Just wanted to say, thank you so much for the brush! I think it turned out a lot better because of it, thank you so much!
really? I'm glad it helps C: It saved me too xD
I'd love to see it if you want to share it!
Just wanted to say... same as ardrey, I can see a lot of Yamio on your piece on page 21 xD;
Good luck on shading the rest of it, I'm excited to see how it might come out wwwww
WUAHHHHH please don't say that TT_TT This is magnificent<3 Those friggin details *_*
thank you Kairi ^^ c: but it just doesn't look right :/ I don't know what I'm doing wrong... well maybe it was a wrong idea to imitate Yamio from the very beginning. I should just stick to my own styles I guessssss so that other people want to imitate me (in 100 years) *COUGH BLOOD CHOKE DIES
It's awesome!.
I love your art <3
Well regardless of what you do, your work has improved tremendously so either way it'll look lovely : ) Will continue to check out any future pieces^^
thanks ^^ I'm glad you like c:I love how glossy and sparkly her hair looks! I'm also looking forward to see the finished product c:
Nooo Alex should be realistic and hawt.
thanks ^^ I'm glad you like c:
I feel really weird, I get many positive feedback for the hair but I dislike it? it's confusing me ; o ;
- - - Post Merge - - -
I'll try what I can xD
I like the colour of her more than the previous one. The pink really blends well with the blue and it seems a bit more realistic(?) than the other. I like how the pink goes along with the blue in the braid. Nice job![]()
Lololol. I actually have 1 shirtless piece and another on the way, don't judge me plz
YEAH I KNOW ONE FROM SHIROHIBIKI I SAW HER MAKING IT ; v ; no worries I'm worse than youI'm gonna request some "interesting" nsfw from her