AHH derezzed you never stop to amaze me. You're such a great supporter like, did you study this as a subject in university?? lol pfft I know, you're just a great person![]()
thank you so much ^^ well yeah I would feel bad if I would just throw my efforts away after coming this far. It's like a mental kick in my butt from Luffy. I already had to face some obstacles concerning art and I know I can overcome the future ones as well, thanks to you guys c:
tbh I'm not even quite sure what "professional" is or when it starts to be but I'll try anyways xD
Actually I can understand what you mean by intention! One Piece made it pretty much obvious to me. Honestly I wouldn't be able to try this much without my OP♥♥
ahh "amazing skills" BUT BUT thank you so much for all your kind words, I'd usually say "that's not true" but I wanna be more confident but I feel like I'm being arrogant?? this is such a vicious circle...
I know improvement and reaching your goal needs time and patience... but I'm so jealous of people like Picasso who were already genius in their young years D:
yes thank you! I know there are people here who would be willing to listen to my problems but..maybe I just wanted to run away from it after all? sorry I don't really understand either...
haha yeah I guess that's true! I just feel kind of stingy? Like everytime my father goes to a restaurant, I'm like "meh how could he spend so much money on some food, I mean food is valuable and stuff but I'd be able to buy this thing that I wanted since so long with this money) etc. I know it's my father's money and he can do with it what he likes but I just feel bad somehow? does this make sense..? :x
Lmao no, I just have some people in my life with similar problems and so I took some time to learn what to say to them when they get a bit down or something. Glad that I helped a bit \o/
But yeah, that's definitely a great mindset. It's awesome that OP's inspired you to reach that conclusion as well, since I've seen how people can be impacted very positively by their favorite show/series (like you, haha)! As for what "professional" means, I would just define a pro artist as someone who can draw at a certain level of high quality. Professionals don't have to be that well-rounded at all; some only specialize in a few areas and are still successful, since they've honed their skills and etc. I'm sure you can get there ;-]
Also, as for being arrogant... trust me, you're not arrogant at all, lol. And even if you were, it would be justified. Arrogance and confidence are two sides of the same coin anyway. If you're arrogant but have the skills to back it up, it's completely fine imo. It shows that you know how much your work/effort is worth! Though it is a good idea to look at yourself in an unbiased way; some people do think they're better than they are, for example. DON'T THINK I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU THOUGH BECAUSE YOU'RE THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE!!
Ah, I see. It does seem appealing to run away from problems, but... if you look at it this way- what would happen if you dealt with all of them when they happened? You'd worry a lot less and have more time to do stuff you enjoy! It's a lot harder than it sounds, but once you do it a lot and make it routine, it becomes a habit ingrained in your brain. Then it'll become second nature to you. So if you think of your brain like a computer hard drive, the skill to confront problems quickly will go from just taking up memory space to being a program that comes with your device. If that made sense xD;;
LOL yeah you make complete sense, don't worry. It's not a bad thing to be stingy and have different views on what your money would be worth/better spent on. That's exactly why people pay RLC for art on here, for one thing ;-]