i just.. don't understand the logo that's always plastered everywhere on her items. i understand she needs to be some big designer and all that, but it really makes the pieces look gaudy in my opinion. out of everything, there's only three pieces that i can remotely look at and not instantly pull a 'why' face; the labelle knit shirt, labelle coat, and the labelle sneakers. for some reason those three items get a bit more of a pass with the repetitive logo everywhere; maybe because they look more normal in today's fashion? coats like that usually have the belt strap with something fancy from the brand, converse have a logo as well in the general placement of the label one, and then the knit shirt slightly reminds me of a name brand shirt as well with the underlining labels but the pocket being blank over it.
like most clothing pieces, it also depends on what you match them up with; but still. since they're kind of 'special' items that you technically unlock by doing her dress-checks, i wish they were just a tad bit nicer to look at.
like most clothing pieces, it also depends on what you match them up with; but still. since they're kind of 'special' items that you technically unlock by doing her dress-checks, i wish they were just a tad bit nicer to look at.