ahhh god so many novels!XD I'm so thankful for your support guys, it means a lot to me!!
hhhhh Keitara I don't think you should feel bad about your art as well;; the effort that you're putting into art is really admirable (and puts me to shame too like omg I should really try harder) and shows in your work too!! I mean, if you compare the art you drew a year ago to one of your recent pieces, it's pretty obvious how far you've come ;D
While it's good to look up to amazing artist for inspiration and aspiration, it's also very important to look back on your own work and give yourself some recognition and confidence!! Sometimes, it's more of a challenge to "overtake" yourself e.g I'm a lazy person so I don't do it much, but sometimes when I feel bad about my art I take my old art and redraw the piece to see how much I've grown art-wise wwwww (and if you've heard of the before and after meme, you should totally try it out when you're feeling better!!) Be proud of your work and have confidence in things that you've put effort in uvu!!
There's this one thing that I always think about: becoming an artist means that you continuously seek to improve, and during that process, you'll continuously bump into plenty of obstacles as well. The fact that you still call yourself an artist, and the fact that you still draw -- means that you've overcome all the obstacles behind you, and you aren't afraid of facing the upcoming unforeseen ones, and that's not something that everyone can do!!
Also, remember that it's always alright to vent and talk about your problems!!
If you bottle up all your negativity, it'll be bad for your mental health hahaa q 7 q;;
((hope this makes sense and helps a bit!!
"puts you to shame"? omg you're crazy. IT'S AMAZING that you can draw this awesome while being lazy. That is way better!XD I admire you for this skill of yours T_T it reminds me of Luffy who can sleep and eat at the same time...
thank you so much Jint-senpai

your lectures are very inspiring! ;D
I guess I don't have this much patience ^^ it's like when Luffy sees a new island, he just needs to get there immediately. I know I have improved but I'm like "MORE MORE MORE MORE MOOOOOOORE" @@ like you said there's no end to this!XD Kind of exhausting...
but whatever happens, I won't stop drawing because it's literally the only thing I can think of that I can do it. It's like Luffy when he said that he wants to be Pirate King and that he has the feeling he can make it, even if everybody said it's impossible. It would feel like betraying Luffy if I would stop ;-; no way I could do that.
okay it feels like I'm talking about Luffy and not about me I'm sorry for this xD
And yes I know of it! I want to try the meme once I'm not busy anymore! Thank you, I'm kinda afraid but I'll try to have more confidence ^^ although I'm not quite sure how to do that...
No, of course not! It's not a burden whatsoever. And your art IS worthy of my money, but I'm not allowed to buy RLC
I just thought that I somehow tried to force you to comfort me with my previous comment, and I don't want that.
wahh thank you ^^ your parents don't allow it? wow, I absolutely hate things like this. You should be free to buy whatever you would like unless you're not super poor and the money is needed for something else obviously. For what else are you allowed to spend your money on, then? (if I may ask)
Aww, don't say that you're "still no good". Of course, I don't want to dictate how you should feel or think/make you believe that you have to stay positive all the time, because pretty much all artists go into slumps like this, but just know that a lot of people love your art (myself included) and would still totally support you even when you're down about things.
I definitely don't have all the solutions, so I can't say much about this, but you can use moments like these to improve yourself in the future. I'm sure you know this already though, since your conclusion to try even harder next time really tells it all. You've got a growth mindset for sure, and that will eventually take you to the place you want concerning your drawings and your dream to get them on the professional side (which I think you're definitely on track for, if you're not there already... just saying). So tl;dr, please know that you've got amazing art skills as well as the capability to change/improve them to what you want when you set your mind to it :-]
It's all about intention, really. Believing you can improve is seriously a power!! If you completely intend to do something (and I mean like 100%, not just 80%), you'll do it. This sounds like the most obvious thing ever, but you'd be surprised how many people disregard it. Just know that anyone who applies this technique/uses it becomes completely satisfied, and I'd love to see you get there, because I feel like you do downgrade yourself sometimes, which makes me a bit mad because you're SO GOOD. (You've got a lot of time to get where you want, too. You're already at a level where people would dream of being at when they were 17/18, so don't think that you should have everything at this time. The process is to be praised, not just the final product.)
Oh no, don't think that your personal problems would be a burden :-[
I can't speak for Evvie, because I'm obviously not them, but they were willing to help/talk with you about it so I'm sure they don't think that at all. The bottom line is, you can almost always find someone to listen to you, and if "good is what they do", helping someone else is not going to be a burden for them. (Tell me if that didn't make sense, lol. I thought about what the best way to word that would be, haha.)
ALSO as for being "worthy" of people's money, that's for them to decide, not you ;-]
And for everyone that has commissioned you, they concluded yes. That's all there is to say about it. (Though I hate to see artists say their work wouldn't be worth RLC, because time and effort is always worth something.)
Welp, hope this was helpful. I'm not an expert advice giver by any means, but I do like to tell people what I think they need to hear/should hear. (I also didn't mean for this post to become as long as it is but I can't help it, I suppose. Lol.)
Overall, I sincerely wish you the best in overcoming your depressed phase, because I'm sure you can bounce back eventually c:
AHH derezzed you never stop to amaze me. You're such a great supporter like, did you study this as a subject in university?? lol pfft I know, you're just a great person
thank you so much ^^ well yeah I would feel bad if I would just throw my efforts away after coming this far. It's like a mental kick in my butt from Luffy. I already had to face some obstacles concerning art and I know I can overcome the future ones as well, thanks to you guys c:
tbh I'm not even quite sure what "professional" is or when it starts to be but I'll try anyways xD
Actually I can understand what you mean by intention! One Piece made it pretty much obvious to me. Honestly I wouldn't be able to try this much without my OP♥♥
ahh "amazing skills" BUT BUT thank you so much for all your kind words, I'd usually say "that's not true" but I wanna be more confident but I feel like I'm being arrogant?? this is such a vicious circle...
I know improvement and reaching your goal needs time and patience... but I'm so jealous of people like Picasso who were already genius in their young years D:
yes thank you! I know there are people here who would be willing to listen to my problems but..maybe I just wanted to run away from it after all? sorry I don't really understand either...
haha yeah I guess that's true! I just feel kind of stingy? Like everytime my father goes to a restaurant, I'm like "meh how could he spend so much money on some food, I mean food is valuable and stuff but I'd be able to buy this thing that I wanted since so long with this money) etc. I know it's my father's money and he can do with it what he likes but I just feel bad somehow? does this make sense..? :x