|||Kittens' mew Horizons Graphics Shop||OPEN||2 slots|||Reserve Slots Open/2/2 slots open||

Mystic Moon's WIP has been added not done yet though <3 will try and finish in 1-2 days+the update I need to do o/
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Updated Mystic Moon's may take a 2-3 day break afterwards due to my waning health will be back asap to finish orders <3 Again will be upping to 300-350+ so if anyone wants a refund/order removals let me know <3 will PM tomorrow as well o/ and ty so far to the interest all :3 <3
Youre increasing the price? How much do I owe you?

Ahhh 300 should be fine, I hope this is ok ;v; ?? Between health/AC and Designs taking a while hope this isn't too much :'3 ? I feel like the current orders can pay old prices o/ Since i'm very glad you're all interested <3 So you can just do the 200! Yall make me smile liking my stuff ;; <3 i'll update the front for you all \o/
Gonna finish up after an online AC session <3 o/ feeling a bit better today and in the mood for design yo o/ will update prices in sec :3
Bumping up slots after final pick-up ty all <3 got some stuff done whoo o/

Slots have been bumped gonna start back up in 1-2 days need a lil rest <3 having great fun w/ them <3
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Will either start tonight or tomorrow o/ just chillin' with AC haha <3 gonna have fun :3

Also im gonna try and get my Islander ref example done for you guys if interested <3 o/ again can do OC's too <3
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Working rn on goro, FloatyFlare will be next as both were paid early o/ LilD will be up after and if anyone else is interested my slots will be moving open fairly soon : )
Gonna finish up goro's had to wait since 3.0 was updating o/ almost done : ) FloatyFlare is next due to paying early and will PM last order o/
Before I hit the hay i'll get goro's sent and tomorrow i'll start FloatyFlare's o/ had to finish easter sets LOL haha omg but sorry for the wait all!

about to pass out aaa, i'll do the touch ups/changes and finish after I wake up <3 i'll get the next started too o/
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humid rn and emotionally drained over something hurtful but silly will get started tomorrow just wanna clear this up first will get going asap and apologies for the wait o/
Working on it today apologies got glutened something terrible and had to sleep early gonna also try and make a ref. + mew sig for myself <3 o/ sorry for the delays :3
Started on FloatyFlare's just wanna keep it updated so I dont go MIA on this shop LOL, looking good so far and currently tuckered out gonna get it done by tomorrow and then PM LilD if still interested o/