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League of Legends

Have you played DotA before?

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I'm pretty sure Dota 2 will run on 2gb of ram, have you ever tried it?

I think Riot has done a lot to curb snowball effects. I believe this LCS, only 60% of first bloods will result in a win for that team.

YESSS YOU ARE HERE! I actually think snowballing is more of an issue in high elo play because in low elo most people don't know how to use first blood etc.
Does Reginald play? No
Is he an analyst? No

Why you cite his opinion to back up your claim on pro scene play is confusing. Also, citing LoL pro play in the West and claiming it is bland is not a reflection upon the game but rather the mediocrity of the Western players.

Let's not waste further time though. You still haven't answered my questions from last time:

1. Supposing your arguments were true and Dota were so much superior. Then why in the world are you in this thread? Why are you spending so much time researching pointless or irrelevant statistics to back up your incorrect claims when you could be enjoying the wonderful game that you claim Dota is.

2. When are you going to actually watch a pro LoL game?

I await your 10 paragraph essay where you will attempt to use fancy vocabulary incorrectly to avoid answering either of those questions.
lol, Reginald is a coach, I think his opinion is pretty valid. Why would Morello respond to his tweet if he was a nobody? As usual, you never bring up specific examples to support your case. Your only argument is "you know nothing, go watch pro games". You know absolutely nothing about me. You assume I haven't watched a single game of league. You assume I don't even play league. Instead of talking about the game, you prefer instead to talk about me. I dunno why you're so defensive either lol, it's as if you're so insecure about the game that you would resort to blind fanboyism and ignore what everyone is saying about repetitive champion picks and a stagnant meta.

Why am I in this thread researching "pointless and irrelevant statistics"? None of your business. It's irrelevant for the discussion at hand too. You give off the impression that you own this thread. Between this and interrogating Ahri about her choice of playmates, you seem to think everyone is accountable to you. Get off your high horse. If you're going to question my credentials, then where are your's? Are you a professional player? Oh right, of course, you've never actually said anything in any of your posts. All you say is "lol ur wrong, go watch pro games before u talk plz". Well, please educate me then, on how I'm wrong.
lol, Reginald is a coach, I think his opinion is pretty valid. Why would Morello respond to his tweet if he was a nobody? As usual, you never bring up specific examples to support your case. Your only argument is "you know nothing, go watch pro games". You know absolutely nothing about me. You assume I haven't watched a single game of league. You assume I don't even play league. Instead of talking about the game, you prefer instead to talk about me. I dunno why you're so defensive either lol, it's as if you're so insecure about the game that you would resort to blind fanboyism and ignore what everyone is saying about repetitive champion picks and a stagnant meta.

Why am I in this thread researching "pointless and irrelevant statistics"? None of your business. It's irrelevant for the discussion at hand too. You give off the impression that you own this thread. Between this and interrogating Ahri about her choice of playmates, you seem to think everyone is accountable to you. Get off your high horse. If you're going to question my credentials, then where are your's? Are you a professional player? Oh right, of course, you've never actually said anything in any of your posts. All you say is "lol ur wrong, go watch pro games before u talk plz". Well, please educate me then, on how I'm wrong.

"lol, Reginald is a coach, I think his opinion is pretty valid. Why would Morello respond to his tweet if he was a nobody?"
Coach of what? If you followed the scene at all, you would know that the actual coach who is involved in the strategies (as opposed to the business side) is Locodoco. Why did Morello respond to his tweet? That you are citing his tweet answers your own question.

" As usual, you never bring up specific examples to support your case. Your only argument is "you know nothing, go watch pro games". You know absolutely nothing about me. You assume I haven't watched a single game of league. You assume I don't even play league."
I love how when I bring up specific examples, you deliberately ignore them. Then when I make subsequent posts on the same topic, you accuse me of not bringing up specific examples. Keep trolling.

"Why am I in this thread researching "pointless and irrelevant statistics"? None of your business. It's irrelevant for the discussion at hand too.
Actually, it is my business. Because I have to constantly see your drivel and because you decide to make posts that seem substantial at first glance with the intent of misleading others who may not follow the game as closely. Thus, even if I ignored your one post, I would have to contend with the subsequent posts regarding it.

Stop pretending you want to have an actual debate. It's quite obvious you're here with an agenda; whether that be a pro-Dota agenda or you're out here to just troll for the sake of trolling.
"lol, Reginald is a coach, I think his opinion is pretty valid. Why would Morello respond to his tweet if he was a nobody?"
Coach of what? If you followed the scene at all, you would know that the actual coach who is involved in the strategies (as opposed to the business side) is Locodoco. Why did Morello respond to his tweet? That you are citing his tweet answers your own question.

