Label? Whats the future got for you?

i just.. don't understand the logo that's always plastered everywhere on her items. i understand she needs to be some big designer and all that, but it really makes the pieces look gaudy in my opinion. out of everything, there's only three pieces that i can remotely look at and not instantly pull a 'why' face; the labelle knit shirt, labelle coat, and the labelle sneakers. for some reason those three items get a bit more of a pass with the repetitive logo everywhere; maybe because they look more normal in today's fashion? coats like that usually have the belt strap with something fancy from the brand, converse have a logo as well in the general placement of the label one, and then the knit shirt slightly reminds me of a name brand shirt as well with the underlining labels but the pocket being blank over it.

like most clothing pieces, it also depends on what you match them up with; but still. since they're kind of 'special' items that you technically unlock by doing her dress-checks, i wish they were just a tad bit nicer to look at.
I also really hope they'll do a NL-style 'you need to pass x amount of checks to open a designer shop/upgrade nooks' just to give her checks some form of purpose (even though I have all but given up on them at this point).

as for her clothes, I'm not a massive fan of them but if I'm feeling dramatic I do have a pair of her sunglasses in my wardrobe. I just dislike how her logo is imprinted all over every piece of clothing
i only have like 3 of her clothes becus i don't like them so much. i hope she gets a better role someday she doesn't deserve this ;^;
I like Label so i wish she had a bigger role, maybe her own store like gracie did. I am not the biggest fan of her items but to be fair to her i also didnt like gracie's signature set so maybe that is just how it is meant to be lol.
i just.. don't understand the logo that's always plastered everywhere on her items. i understand she needs to be some big designer and all that, but it really makes the pieces look gaudy in my opinion. out of everything, there's only three pieces that i can remotely look at and not instantly pull a 'why' face; the labelle knit shirt, labelle coat, and the labelle sneakers. for some reason those three items get a bit more of a pass with the repetitive logo everywhere; maybe because they look more normal in today's fashion? coats like that usually have the belt strap with something fancy from the brand, converse have a logo as well in the general placement of the label one, and then the knit shirt slightly reminds me of a name brand shirt as well with the underlining labels but the pocket being blank over it.

like most clothing pieces, it also depends on what you match them up with; but still. since they're kind of 'special' items that you technically unlock by doing her dress-checks, i wish they were just a tad bit nicer to look at.

> I understand you too much to well, yesterday i got her sunglasses and when i put them on my brain literally went like 🤯 hahahah am like, how am I even suppose to see with that on !!! hahaha i don't know if you were unfortunate enough to get the glass yet but its liker her signature everywhere like in the glass area 🤣 which i just found hilariously ridiculous !. Thats so interesting, i have read in here many people liking the knit shirt for me for instance i very much like but like really like its her Labelle pumps and i agree with you that i can see the appeal of the Label coat. Lets hope she will get a nice update giving here a more solid position in the game, I think she deserves it to be honest.

I also really hope they'll do a NL-style 'you need to pass x amount of checks to open a designer shop/upgrade nooks' just to give her checks some form of purpose (even though I have all but given up on them at this point).

as for her clothes, I'm not a massive fan of them but if I'm feeling dramatic I do have a pair of her sunglasses in my wardrobe. I just dislike how her logo is imprinted all over every piece of clothing

> I have the same sentiment with the logo issue 🙈 to be honest, I wish that she would sell a bunch of unique set of clothing with tons of varieties going from classy, tacky, flashy, experimental, innovative seasonal sets, but o well, lets hope she will get all that love in the future at some point hopefully it won't be in 4 years time 🤣. I do agree i would love the challenge to have to come up with different outfits and after passing X amount something unlocks aka a boutique in 2nd floor of Able Sisters and expansion of her shop etc BUT! i would need like a Challenge ! I mean right now when Labelle comes you dont really have to change your outfit lol you still get the ticket,I do change out of respect and to follow the role-play so to say but its kind of useless hahah. Like these fashion challenges were sometimes kind of hard in NL to be honest hahah so it was super reward to achieve the goal at the very end.

PS: the sunglasses just had my mind like 🤯😂 I suer i just wanted to ask her if she did drugs while designing or something hahahah like how would i even see something with those sun glasses ! i would probably stamp against a tree 🤣

To be honest i really thought Label would still be united with her sisters in NH. I think they didn't do her character justice in this installment of the game... I rarely see her and when she does visit my town, i have no interest in doing the request for her because the rewards are just meh. Now, if this is similar to the gracie grace development in NL, where eventually after doing X number of quests she ends up opening a shop/second floor on top of the ables' , that may interest/motivate me a lot more.
i looooved the character label(le) and the able sisters, and was rooting for her so hard when i saw that she had taken off on her own in new horizons previews! however, label's designs are UGLY, i'm sorry!!! i hope that she gets to open up her own shop with more designs - it doesn't make sense that she'd studied for years with graciegrace only to design one logo and plaster it everywhere :( she deserves better!
I feel like the only one who loves Label's Labelle line. It is just so classy and I feel like I am wearing Gucci or Coco Chanel.

