Giveaway Julian! - Why do you want him? - END :)

Ikr! People in Europe travel from country to country like someone form the US would go form state to state... oXo (Also, Sahneschnitten is a German word, correct?)

Yes Sahneschnitte - plural form Sahneschnitten, is a german word which is my mother tongue ^-^
Yeah sorry... Wasn't an entry post, just HAD to know! >u<

No problem! ^---^I only count entries with "Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben" there is only one person who did this so far ^-^
I even added a little extra because I'm that...uhh...yeah.

Naw, if my friend doesn't end up getting him, hope he goes to someone who'll admire him.
I even added a little extra because I'm that...uhh...yeah.

Naw, if my friend doesn't end up getting him, hope he goes to someone who'll admire him.
I hope to someone gets him who loves him! It's a giveaway for Julian fans... ;___; I would be sad if anyone sells him after that or something T__T If this happens I never ever make a giveaway again. I want that people enjoy it and are happy with their dreamvillagers!

So true. Plus I've never been on a vacation or anything... never seen the ocean, never been on a plane.
Awww poor you ;__; But you have a lot of time to do this stuff one day :)
So true. Plus I've never been on a vacation or anything... never seen the ocean, never been on a plane.

Aww... I feel ya. The furthest I've ever been was Viva Las Vegas... But that was when I was 8, so yeah. No fun for 8 yr old there :/... I have seen the Gulf of Mexico, if that even counts as the ocean (it doesn't :p)
i would love him plz as a gift for my wife,,,,would get me alot of brownie points:)
I want him because, i got lucky and i got sweet colton for free! and i would really love to have julian to accompany him in my town! Yes he is def the dreamie i'm seeking the most atm, i know this is along shot because A LOT of people want him but hey! i think i deserve a chance too ^.^, he is just the most fabulous unicorn ever! and his glitter and everything is just too awesome, i would stalk him non stop in my town and never let him go xD ! and you should already know i'm seeking merengue since forever xD but i believe i'm getting her soon! and i want to have faith i could get him as well! and thanks for doing this, it's really awesome of you!

also Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben :D
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I want him because, i got lucky and i got sweet colton for free! and i would really love to have julian to accompany him in my town! Yes he is def the dreamie i'm seeking the most atm, i know this is along shot because A LOT of people want him but hey! i think i deserve a chance too ^.^, he is just the most fabulous unicorn ever! and his glitter and everything is just too awesome, i would stalk him non stop in my town and never let him go xD ! and you should already know i'm seeking merengue since forever xD but i believe i'm getting her soon! and i want to have faith i could get him as well! and thanks for doing this, it's really awesome of you!

Aww I gave you Colton!! <3 Do you like him?? ^.^