Label? Whats the future got for you?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2018
So !
I got my hands on some more label products, this time the sunglasses 🕶 aand that was the IT for me, does her clothes really have to be this ugly? all her products are so boring and similar and dull ( this is my personal opinion ). So I would love to see what you guys think about it, if she might get a store or if she will be introduced as an expansion of the able sisters or if she will get more products with better design and unique. Anyways super excited to hear from you guys cause im just so sad with Label 😭
absolutely agree, I always loved Label as a character and was so disappointed with her role in NH.

Gracie Grace had some creative, weird, avant-garde stuff in her time and Label's clothes are literally stuff you can find at Able's with her initials on top... No shade but I guess Sable remains the best designer in the family...

They should've probably stuck with just having her sell special accessories like Kick's does with shoes and bags.
I really hope they'll expand her role in the future. Is she really going to visit our main square for years? I still hope she'll join her sisters at some point in the shop and expand the stuff she sells! Or maybe she could team up with Gracie again and work on some extreme, expensive furniture/clothing items.
I really do hope she'll have her own store, either teaming up with her sisters, Gracie, or even alone. You're right, her desings are...err plain.
It would be cool if they advanced the Able Sisters storyline, as some dialogs with Sable and Mabel kinda worked as some kind of character development storyline thing haha.

Label would become obsolete really fast once the player unlocks all her clothes, so I guess they could come up with something like an expansion for the Able Sisters store, where Label has her own section with exclusive products that are seasonal? This would free some of the seasonal slots in the regular store, making "normal" clothes available more frequently throughout the year.
I quite like her designs, well what I've seen of them so far anyway. It would be nice if she moved into the Able Sisters permanently though.
I like the knit shirt the most in her clothing line, but I kinda wish she offered more. Perhaps her own seasonal clothing that also changes with time.

Another idea I had was to dress up a random villager as well.
I’m also disappointed with her fashion line. Gracie grace had some amazing furniture/clothing and I would always try to unlock her as soon as possible in new leaf. You would like someone who has worked under Gracie would have a more interesting fashion line. I also found the challenges label gives you in nh very easy to do whereas I remember Gracie being hard even tho they were similar challenges.
i think it would be nice if, as part of gracie's (hopeful) return, she recognized label as a fellow designer instead of an assistant (or whatever she was) and they worked together on the top floor of nook's or wherever. you could even have it so label assists you with the clothing, and gracie does the same with the furniture etc. it's a good chance to include some new gracie items under the assertion that they're a collab between the two designers. of course, putting label in with her sisters works just fine too. either on a second floor with kicks or on her own.
I feel exactly the same, I really thought they'd be fashionable items but honestly they're awful lol! Then again, I'm not really a fan of designer items and I guess it relates to brands like Yeezy which I'd argue is an acquired taste
I like the dress she gave me recently except for her signature belt that is on it. But yeah, I don't like most of her stuff. I would like for her to be in the shop with her sisters once in awhile rather than taking up a day on the plaza. Sable is my favorite of the sisters. Maybe Label could give Sable a day off once in awhile.
Or maybe she could team up with Gracie again and work on some extreme, expensive furniture/clothing items.
I always thought it would be funny if there was a Labelle outlet nextdoor to the able sisters - And Labelle could appear twice a week for fashion checks and Gracie could be the assistant! They could also sell some of the more high end sets in a different color than the one your island had for a premium.
I hate Label's clothing set. I know she is suppose to be parodying Louis Vuitton but I think having the logo as a print is super tacky.

There's only 12 Labelle clothes, and she visits every other week so she is useless after 6 months. Yeah you get tailor tickets but the tickets are only worth 3k each at most.
Not a fan of most of her items either. I've been over Label for months, unfortunately.

I see her remaining as a visitor (a global fashionista, if you will), but new designs will eventually be introduced such as a few seasonal sets, or a different look altogether under her same brand.

It would be nice to see her have a permanent place in Able's though to display her designer pieces. Similar to the currently outfitted mannequins, one in-shop option that may be fun (similar to Shampoodle Q&A for hairstyles from New Leaf): answer a few questions and she picks out a complete outfit from her line(s) for you.
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absolutely agree, I always loved Label as a character and was so disappointed with her role in NH.