" As usual, you never bring up specific examples to support your case. Your only argument is "you know nothing, go watch pro games". You know absolutely nothing about me. You assume I haven't watched a single game of league. You assume I don't even play league."
I love how when I bring up specific examples, you deliberately ignore them. Then when I make subsequent posts on the same topic, you accuse me of not bringing up specific examples. Keep trolling.

"Why am I in this thread researching "pointless and irrelevant statistics"? None of your business. It's irrelevant for the discussion at hand too.
Actually, it is my business. Because I have to constantly see your drivel and because you decide to make posts that seem substantial at first glance with the intent of misleading others who may not follow the game as closely. Thus, even if I ignored your one post, I would have to contend with the subsequent posts regarding it.

Stop pretending you want to have an actual debate. It's quite obvious you're here with an agenda; whether that be a pro-Dota agenda or you're out here to just troll for the sake of trolling.

You're a dingus.
Dota is balanced around the philosophy of keeping heroes' strengths whilst amplifying their weaknesses. Riot takes the homogenisation approach where no champion really excels at anything, and all the top tier competitive picks are pocket knives, capable of doing pretty much anything reasonably well. You don't really counter champions like Lee Sin, Thresh, or Lucian, or think of some clever strategy to mitigate the impact of their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. You just try to out-pocket knife them. Theres no specific pick that will ruin Lee Sin, Thresh, or Lucian's day because all of the champions are too damn homogenised to do anything unique.

So yes, Dota is hard. Not having a get out of jail free card in the form of flash, long cc, high impact spells and long initiation ranges means that you will die very quickly if you are an inch out of position. Oh and you lose gold on death, so you really really don't want to die either.

So why don't I go ahead and take this opportunity to debunk your latest claims, since you were at least nice enough to provide specific examples.

" You don't really counter champions like Lee Sin, Thresh, or Lucian, or think of some clever strategy to mitigate the impact of their strengths and exploit their weaknesses."

Lucian has been changed so there is no point discussing him at this point in time. Another example of your obsolete arguments. But since it's recent, we'll just ignore it for now then.

Lee Sin is the result of Riot's balancing strategy of taking care of problems one at a time. He was so dominant in the last few patches because they reworked the other top junglers without affecting him. However, the recent changes to the jungle clearly develops counter strategies to Lee Sin. In particular, his strength is solely a strong control of early game and then only utility in later parts of the game. This shows your claim of "no champ being good at anything in particular" being false. In particular, in recent pro games, you would see Rengar and Nocturne being perfectly viable picks against Lee Sin. With Quill Coat, I wouldn't be surprised to see more.

Thresh is a very well-rounded champion. He excels at utility, has pick potential, and good crowd control if and only if he can get into range. Right there, you see the weaknesses. He must hit the hook on the appropriate target in order to get into range in order to chain his CC. Otherwise, his sole purpose is utility. Even there, counterstrategies involving ward placements have been done in Korea. His lack of reliable initiate has seen him decline in favor of other supports such as Nami or Braum. Both of these champions also have clear weaknesses/deficits where Thresh does excel.

Trinkets are very useful because it helps lvl 1 be less volatile. The problem right now is that there are too little champions that are viable and all assassins are completely useless. The game was a lot more action packed to watch when assassins were strong, but they were completely over nerfed.
In the assassin meta, individual players would be able to impact the game much more.
Riot needs to find a balance between having standard mid laners and also having assassins be viable as well.
As a spectator, its really boring to watch competitive teams farm for 30 minutes and fight at baron/dragon.
As a gamer, its really sucks to do extremely well in my lane and crush... but then have 1 lesser skilled player impact the game more than me.
DFG was nerfed to 90 seconds, was this too OP? I don't get it.
edit: FYI I'm bias and my opinion is solely based on Mid lane, competitive play, solo q.
Whoever made this statement is clearly basing his opinion mainly on the LCS. Watch the SK Telecoms T1K vs. Samsung White games and see if you still find this to be true. Game 1 SK Telecom T1K expertly identified their win conditions and power curves and also Samsung White's and exploited the discrepancies perfectly. Game 2 was filled to the brim with action with the result decided by some poor rotations in the latter parts of the game by SK Telecom T1K and also good teamfighting by Samsung White where they properly exploited a missed Shockwave with two simultaneous flash into CC on two different targets.

The game has changed but to call it stale just because LCS teams like to drag it out to 80 minutes is a complete misrepresentation. Just because LCS teams are unable to close out games doesn't mean it's impossible. You see very little fighting between LCS teams because they are unable to properly identify their power curves and win conditions as SKT T1K and White can.

