Giveaway Julian! - Why do you want him? - END :)

I'm thankful ^ u ^ / Sorry I didn't say so ; A ; I should know better. Giveaways are so generous! Giveaways give me faith and hope. It's not just the Giveaway. It couldn't happen without the person [or people] behind it making it happen No idea why some people can't grasp that the people who do Giveaways are doing it selflessly yet still feel like they have some sort of entitlement.. ; n ;

Thank you <3 ^-^ I didn't mean that people have to thank me because I give something away but often it's so that they came to my town take the items and then go without a word. They arn't even happy about it ;__; And that's the reason behind it - that people are happy with the things they get for free. But I'm sure who ever gets Julian will be happy to have him ^-^

Wow, that's very sweet of you to giveaway Julian ^_^
I personnaly already have him, but before I got the game, I had a friend who wanted him so badlyyyyyy. So I promised hier that if I ever got him, i would give him to her. But now that I've got him, i became very attached to him! But since I promised her, I'm still going to give him to her.

But, since I sas this giveaway, i was thinking, why not try to get this Julian to her so I can keep mine *____*
Oh and,Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben, yeah if I CAN get him for her, that would be wonderful, i won't have the pain to cry over to his departure, though I Will still be able to see him at her Town, I Will still feel that something is missing in my Town ;_; like it?s never going to be the sale with oui him >___<
I wish you good luck ^-^ I wish I have multiple Julians to give away ;__; But sadly it's only one

Im not rude or lazy i did happen to read the rules i just saying if they get changed its not fair on those posting early to miss out and i have been very helpful giving people villagers for free and replying to thread where people looking for a certain villager so you shouldnt judge people for stating the facts
I don't say much more to this. When you don't check this thread it's your fault and that's a fact. You wanted something from me so it's your task to check the thread. That takes maybe one minute to read a new post. So yeah I don't know what's your problem. You are the only one who complain about absolut nothing. I don't fell bad to change the rule after 7 damn minutes. When people can't read a new post where it said: "I changed the rules. Please re-read it" then I'm terrible sorry but Julian can't be so important to you. And yes... Like I said I put anyone - where I think that's a entry - to the entries. So yeah... but often it's difficult to say if it's a entry or not and to be honest you are the only one who was within that seven minuts. The others not even write the first code word. So they don't even read the rules like many others her and that's annoying like hell.
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Thank you <3 ^-^ I didn't mean that people have to thank me because I give something away but often it's so that they came to my town take the items and then go without a word. They arn't even happy about it ;__; And that's the reason behind it - that people are happy with the things they get for free. But I'm sure who ever gets Julian will be happy to have him ^-^
Oh, I see! We should focus on the people who do appreciate it ^ u ^ I don't wanna be dragged down by sadness ; 3 ;
Though it could be a pet peeve of sorts. Which is okay :p
Julian is definitely one of my dreamies!! Ever since I was a little girl I've loved unicorns (and still do haha). The last unicorn was my favorite cartoon movie for a while! So naturally when I found out Acnl had a unicorn villager, I was like what!! I have to have him in my town!! He's so expensive though, so I haven't been able to win him in a bid yet (or lucky enough to have him move in). You could make my dream come true though :D (I know that sounds corny lol.) I don't have many hybrids but if I won you could pick out whatever you wanted. Thanks !

Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben!

Also, just wanted to add that I would never trade/sell him - he'd be a permanent addition going to a good town :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, and I have Carmen the brown bunny.
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Awww i'm so exited to see who wins this glamorous unicorn ^u^
Is it too late to enter? I want to enter for someone ._.
Ugh, sorry it took me so long to edit my post [busy busy] and thank you for including me :'D
i believe it ends tomorrow :3 so you might be able to

I see, I don't now if we're allowed to enter for people but here it goes.
*Entering for NAsh88* and I'm entering for him on my free will.

*clears throat*

I would like NAsh88 to be able to receive Julian to finish his dream town.
Julian or Marshal are the only last piece for chess before the game can really start.
He is helping other people earn their dreamies in a giveaway thread too.
Therefore, I nominate NAsh88 for president to have Julian in their town.

It would make him happy if that dream is granted C:
P.S: Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben whatever the heck that is...
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Nash is about to be hecka ritch tho xD! it's crazy :3 like 124mil for ankha
Nash is about to be hecka ritch tho xD! it's crazy :3 like 124mil for ankha

Yeah but I don't exactly want to let my Julian go even though I want him to be able to obtain his dream villager @_@
Yeah but I don't exactly want to let my Julian go even though I want him to be able to obtain his dream villager @_@

then don't sell your bby to him girl xD ! i bet more julians will come up for sale he can take :3

I'd enter but I don't feel the impulse to own Julian. :/
And I own Marshall. It'd be weird to have two animals hitting on me. I mean, two smug villagers in my town. o_o

Good luck to everyone though!

And the rules are simple enough, just read & follow them. It takes 10 seconds.
Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben~

I'll add you two to the list NAsh88 (the friend) and Razur :)

I'll decide with a number generator who get's Julian at 20 p.m (GMT+2)
So you can still take part in this giveaway ^---^

I hope Julian will go to someone who really wants him and isn't able to buy it by himself ^-^
Hi :)

A couple of weeks ago i was lucky enough to get Julian to move in through my campsite. At the time i didn't like him so i put him up for trade. While i was waiting for the trade to happen, i slowly fell in love with this beautiful creature ;_; as everyday passed i regretted putting him up for trade, but i knew i couldn't back out as that wasn't the right thing to do! I was heartbroken on the day of the trade and he left an empty hole in my town :( Ever since i have been cycling through villagers in an attempt to have him again! And this time keep him forever! And finally that time has come ^_^ I would love the chance to adopt him, thank you for doing this giveaway, you will make someone very happy!

^^ Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben ^^
I don't have a single smug villager in my town, and having Julian flirt with me every day would be beyond magical. I absolutely love anything fairytale so a unicorn villager is a dream come true :) Sahneschnitten sind mein Leben :D
I'm not good with words, haha XD But if I was lucky enough to win him I'd be so happy, to be honest I'd probably shed a little happy tear :>
Julian is the last dreamie my sister dosent have and I think it would be a pretty awesome birthday present:3
Awww I really feel bad that I can only give one person Julian ;__;

Julian is the last dreamie my sister dosent have and I think it would be a pretty awesome birthday present:3
Didn't you read the rules? ~-~
I'll put you anyway on the list ^^