Gracie Grace had some creative, weird, avant-garde stuff in her time and Label's clothes are literally stuff you can find at Able's with her initials on top... No shade but I guess Sable remains the best designer in the family...

They should've probably stuck with just having her sell special accessories like Kick's does with shoes and bags.

> I definitely agree with you that her clothes dont have that feeling of special or uniqueness that Grace clothes and furniture did back New leaf, which is a total bummer if you ask me. I am also hoping there will be something else for her to do in the future cause her clothe set only includes 12 clothing items (pls correct me if I am wrong) and for a game which is meant to be for the long run that sounds a bit scarce if you ask me. So I am really hoping for an upgrade for her product line, character development and basically story line at some point 🤞. As you said, I guess they did try to make her like kick ( although i also hope he will get more protagonist at some point ) but at least he has good products which makes him fine for the moment and he also has a bigger product line to make him interesting for the long run, specially since Nintendo keeps updating him with new products when there is new season packs (Aka as seen with halloween).

I really hope they'll expand her role in the future. Is she really going to visit our main square for years? I still hope she'll join her sisters at some point in the shop and expand the stuff she sells! Or maybe she could team up with Gracie again and work on some extreme, expensive furniture/clothing items.

> I am also truly hoping they do something with her cause as you said soonish it will be the first year of the game and she has drastically ran out of content and relevance so to say. For me when I see her in my main plaza I am like AGH not you again! I think I also would pretty much enjoy having like a second floor for Sister ables to have her sister with a more high end fashion product so to say ( but with more improved and with much more variety in clothing! ) this idea appeals to me a lot specially since they are all family so it would be cute and endearing !

I really do hope she'll have her own store, either teaming up with her sisters, Gracie, or even alone. You're right, her desings are...err plain.

> Well to be honest, in many threats from the forum i was like yeah I want toons of building and upgrades and individual buildings of course like for Brewster, kicks, grace and label and and and ..... 😅.... and then I realized yet again how smaller islands are so now im not so much in favor of including buildings cause there is no space sadly! In order to achieve this Nintendo has to release somehow an upgrade on land hahah although sincerely I have no idea how they would do so ( although i would have appreciated a slightly bigger island ). I also though that in order to introduce a bit more of playability for internet users and non internet user of course they might possible or could introduce a type of tortomier island like in New leaf but a more of a townie/city vibe which you could reach alone or with friends by plane and there are shops and gaming places etc. But ultimately i agree with you! I would see very fit that Label gets merged upstairs the Able sites since its a family business but of course her product line desperately needs a revamp!

I quite like her designs, well what I've seen of them so far anyway. It would be nice if she moved into the Able Sisters permanently though.

> Well I am super happy someone is liking her clothing line ! I for one don't like it very much however her Labelle pumps are amazing and i love them also the Labelle coat is not that bad for the rest sadly for me its a no go.

Maybe she can go back to washing Gracie's car 🤭

> Hahaha poor Labelle! Maybe once we do X number of Fashion test she has finally learned enough about fashion to update her product line, one can only hope!

I like the knit shirt the most in her clothing line, but I kinda wish she offered more. Perhaps her own seasonal clothing that also changes with time.

Another idea I had was to dress up a random villager as well.

> Im not that much fan of that shirt but i truly like her Labelle pumps and the coat is also cute so not all is lost, but as you said she needs more and better hahah like desperately. That sounds lovely and would make so much sense I truly don't know why they are taking so long to upgrade her in any way. The idea of randomly dressing villagers or villagers asking to revamp their wardrobe sounds super interesting super cute and would be a new innovative gameplay dynamic never seen before so im sure it could provide tons of fun! Great idea!