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Assassins are completely useless

Oh that's funny because Faker on SKT Telecoms T1K has played even utility champions as assassin types. His Xerath, Zilean, and (today) Orianna have created numerous picks and opportunities for his team.
Uhh so yeah my boyfriend p lays like 99% on th pc these days so I don't get to play much but if I interested add me or Send me a message I will go shove My boyfriend off the pc. I'm level 30 trying to plat QQ only gold 4 right now. My league name is Waifu Chun
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This was the first time I actually tuned into watch OGN. WOW. What a stream to watch...

I had huge doubts that I wouldn't like it due to not knowing the players well. I was extremely wrong! Monte and the other guy (sorry I don't know, I never watch OGN :p) Did really amazing casting and their was so much action. Was glued on watching it today. :)

Just saw this comment on reddit. In case anyone is curious, it's definitely worth checking out: twitch.tv/ongamenet
lol, Reginald is a coach, I think his opinion is pretty valid. Why would Morello respond to his tweet if he was a nobody? As usual, you never bring up specific examples to support your case. Your only argument is "you know nothing, go watch pro games". You know absolutely nothing about me. You assume I haven't watched a single game of league. You assume I don't even play league. Instead of talking about the game, you prefer instead to talk about me. I dunno why you're so defensive either lol, it's as if you're so insecure about the game that you would resort to blind fanboyism and ignore what everyone is saying about repetitive champion picks and a stagnant meta.

Why am I in this thread researching "pointless and irrelevant statistics"? None of your business. It's irrelevant for the discussion at hand too. You give off the impression that you own this thread. Between this and interrogating Ahri about her choice of playmates, you seem to think everyone is accountable to you. Get off your high horse. If you're going to question my credentials, then where are your's? Are you a professional player? Oh right, of course, you've never actually said anything in any of your posts. All you say is "lol ur wrong, go watch pro games before u talk plz". Well, please educate me then, on how I'm wrong.

dude dont talk unless ur diamond
I'm no rank, haven't played in awhile. I mainly study VoD's of Korean OGN and some Chinese LPL games occasionally to learn about game strategy, micro mechanics, map movements, objective control, lane swaps, and etc.

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Ah so you did point out an error in my previous statement! Instead of "a common error I see in solo queue..." I should be saying "I used to see" :D

Oh, you're a theorycrafter. You don't even play. lol. ok.
ive only played dota2 but i figure theyre probably pretty much the same thing
tbh i wasnt really dedicated to playing dota2 when i downloaded it(i only played like 5 times) but i liked it a lot more than LoL.

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i voted option 1
Oh, you're a theorycrafter. You don't even play. lol. ok.

Yeah I just suddenly decided to study the theory without learning the game at all. I didn't play for 2 years and hit Diamond. Nope, I'm just like you!

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But again, right as I pull up specific examples, as you requested, you immediately try to divert the topic to somewhere else. What's wrong? Your thesaurus can't help you here I guess.
Yeah I just suddenly decided to study the theory without learning the game at all. I didn't play for 2 years and hit Diamond. Nope, I'm just like you!

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But again, right as I pull up specific examples, as you requested, you immediately try to divert the topic to somewhere else. What's wrong? Your thesaurus can't help you here I guess.
I don't have a thesaurus, I'm just educated :)

I want to try to download DotA 2 but it looks so confusing lol
There are transferrable skills from League, and you can easily get by with the basics (denying, teleport scrolls, courier). Then it's just a matter of slowly building up knowledge of all the tricks, mechanics and quirks of the game. Dota is nearly universally accepted to be more complex, arguably to the detriment of new players, but it also makes it infinitely more rewarding when you pull off a play.
this is a useful guide for league players
Feel free to add me if you want someone to show you the ropes: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ahswtini/
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Yeah I just suddenly decided to study the theory without learning the game at all. I didn't play for 2 years and hit Diamond. Nope, I'm just like you!

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But again, right as I pull up specific examples, as you requested, you immediately try to divert the topic to somewhere else. What's wrong? Your thesaurus can't help you here I guess.

What's your ign??

Diamond wat
lol nice edit. Yeah I didn't study Korean OGN at university, sorry.

Then don't talk as if you know everything about the game. If you have a legitimate interest in discussing the intricacies of the game, I am more than happy to oblige.

I suggest you start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvN665vTjFI&list=UU7MWQN7Ngj02EtvoaK7WKKw

To everyone else who may be interested: this is an in-depth interview done by OnGamers (yawnGamers zz) with CJ Entus Blaze Flame with very detailed answers by Flame. The highlight in particular was Flame's breakdown of NaJin White Shield and Save's plays.