I was thinking about her challenges the other day. There were lots of people who really struggled with Gracie's fashion challenges and who complained about them. This is probably why they designed Label's challenges the way they did and that is why they are so easy.

I would love to see her back and collaborating (or low key competing) with Gracie in the future. I really want her to move back into the Able Sister's shop, but I can understand why a budding designer needs to travel. And the fact that her sisters support her so much is charming.
Yeah I have to say I understand what they were trying to do. Gracie in Wild World selling things like a snow print shirt didn’t reaaally make sense as that’s not really what high end fashion looks like. The logo of the labelle stuff is very chic and it does look like a designer brand
Honestly, Label and Gracie should have stick together and traveling from island to island to promote as well as sell their own collection with Gracie/Lable exclusive items and clothes. Label on her own is just a bit boring imo, even Kicks and Leaf offering at this point more than she does. I mean, her clothes are fine, although I'm not a huge fan of every single piece. And I do really miss the Gracie sets, the high prices of them beside, I found them pretty cool back then. Perhaps they could bring back Gracie and give her along with Label their own section at the Able Sisters or Nook's Cranny where they can sell their own collections together.
I wish she sold hats again, and the NL masks. (I miss my werewolf hoodie.)

We have Gulliver for that moronic task. :(

Seriously, TEN sombreros?
To be honest i really thought Label would still be united with her sisters in NH. I think they didn't do her character justice in this installment of the game... I rarely see her and when she does visit my town, i have no interest in doing the request for her because the rewards are just meh. Now, if this is similar to the gracie grace development in NL, where eventually after doing X number of quests she ends up opening a shop/second floor on top of the ables' , that may interest/motivate me a lot more.

> I completely agree they did not do justice to her, I feel embarrassed for her poor thing! I hope that she will get a type of upgrade in her story line and character in some of the upcoming updates just hope it won't take 4 years lol

i looooved the character label(le) and the able sisters, and was rooting for her so hard when i saw that she had taken off on her own in new horizons previews! however, label's designs are UGLY, i'm sorry!!! i hope that she gets to open up her own shop with more designs - it doesn't make sense that she'd studied for years with graciegrace only to design one logo and plaster it everywhere :( she deserves better!

> Absolutely agree with everything you have just said but more so with the last part, I mean, If she studied high end fashion how is she selling her unique clothes in a plaza that so meh !!!

I feel like the only one who loves Label's Labelle line. It is just so classy and I feel like I am wearing Gucci or Coco Chanel.

I was thinking about her challenges the other day. There were lots of people who really struggled with Gracie's fashion challenges and who complained about them. This is probably why they designed Label's challenges the way they did and that is why they are so easy.

I would love to see her back and collaborating (or low key competing) with Gracie in the future. I really want her to move back into the Able Sister's shop, but I can understand why a budding designer needs to travel. And the fact that her sisters support her so much is charming.

> Well i am glad she is getting some love from someone 💛!! To be fair i don't think everything is ugly ( for me i mean ) I love her Labelle pumps and i kinda dig her Labelle coat too, so at least its not so bad for me hahaha. But what you just said there would be a very interesting idea and would give a fresh spin to the game, Gracies VS Label fashion ! it would be great if the villagers and us could kind of like influence what they would develop so to say though votes or like comments etc. Coming back to the challenges thing, it is true they were hard in NL and they did take some time sometimes to achieve, butI personally though that was charm and the fun of that which make getting the reward so much better and satisfying.

Honestly, Label and Gracie should have stick together and traveling from island to island to promote as well as sell their own collection with Gracie/Lable exclusive items and clothes. Label on her own is just a bit boring imo, even Kicks and Leaf offering at this point more than she does. I mean, her clothes are fine, although I'm not a huge fan of every single piece. And I do really miss the Gracie sets, the high prices of them beside, I found them pretty cool back then. Perhaps they could bring back Gracie and give her along with Label their own section at the Able Sisters or Nook's Cranny where they can sell their own collections together.

> There were several comments ( mine among those ) who kind of had the same train of though, I would very much like to see Gracie come back and Label getting a story line upgrading. By this i mean i would love to see Label go To able sisters with her sisters opening a store in the second floor with variation of clothes that go from unique, tacky, flashy, classy, experimental and seasonal innovative too with clothes, shoes and accessories WHILE I would love Gracie to be in Nooks second floor selling different type of furniture ( both for indoors and outdoors ) that would cover styles like unique, tacky, flashy, classy, experimental and seasonal innovative too. For me the reasoning behind this is that Gracie wants to Leave Label the space to keep on growing with her fashion line and grow as successful designer just as she did and in order to give her space she takes the challenge to focus more on doing the same as she used to but focusing on furniture.

