Least favorite Nintendo Controller?

I've disliked the majority of Nintendo's controllers. They're too gimmicky. The last time they launched a console that didn't make me immediately want to go out and buy a new controller was the Gamecube.
N64 controller, how the hell did it even make it past suggestion lol, I prefer GCN ones so much more...
Not surprised to see the N64 controller here a couple of times, though I personally don't mind it despite how wonky it's designed

I am surprised to see the joycons mentioned so much, since aside from the joycons drift issue I have multiple friends that live using them. Definitely thought the default Wii remote was going to get some hate.
Wii U game pad (if that counts) - it was extremely bulky and uncomfortable. I was having too much fun with N64 games when I was younger to notice how awkward the controller really was. Thankful most of my favorites had great successors, remakes, or remasters so I don't have to go back to it now. 😅
Wii U game pad (if that counts) - it was extremely bulky and uncomfortable. I was having too much fun with N64 games when I was younger to notice how awkward the controller really was. Thankful most of my favorites had great successors, remakes, or remasters so I don't have to go back to it now. 😅

My biggest pet peeve for the Wii U Gamepad was how much it was required for player 1 to use and how it also made you share the controller for certain games. I have sweaty hands, I don't want people feeling that... I agree that it is bulky too. It was hard to get used to pressing the bumpers and triggers. I also am personally not a fan of the material it's made of and how the controller stays on pretty much 24/7 draining the battery. I'd definitely put it up there for the worst.
I'd have to say joy cons, they're not super comfortable to hold and I'm shocked at how many people said wii remote because personally I thought it was super comfortable and fit perfectly and you could easily press the buttons you needed and everything. But that's just my opinion obviously
The Wii Remote was the worst thing Nintendo ever conceived of. You had to use it point at the TV to even get past the main menu to even get to games like Mario Kart Wii, Brawl, or GCN games where you could play with the vastly superior GCN controller.

One time the thin cord on the receiver broke and I couldn't play anything on the Wii for a long time until we were able to get me a new one.

I'm so glad that controller is gone and now we have pro controllers.
Joycons. The drifting is obnoxious. There are things I don't like about the Wiimote and the N64 controllers but I have a gen 1 N64 controller and a gen 1 Wiimote that still work perfectly while my two year old left joycon is drifting. I just can't justify disliking a part of the design on otherwise perfectly well-made controllers when the quality on the joycons is just sososo bad. Also, the joycons are just as gimmicky as the Wiimote, if not worse. I couldn't even get through Let's Go Pikachu because of the garbage one-joycon control scheme. I'm playing single-player. I will only ever play single-player. Let me use both joycons like a controller like I can in every other game.
Joycons by a long shot. 29 years and I've never had an issue with or had to replace the controller a console came with, meanwhile it looks like I'm about to be on my third pair of these turds. They're grossly overpriced, too small, flimsy, plagued with issues (I've not had them all, but they defo exist). The two player variation of them is a joke, like they were designed solely for babies and midgets. If anything about the Switch feels like an example of the console being rushed, it's the joycons.

N64 controller was a bit uncomfortable and weird, but I cant help but give it a pass since 3D gaming was a new concept with no standards for controls. I wouldnt use it again though, it's still awful despite that...Just, "I understand".

Gamecube too I guess. Didnt have an issue with it at the time but these days it feels awful to me.

The only other bad things I can say is the Wii U controller didnt have the best battery life (but damn comfy to me) and the Wii was just a lame gimmick altogether, but I think they're also the best design for their console they could have had. Wii especially, comfort and usability being spot on even if I hated the Wii.
While my immediate response was the Wii controller due to motion controls, in terms of overall dislike I'd need to pick the Joy-Cons.
Nintendo's response to issues and the production value of those is really disappointing.
Those dreaded joycons.
It's fine if it's attached to the switch, but otherwise they're way too tiny and hard to play with.
JoyCons. They do not fit my hands well at all. Even the NES Controller was more comfortable than these things.
The wii remote holding it sideways. It feels so awkward when you somehow need to press the b button at the back. You have to move your left hand ever so slightly just to press it. The NES controller in my opinion is feels better than that because you only had to worry about eight buttons and that pressing a and b there feels so satisfying.
The N64 controller feels really weird to use. When you're used to having two control sticks, having only one in the middle is hard to get used to. But the worst part is the D-pad which is in such an awkward position. Really glad they got their act together with the Gamecube controller.
Gonna say it's a tie between the Joycons and the N64 controller. The N64 controller is very awkward to hold and use, but at least it's a lot more durable than the Joycons, which drift really bad, unfortunately. Plus playing games with one Joycon isn't very fun, but I at least appreciate what they were going for.
I hated the Wii controllers. I hated them then, and I certainly never grew to like them now.

As for joycons...trying to play games with a single joycon is pretty bad...but, I think you do need to consider that the primary method of playing the Switch is not with a single joycon...and the fact that you can play two-player games anywhere just by undocking them is a pretty brilliant feature. For that reason, I really can't say anything bad about the joycons. When connected to the Switch in handheld mode, or docked in the controller peripheral, the joycons are perfectly decent.