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League of Legends

Have you played DotA before?

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^ But it was expected, honestly. C9 are just a better team mechanics wise. It's unfortunate they are all so unlikable.
Yeah, dig started out really strong this season. Then they just went on tilt.

On a side note, I was lucky enough to go to the LCS and meet imaqtpie (who is my favorite pro player). He's just as funny/nice as he is on stream.
Lucky you.. My favorite is probably Dyrus.

I like Dyrus he seems pretty legit. I saw an interview and people were asking him questions and he was like: "I dunno, I just got bored.".

I thought it was pretty funny.
It's a pretty bad game that takes far less skill than most RTS games.
You could say that about call of duty though :lemon:

Bullets suck!

okay I'm bumping this (kind of)
I just lost a provisional. My 3rd ranked game ever was a failure. I won the first 2. I have 7 left to go. My team was Mundo, Xin jungle, akali mid and twitch adc, I was support Nami. Dunno why he went twitch, Vayne would have been a better pick against ezreal and sona. Xin kept diving every lane and ended up feeding ezreal twice, by then we were screwed. He ended up taking his anger out on the whole team?? Akali had potential to possibly carry but she was also bad and kept diving and roaming in unwarded places (hell I was the only one warding and buying wards). We stayed turret hugging because by the time xin fed we were pretty much screwed so there was no going back. I'm just so mad at this like, Mundo top was just doing his own thing against Garen until the whole team went top. I think I'm just done with ranked lol. This is why I never wanted to rank but I was feeling confident with Nami so I decided to give it a 3rd go. I was thinking of just trying again later on when I practice more and am good enough at Akali or Katarina, possibly Irelia since she's never banned. Or maybe Ahri. I won one game with Akali.

I just really dislike how the meta is now, the fate of the game is pretty much on how well bot does and if every other lane is feeding as well along with a useless jungler, it's just gg. I guess our team synergy was pretty bad too, and along with the negative attitude the jungler was giving us it was just lost from the very beginning.

I need advice I guess, and I'm gonna wait a LONG time before I go back into another ranked game. This loss just really disappointed me lol.
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What rank were you last season? I felt like giving up on ranked and then I got tips on how to carry.

I just got to silver 2 and then got to 77 points. I'm aiming for gold by the end of the season hopefully. I play Ahri and Riven (mains) and Morgana. Morgana support is broken right now if you're good with the snares. lol
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Joey Graceffa & Catriphic are doing an event in November about League of Legends c:
What rank were you last season? I felt like giving up on ranked and then I got tips on how to carry.

I just got to silver 2 and then got to 77 points. I'm aiming for gold by the end of the season hopefully. I play Ahri and Riven (mains) and Morgana. Morgana support is broken right now if you're good with the snares. lol

I didn't play last season. And omg yeah Morgana is fun, sometimes I play her to practice snares + she's really good in team fights. I used to main Riven but I got kinda bored of her, she has high potential to carry though so maybe I'll go back to her. And Ahri is so fun but I suck at her now xP
I played like 5 provisonal games last season, but it ended right before I could finish my last ones. I think I only lost once. I have this weird love hate relationship with the game. I'll play for a few months then take like 9 months off. I get pretty good then have to relearn the game essentially. I've been playing since 2011 or 2012. I am considering reinstalling it (again). I think the last time I played Yasou was the newest released champ. My username on Lol is Misuzu Rin if anyone is interested in playing some time.
okay I'm bumping this (kind of)
I just lost a provisional. My 3rd ranked game ever was a failure. I won the first 2. I have 7 left to go. My team was Mundo, Xin jungle, akali mid and twitch adc, I was support Nami. Dunno why he went twitch, Vayne would have been a better pick against ezreal and sona. Xin kept diving every lane and ended up feeding ezreal twice, by then we were screwed. He ended up taking his anger out on the whole team?? Akali had potential to possibly carry but she was also bad and kept diving and roaming in unwarded places (hell I was the only one warding and buying wards). We stayed turret hugging because by the time xin fed we were pretty much screwed so there was no going back. I'm just so mad at this like, Mundo top was just doing his own thing against Garen until the whole team went top. I think I'm just done with ranked lol. This is why I never wanted to rank but I was feeling confident with Nami so I decided to give it a 3rd go. I was thinking of just trying again later on when I practice more and am good enough at Akali or Katarina, possibly Irelia since she's never banned. Or maybe Ahri. I won one game with Akali.

I just really dislike how the meta is now, the fate of the game is pretty much on how well bot does and if every other lane is feeding as well along with a useless jungler, it's just gg. I guess our team synergy was pretty bad too, and along with the negative attitude the jungler was giving us it was just lost from the very beginning.

I need advice I guess, and I'm gonna wait a LONG time before I go back into another ranked game. This loss just really disappointed me lol.

Please don't talk about meta until you have watched 500 OGN vods like Riptide

On a serious note, you will always have those games where everything goes wrong. Nothing you can do about it, except go back and look at your own mistakes. Which is difficult in League because there are no replays :p The point is, there are always things you could have done better. When all lanes lose, it's very difficult to come back in League. You have scaling AP exacerbating the snowball effect, but also I don't see any teamfight turning abilities. League spellcasting is very spammy and low impact, which favours teams that are ahead.
Please don't talk about meta until you have watched 500 OGN vods like Riptide

On a serious note, you will always have those games where everything goes wrong. Nothing you can do about it, except go back and look at your own mistakes. Which is difficult in League because there are no replays :p The point is, there are always things you could have done better. When all lanes lose, it's very difficult to come back in League. You have scaling AP exacerbating the snowball effect, but also I don't see any teamfight turning abilities. League spellcasting is very spammy and low impact, which favours teams that are ahead.

Eh, in a way it's pretty true. By the time your bot lane has lost their lane it's because the adc eventually got too fed and at that point it's difficult to stop.

And yeah of course everyone makes mistakes. I think the mistake me + the adc made was not going into the jungle to help out mid and jungler when there were like 3 enemies there, adc just kept farming? So I guess I have to work on map awareness or quickly deciding if it's worth going in (which it probably wasn't because I think we all would have died). I just wish people warded more, it would save so many deaths, as a support you just feel like the only one warding and people just randomly go into unwarded areas. and you mean league spellcasting in general?
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