I wish she sold hats again, and the NL masks. (I miss my werewolf hoodie.)

We have Gulliver for that moronic task. :(

Seriously, TEN sombreros?

> Agreed! she desperately needs variety of all sorts !
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Label just makes me sad, honestly. When I first saw her in the plaza I was excited because I assumed she was going to eventually open up a shop/move in with her sisters after a couple challenges like Gracie did in New Leaf. I figured we'd do a few fashion challenges and she'd be all "wow! This town has such great fashion! My sisters were right and I should totally move here," and there would be a fun shop expansion.

Only there wasn't. I don't know if that's still in the cards is maybe coming in a later update but her current role is disappointing. I don't really enjoy her fashion checks because I'm not super jazzed about having more of her items show up in my shop, lol. I feel like the Able Sisters rarely sell cute clothes as is, and having Label's designs be added to the rotation of clothes I skip isn't something I'm super keen on. I don't really care for the tailors tickets either - I wish they would be usable for any item, except for maybe the crowns cause I get why those are expensive lol. But I dunno. It's just not super fun. I wasn't a huge fan of Gracie's fashion checks either but at least I knew they were heading towards something, but Label's don't have that.
I feel bad because I think all of Label's clothes look so tacky, boring, and bland. Every piece she offers I can find a version I prefer from her sisters instead! I never ignore her fashion checks when I see her in the plaza, even if I'm always disappointed in the reward it gives. Just can't bring myself to do it.
Really not a fan of her stuff, it reminds me of the "gucci". line IRL or something, which honestly kinda does nothing for me at best. I don't see the appeal at all. I wish she could have like DLC clothes like a zelda set you gotta work for or something. Something obscure and fun like "fashions from other lands/games"
I ignore her at the moment. Don't even bother finishing getting her set as it's not worth the effort to change my clothes for.
I feel so guilty because everytime I see that she’s the visiting NPC for the day I sigh. ☹️ I can’t help it but I definitely am not excited for her challenges or rewards. And I used to like her so much in NL too.
They did Label bad in this game. I don't hate all of her clothes, like the coat for example is probably one of my favorite clothing items in the game, buuuut the fact that it's all just slapped with her branding and made expensive is my exact issue with like... real-world high-end brands like Gucci. It uses the name of the item/designer to excuse it being hideous.

Someone mentioned above how Gracie had SUCH interesting clothing/furniture options that even though your wallet would hate you, they were still worth getting! They weren't just the regular Gracie branding (which in my opinion is actually my least favorite of the Gracie lineups.)

I hope she gets a store or teams with Gracie and has something similar to Gracie's Emporium in a later update. I'm alright waiting for it if they treat her well, but for now whenever I see her in town I just ignore her. The fashion checks aren't worth it (and not even difficult tbh)
Label just makes me sad, honestly. When I first saw her in the plaza I was excited because I assumed she was going to eventually open up a shop/move in with her sisters after a couple challenges like Gracie did in New Leaf. I figured we'd do a few fashion challenges and she'd be all "wow! This town has such great fashion! My sisters were right and I should totally move here," and there would be a fun shop expansion.

Only there wasn't. I don't know if that's still in the cards is maybe coming in a later update but her current role is disappointing. I don't really enjoy her fashion checks because I'm not super jazzed about having more of her items show up in my shop, lol. I feel like the Able Sisters rarely sell cute clothes as is, and having Label's designs be added to the rotation of clothes I skip isn't something I'm super keen on. I don't really care for the tailors tickets either - I wish they would be usable for any item, except for maybe the crowns cause I get why those are expensive lol. But I dunno. It's just not super fun. I wasn't a huge fan of Gracie's fashion checks either but at least I knew they were heading towards something, but Label's don't have that.

They did Label bad in this game. I don't hate all of her clothes, like the coat for example is probably one of my favorite clothing items in the game, buuuut the fact that it's all just slapped with her branding and made expensive is my exact issue with like... real-world high-end brands like Gucci. It uses the name of the item/designer to excuse it being hideous.

Someone mentioned above how Gracie had SUCH interesting clothing/furniture options that even though your wallet would hate you, they were still worth getting! They weren't just the regular Gracie branding (which in my opinion is actually my least favorite of the Gracie lineups.)

I hope she gets a store or teams with Gracie and has something similar to Gracie's Emporium in a later update. I'm alright waiting for it if they treat her well, but for now whenever I see her in town I just ignore her. The fashion checks aren't worth it (and not even difficult tbh)

> Absolutely agree with you both i feel your disappointment! I have seen pp in forum saying that like data miners say that there is something coming to the able sisters like an upgrade so lets hope that poor Label gets a proper makeover not just of her character but also her product line 🤞.