of forums and this one definitely holds a special place for me. It's a great community with awesome members that I get along with well and passionate staff. You don't really get that kind of close connection in most online places anymore.
My two year anniversary is today. Logged in to Bell Tree and found 10 seashells today. How cute. I could use a smile after my washer broke this morning. 😞

I lurked on these forums for months (I'm pretty shy so it took me awhile to make an account) before I joined and I'm glad I did. New Horizons is my first AC game and I didn't know much about the franchise. Everyone here has been super nice and friendly and has helped me out on many occasions. For a brief time I had WiFi and got to do some trades with members here. Everything went smoothly. Maybe someday I'll have wireless access again and if so I look forward to participating more in the community someday. 🤞😸
I’ve been here for 6 years??? That number blows my mind every time I think about it. I don’t think I’ve gone a day without checking TBT in those 6 years, which is really saying something. I fell in love with the community and full-scale events immediately, there’s just something that draws you to this website and makes you stay. I’ve made countless friends and had so many great experiences here, far more than any other website I’ve been to. Attempting to explain the appeal of TBT to an outsider would likely make you sound a bit strange, since it’s something you have to experience firsthand. Whenever my brother sees me posing an object with a name card in front of it, he’s learned to assume it’s for “that forum you’re always on”. The Bell Tree is a strange and wonderful place that I’m delighted to call my Internet home. 🥰
Holy **** its been a year already... how time flies
But seriously, so many ppl just join, make a couple posts if any, then get up and leave. But anyway, be honest, who thought I was gonna be like that when I joined? dw I don't need my feelings, I already lost them over this animatic:

(me realizing caps lock was on but im not gonna edit it lol)
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its been 3 years, ofc i forgot for 2 days but here we are! i originally joined the forum after getting another copy of acnl for my birthday and was interested in trading items and getting help moving in villagers. i was originally only active for a few months but i returned a month ago kinda just interested in hang out, its been fun
I missed my anniversary on Christmas Eve. I was traveling to Minneapolis that day. Ive been here for 8 years and things have changed a lot, I used to be a bully lol. I hope im not as rude now?
definitely not rude. 💗 belated congrats on your 8-year anniversary!