today is my 7 year tbt anniversary, ya’ll!

i’ve honestly been looking forward to today the entire month, and i just… i can’t believe its been 7 years already lol. i stumbled upon tbt while looking for a new place to conduct
new leaf trades as i had grown tired of gamefaqs and acc, and it was one of the best discoveries i’ve ever made. 13 year old me really had no idea just how much this place would change her life haha.
so many awful things have happened to me, within me, and because of me over the last 7 years, and so much has changed, but tbt and the community we have here makes me want to keep going. i want to make ya’ll proud, because tbt sometimes feels more like a home to me than my actual one does. i feel safe here, and i’m grateful every day that i came back in 2020 for
new horizons’ release. i can’t believe i left in the first place, because i genuinely can’t imagine life without this community now.
over the past 7 years, i have made over 26.6k posts, done over 1.3k successful trades, hosted over 18 giveaways and given away several rare in-game furniture sets, items, villagers, hybrids and collectibles, made so many amazing friends and memories, embarked on a (still ongoing) journey to obtain one of every collectible, started going by a name i’m actually comfortable with instead of my birth one (both online and irl), cut all the toxic people out of my life (except for my parents

), began exploring my sexuality and trying to figure out who i am, discovered new passions and interests i may not have without tbt (ex. creating digital art) and so much more. so many ****ty things have happened since 2015, but so many amazing things have happened, too, and i have this community to thank for a lot of it.
i’d be here writing this post for days if i tried to mention everything and everyone that’s important to me, so i won’t. instead, i’ll leave it at this — thank you to everyone who knew and put up with 13 year old me despite how much of a weird ******* i was at times, and thank you to everyone who knows and puts up with me now. i’m an annoyingly cheesy, antisocial and awkward mess at times, but i truly cherish and appreciate ya’ll so much, whether you’re my friend, an acquaintance or just a fellow tbt member.
thank you for the last 7 years, tbt. may there be many more amazing years to come. <33