Cycling ❄️ Kevin's Cycling → boxes: Wolfgang

Kiki was adopted ~
Daisy is now in boxes, looking for 45 TBT
Daisy was voided ~
Ankha is now in boxes, looking for 85 TBT

Bill pls
yeah just having some internet troubles atm, will give extra tbt when i've sorted it shouldn't be too long !!

- - - Post Merge - - -

thanks so much you're so lovely!! and ur lil av is so cute!!
Ankha was adopted ~
Chrystina's Marshal is now in boxes, looking for 75-85 TBT

thanks so much you're so lovely!! and ur lil av is so cute!!

ahh! I just saw that post merge now, and thank you! They're adorable aren't they! :)

sorry i typed in all caps, i was eager to get to this thread bc im trying to get marshal back
i can pay 85 tbt for him c:
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