Kumarock's Wonderful Arts!

Drawings that I did at school today.
:rolleyes: I always do these kind of drawings when my teacher is reading the novel to us.
I hope you like this drawing as I've been trying to improve in drawings like this...
Drawing of me angry.
Drew this last night but was too lazy to put on. Call of laziness! :p Btw the paper I drew on is blue. I couldn't find my notepad so I just used my coloured paper which is actually a decent paper because I couldn't see any of my rubbed-out mistakes when I finished.
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Very good Kuma! I remember seeing a book on how to draw people but never bothered to.
And I draw at school too my notebooks filled with outdated drawings and new drawings that put my outdated ones to shame.

Oh and let me take a guess, the person is being hanged?
No she isn't being hanged (although it does look like it), she is laying against a tree.
A quick drawing of a guy profile. Enjoy... I guess...
Edit: Sorry for the weirdly rotated picture.
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