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Smash Bros Least favorite character?

you guys are rlly salty to rosalina

All of the characters with counter attacks. Little Mac, Shulk and the Fire Emblem Sword users. It's just so frustrating how the CPU can pull them off perfectly. Combine that with Mac's stage not having edges for him to fall off and he has a distinct advantage on there.

Oh and Pikachu! That freakin' thunder attack. There needs to be more an opening or weakness to punish him for spamming that. It's just an unstoppable move.
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All of the characters with counter attacks. Little Mac, Shulk and the Fire Emblem Sword users. It's just so frustrating how the CPU can pull them off perfectly. Combine that with Mac's stage not having edges for him to fall off and he has a distinct advantage on there.

Oh and Pikachu! That freakin' thunder attack. There needs to be more an opening or weakness to punish him for spamming that. It's just an unstoppable move.

Pikachu's thunder is actually quite easy to manipulate if they spam it. You just sidestep to avoid it and then quickly rush in and use a Sm4sh attack on Pikachu before they can Thunder again. ;)
Sonic still pisses me off with his annoying taunts and idiotic moves. (Sorry ryu, I just hate him too much.)
am I the only one who hates Bowser and thinks is criminally op? >.>
also Dr.Mario is quite pointless he's just a Mario duplicate
Pikachu's thunder is actually quite easy to manipulate if they spam it. You just sidestep to avoid it and then quickly rush in and use a Sm4sh attack on Pikachu before they can Thunder again. ;)

Most of the time it's used when I'm in the air, not leaving enough time to get close enough to attack. Trying to goad the opponent into using it by getting above them doesn't work unless you have something like a bomb to throw down.
am I the only one who hates Bowser and thinks is criminally op? >.>
also Dr.Mario is quite pointless he's just a Mario duplicate

Bowser is quite actually easy to beat. He's powerful, but slow, meaning if you're playing as an above average fast character it's easy to beat him (Hence Sonic)

And yeah, I know what you mean about being in the air and not being able to attack. That's when Pikachu's Thunder is most annoying cause they will keep striking you with it till you get killed and never touch the ground. :)
Ganondorf. I haven't touched him since Melee. Not only is he too generic nowadays and needs to go, but he's seriously outdated. We need a new LoZ villain put into Sm4sh as DLC or the next Sm4sh game. Ganondorf is so years ago. :rolleyes:
Most of the time it's used when I'm in the air, not leaving enough time to get close enough to attack. Trying to goad the opponent into using it by getting above them doesn't work unless you have something like a bomb to throw down.

Who do you usually play as? If you have good aerial mobility you could try baiting it out by jumping over them, then doubling back while they're mostly helpless and using an airborne attack.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, my least favorite is Samus. She just feels clunky to play as in this game. I don't dislike her as a character, I just think she needs to be buffed or something.
Charizard is horrible lol
Sometimes my friends spam his charge, and then I Just ragequit or tell them to use another character.
If not Charizard, then its most likely Duck Hunt. I find him clunky and way too hard to use. I also felt he was not needed, especially in this game. We already got Rosalina and Olimar and stuff in this game, soo I felt it wasn't necessary to have another character with a "support"? I dunno, thats just me.
I don't like link and toon link very much. Not that they can get rid of them. A lot of people that use them are all spammers witheither the bomb, the arrow or the up smash. Link is the most used character I find on for glory, but the majority of them are crap.
I absolutely can not stand Shulk. His counter is incredibly annoying and plus, who the hell does he think he is?? I never even heard of xenoblade whatchamahoozits and yet it was popular enough for him to be in smash? Out of ALL the characters they could have chosen for ssb4 they chose him. Wow. Here I was getting all hyped up for ice climbers and this jerk just shows up square out of nowhere strutting into the new ssb like he's hot ****. Screw this guy and his dumb blonde hair.

But I do love hearing his screams of agony when he's defeated ʘ‿ʘ.
I absolutely can not stand Shulk. His counter is incredibly annoying and plus, who the hell does he think he is?? I never even heard of xenoblade whatchamahoozits and yet it was popular enough for him to be in smash? Out of ALL the characters they could have chosen for ssb4 they chose him. Wow. Here I was getting all hyped up for ice climbers and this jerk just shows up square out of nowhere strutting into the new ssb like he's hot ****. Screw this guy and his dumb blonde hair.

But I do love hearing his screams of agony when he's defeated ʘ‿ʘ.

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I absolutely can not stand Shulk. His counter is incredibly annoying and plus, who the hell does he think he is?? I never even heard of xenoblade whatchamahoozits and yet it was popular enough for him to be in smash? Out of ALL the characters they could have chosen for ssb4 they chose him. Wow. Here I was getting all hyped up for ice climbers and this jerk just shows up square out of nowhere strutting into the new ssb like he's hot ****. Screw this guy and his dumb blonde hair.

But I do love hearing his screams of agony when he's defeated ʘ‿ʘ.

Here's a little secret. Shulk is actually a girl. Yes, I too was confused at first when I found out. Oops I'm such a noob, I thought we were talking about shiek XD
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I absolutely can not stand Shulk. His counter is incredibly annoying and plus, who the hell does he think he is?? I never even heard of xenoblade whatchamahoozits and yet it was popular enough for him to be in smash? Out of ALL the characters they could have chosen for ssb4 they chose him. Wow. Here I was getting all hyped up for ice climbers and this jerk just shows up square out of nowhere strutting into the new ssb like he's hot ****. Screw this guy and his dumb blonde hair.

But I do love hearing his screams of agony when he's defeated ʘ‿ʘ.

Omg, how dare you attack Shulk. I love Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, it's awesome. And Shulk is a boy. -.-....

Also, Nintendo already said they couldn't put Ice Climbers into the game because the 3DS version wouldn't have been able to handle the amount of data the both Mama and Papa took in it. :/
Omg, how dare you attack Shulk. I love Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, it's awesome. And Shulk is a boy. -.-....

Also, Nintendo already said they couldn't put Ice Climbers into the game because the 3DS version wouldn't have been able to handle the amount of data the both Mama and Papa took in it. :/
Nana and Popo*

On topic:
Sonic, link, spamus
My least favorite character is always changing, but pretty much any character with excessive abusable projectiles. People just don't know how to limit themselves. I hardly see any Links use their sword anymore. It's like bomb, arrow, boomerang, and repeat. Not saying there are players who can't use them. I just tend to run into the spammy ones the most.
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