I’m also disappointed with her fashion line. Gracie grace had some amazing furniture/clothing and I would always try to unlock her as soon as possible in new leaf. You would like someone who has worked under Gracie would have a more interesting fashion line. I also found the challenges label gives you in nh very easy to do whereas I remember Gracie being hard even tho they were similar challenges.
i think it would be nice if, as part of gracie's (hopeful) return, she recognized label as a fellow designer instead of an assistant (or whatever she was) and they worked together on the top floor of nook's or wherever. you could even have it so label assists you with the clothing, and gracie does the same with the furniture etc. it's a good chance to include some new gracie items under the assertion that they're a collab between the two designers. of course, putting label in with her sisters works just fine too. either on a second floor with kicks or on her own.

>I feel like you two more or less are on the same thought about Grace and Labelle so ill answer you both :). Thats absolutely true and I feel that if something like this would return again with the options NH gives with customization it would be super cool to definitely have special unique limited or time based ( time based in game I mean ) furniture in order to allow players to explore new themes for their islands and home providing freshness, individuality and just enhance our creativity to create unique ambiances. Of course this time around Grace could maybe be included in the 2nd floor of Nooks providing those time of furniture focusing in both interior and exterior furniture while Labelle could go in the second floor of her sisters shop as a boutique shop with a revamp of her product line ofcs!.

I feel exactly the same, I really thought they'd be fashionable items but honestly they're awful lol! Then again, I'm not really a fan of designer items and I guess it relates to brands like Yeezy which I'd argue is an acquired taste

> I feel you there hahah ! in real life I really dont like brands even though they are considered high fashion or are very popular or super appreciate among a particular segment, I personally dont like any kind of clothing which have the brands signature in every inch of said cloth material, but again, thats a matter of taste and for pp who like that there is absolutely no problem. I do like the idea of having high end clothing lines or a type of boutique but i would very much appreciate a bit ,well actually more like a ton, more variety where you could find special seasonal outfits with a new spin to them, tacky clothes, flashy ones, classics too etc just a bit of everything. Lets hope she will soon cause its been nearlish a year for the game already an update soon.

I like the dress she gave me recently except for her signature belt that is on it. But yeah, I don't like most of her stuff. I would like for her to be in the shop with her sisters once in awhile rather than taking up a day on the plaza. Sable is my favorite of the sisters. Maybe Label could give Sable a day off once in awhile.

>I have not had the opportunity to have the dress yet but I'm glad you like it, although i dont like most of the things she has, I really like but like REALLY like the Labelle pumps and the Labelle coat is passable. But i think that once she and her product line are revamped it could be cool for her to be in the 2nd floor of her sisters store, cause I mean, how are you even selling high end clothing in the middle of the plaza? like it make no sense at all hahahah.

I always thought it would be funny if there was a Labelle outlet nextdoor to the able sisters - And Labelle could appear twice a week for fashion checks and Gracie could be the assistant! They could also sell some of the more high end sets in a different color than the one your island had for a premium.

> That could be a nice idea for Nintendo to explore ! I always like surprises and really appreciate it when they do something not done before explore new ways to introduce game mechanics not seen before so this idea of yours is truly a nice one!

I hate Label's clothing set. I know she is suppose to be parodying Louis Vuitton but I think having the logo as a print is super tacky.

There's only 12 Labelle clothes, and she visits every other week so she is useless after 6 months. Yeah you get tailor tickets but the tickets are only worth 3k each at most.

> I agree with you, although brand clothes have nothing wrong i personally in RL dont like clothes which have the brands logo or signature in every inch of their clothing personally it just makes me sick, I am however happy for the ones who like it and look super duper cute with them , so i do understand you there. I completely agree with you, she only has 12 items of clothing! like she needs a revamp ASAP I truly don't know or understand what they are waiting for, the only thing I am hoping is that the wait will be worth it ,meaning that, Nintendo will re-introduce or just like upgrade her with a tons of variety from classy, tacky, flashy, fashionable, experimental, innovative seasonability etc

>I feel like you two more or less are on the same thought about Grace and Labelle so ill answer you both :). Thats absolutely true and I feel that if something like this would return again with the options NH gives with customization it would be super cool to definitely have special unique limited or time based ( time based in game I mean ) furniture in order to allow players to explore new themes for their islands and home providing freshness, individuality and just enhance our creativity to create unique ambiances. Of course this time around Grace could maybe be included in the 2nd floor of Nooks providing those time of furniture focusing in both interior and exterior furniture while Labelle could go in the second floor of her sisters shop as a boutique shop with a revamp of her product line ofcs!.

