Keeping A Notebook While Playing New Leaf?


Doe Eyed Deer
Jan 17, 2013
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Does anyone here keep a notebook while they play AC? Either in GC, WW, CF or NL?

There are so many things you could keep a notebook for like when animals drop hints at what they want for Christmas. Or when you buy clothes knowing what "style" they are.


Do you just play the game randomly without taking notes as you play??

I'm thinking I might start taking notes when I get NL.
I will be taking noted this time, for Christmas so you give the right gift, once I start working at the cafe so I can give the right coffee. I will be writing down the style of clothing as well since you need to pass gracie's fashion check four times.
I bought a set of small notebooks earlier in the year for work. I think I'll be using them for this instead, I like the idea of it.
I have some notes on my phone ready for when I play the game, like the answers to questions so I get the face I want and then the answers to the hair salon questions so I get the right hair. Then I've made notes on all the things I want on my town map so I select the best one out of the three. I might end up making more notes when I'm playing, like making sure I get the right presents at christmas for my neighbours or dates/times I've agreed to wi-fi. So yeah, stuff like that :)
I'll be using a notepad, last time I used the 3ds notes my game froze and I lost everything since the last save. I don't know if it was the game of the 3ds but I won't be risking Resetti's wrath for the sake of writing down notes about coffee!
I kept a notebook for the gamecube version, but since there are guides online I probably won't keep on for New Leaf. The main reason I kept a notebook for the gamecube version was to keep track of which fish and bugs I caught. I might keep a little blog with pictures though.
Then again, I might keep a small notepad for things like Christmas where I might want to remember what each villager wants. I may also keep little notes for the little blog that I may or may not have when the game comes out. We will see~
I have some notes on my phone ready for when I play the game, like the answers to questions so I get the face I want and then the answers to the hair salon questions so I get the right hair. Then I've made notes on all the things I want on my town map so I select the best one out of the three. I might end up making more notes when I'm playing, like making sure I get the right presents at christmas for my neighbours or dates/times I've agreed to wi-fi. So yeah, stuff like that :)

Your awesome. Talk about being prepared :) I need a guide for getting the right face with the questions but I couldn't find one. Do you have an english one??

I'll be using a notepad, last time I used the 3ds notes my game froze and I lost everything since the last save. I don't know if it was the game of the 3ds but I won't be risking Resetti's wrath for the sake of writing down notes about coffee!

This is the reason I prefer good ol fashioned paper and pen. :cool:
I will most likely use Game Notes for this. I never considered this before, though.

What is this thing about christmas presents for villagers? Is it being added in New Leaf?
I will most likely use Game Notes for this. I never considered this before, though.

What is this thing about christmas presents for villagers? Is it being added in New Leaf?

Yeap, throughout the year villagers will drop "Hints" of what they like. Then when Christmas comes there is an event where you hand out a set amount of presents.
I failed the Christmas event because of that and I usually so good at writing notes about stuff.

I've taken notes of what villagers I have, their coffee preference(yeah it's a thing), best item style for them etc... At the moment there are no real online guides so it's good to have my own reference.

I'm also noting down what fortune cookies I get so I can keep a track of my items as I tend to forget what I've got in storage.
I failed the Christmas event because of that and I usually so good at writing notes about stuff.

I've taken notes of what villagers I have, their coffee preference(yeah it's a thing), best item style for them etc... At the moment there are no real online guides so it's good to have my own reference.

I'm also noting down what fortune cookies I get so I can keep a track of my items as I tend to forget what I've got in storage.

I did not think about writing down whats in storage that's a great idea. I always forgets what in mine.
If the notes feature works sufficiently, then I might just use that. Otherwise, I'll just make notes on my computer!
If the notes feature works sufficiently, then I might just use that. Otherwise, I'll just make notes on my computer!

I wish I had a computer at home with Keys on it.....

I have a parrot and she chewed off all the keys on my comp so it's ridiculous to type on. It's faster just to write it out LOL. Darn bird.
I wish I had a computer at home with Keys on it.....

I have a parrot and she chewed off all the keys on my comp so it's ridiculous to type on. It's faster just to write it out LOL. Darn bird.

Wow, that's crazy! Maybe you should get a new keyboard!
I'll be using a notepad, last time I used the 3ds notes my game froze and I lost everything since the last save. I don't know if it was the game of the 3ds but I won't be risking Resetti's wrath for the sake of writing down notes about coffee!

Actually Resetti doesn't appear unless you build his mansion or something similar to that as one of the community projects