it could also be that while label and gracie become partners, one is located on a second floor at able's (label) and the other is located on a second floor at nook's (gracie). so label sells her own clothing line, gracie's line (+ some new items, maybe), and a brand new line that's a collaboration between the two of them at able's, while gracie sells her old furniture lines (princess, gorgeous, sweets, gracie, card) and a new one for NH that's a collaboration between the two at nook's. giving label control over all the "high end" clothes, while gracie oversees the furniture side of things also provides more room on the nook's second floor for not only gracie-brand interior furniture but exterior furniture too, since we can decorate outside now. i could totally see gracie unveiling some beautiful, avant-garde statues and water features etc. to be used since we're lacking in those.
Not a fan of most of her items either. I've been over Label for months, unfortunately.

I see her remaining as a visitor (a global fashionista, if you will), but new designs will eventually be introduced such as a few seasonal sets, or a different look altogether under her same brand.

It would be nice to see her have a permanent place in Able's though to display her designer pieces. Similar to the currently outfitted mannequins, one in-shop option that may be fun (similar to Shampoodle Q&A for hairstyles from New Leaf): answer a few questions and she picks out a complete outfit from her line(s) for you.

>Yeah me neither and she only has like 12 items so its a disastrous situation that we have here 🤣, to be fair though, I truly like Labelle pumps and her coat is kinda passable. However the Labelle situation is a whole new level which Nintendo needs to take care of kind of ASAP cause the games is nearly kinda going to reach its yearsih since release and for a game which is suppose to be here for several years this is not a good situation we have on hands with poor Labelle.

As I have said before, I truly could see her move into her sisters upstairs shop to open a kind of boutique where she would sell many items and accessories that go from tacky, flashy, classic lines, experimental, innovative seasonable outfits and complements etc. I mean if I am honest , What is she even doing selling suppously high end clothing in the middle of the plaza! that just sounds absurd to me, she clearly needs a boutique and more importantly a revamp of her character story line and product line! I must also admit that I miss the sense of challenge that we had in NL when we were asked to show a determined dress code or theme, I feel like in NH what ever Labelle asks for you do not even have to change you can just show up with what ever you have on and she will still give you the ticket, so what's the point? of course if you do change a bit she gives you 2 tickets, OH la la !

But yeah really hoping she gets a revamp very soon!

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it could also be that while label and gracie become partners, one is located on a second floor at able's (label) and the other is located on a second floor at nook's (gracie). so label sells her own clothing line, gracie's line (+ some new items, maybe), and a brand new line that's a collaboration between the two of them at able's, while gracie sells her old furniture lines (princess, gorgeous, sweets, gracie, card) and a new one for NH that's a collaboration between the two at nook's. giving label control over all the "high end" clothes, while gracie oversees the furniture side of things also provides more room on the nook's second floor for not only gracie-brand interior furniture but exterior furniture too, since we can decorate outside now. i could totally see gracie unveiling some beautiful, avant-garde statues and water features etc. to be used since we're lacking in those.

Absolutely agree with you! Although Gracies past sets where definitely beautiful i wished we had either more sets in order to include new innovative sets or just for them to introduce new furniture items and or mix furnitures from the old sets introducing new furniture items for those sets with new designs so to say ( hope you get what i mean hahah i feel i went around and around in order to explain this hahahaha ). Just like yourself I truly hope that if Gracie is introduced and the way we are saying that she will have not only interior furniture design but of course also exterior, I too believe Gracie could make amazing gardening plus watery furnitures sets
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They might have something planned. I guess we will not know for sure tull next year. I could see something like a new line of products each year though.
I’m betting that she’s going to be integral in updating one of the shops, if they copy from NL. I’ve been doing her fashion checks from time to time in preparation for that occurring (I DONT want a repeat of NL).