Zelda Legend of Zelda General Discussion

I'm quite hyped for the new Zelda-game as well. Really digging the artstyle too. However, I've got this feeling that they've moved it over to the "NX".

I think they'll pull a twilight princess and that one of the reasons they've postponed the release is so that they can release the game both on the wii u as promised and as a strong starting game for the NX. Lack of strong launch titles killed the wii u so I expect they've learned. With the way the game looks to be shaping up, launch that on the same day as the NX along with a GOOD, WELL MADE, WANTED Mario game (like a super Mario galaxy 3 for example) and a decent Metroid title and some individual games that look really promising etc etc (and of course next gen 3rd party games) and people will flock to buy the NX. So yeah I reckon if Nintendo have any brains at all they will improve the game and release it along with the NX. If the NX is powerful and people know that the game will run optimally on the NX, they will buy it just for Zelda

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Zelda Wii U looks like a pretty awesome game, I definitely wish I could play it. >.< (I don't have a Wii U.)

I'm running through Wind Waker for the first time, and haven't been able to find the Big Octo I need to fight to get a higher magic meter. I've sailed around the quadrant I read it's supposed to be in several times with no success, and I'd really like to get it by when I finish the game (Working on Wind Temple at the moment. Makar's nice, but I prefer Medli.)

Look for seagulls. Chances are it will be there. And if not- don't fear! It will rise out of the sea just as you were least expecting it, give you a heart attack, ruin your day and make you swear to never play the game again. Fun times!
Seriously though it will turn up when you least expect it. That thing is a jerk
When is Zelda Wii U coming out? I personally dont see the NX coming out for a few years at least. But I could be wrong. To me it seems more like something to happen a little bit later than next year or the year after.
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When is Zelda Wii U coming out? I personally dont see the NX coming out for a few years at least. But I could be wrong. To me it seems more like something to happen a little bit later than next year or the year after.

it was originally meant to be out this year- but it has been delayed and Nintendo said that hitting the 2015 release date 'isn't a priority'
basically it's gonna come out in 2016. hopefully early in the year
Well I found the Big Octo, good thing because I would've been doomed in the Wind Temple without it.

Okay does anyone else absolutely hate Tingle and his fees? I'm on the Triforce collection quest so I can beat the game and still have roughly 3 or 4 charts left to decipher, and I'm pretty much completely out of Rupees. Max my wallet can hold is 1,000 and I had a full wallet before all this deciphering ;-; One of the many reasons I'm considering getting the HD since I just got a Wii U: Less Triforce Charts.
Well I found the Big Octo, good thing because I would've been doomed in the Wind Temple without it.

Okay does anyone else absolutely hate Tingle and his fees? I'm on the Triforce collection quest so I can beat the game and still have roughly 3 or 4 charts left to decipher, and I'm pretty much completely out of Rupees. Max my wallet can hold is 1,000 and I had a full wallet before all this deciphering ;-; One of the many reasons I'm considering getting the HD since I just got a Wii U: Less Triforce Charts.
the wii u version is waaaay easier, if you care about that. hero mode is great tho
it was originally meant to be out this year- but it has been delayed and Nintendo said that hitting the 2015 release date 'isn't a priority'
basically it's gonna come out in 2016. hopefully early in the year

If I remember though like Nintendo left Zelda U off of their 2016 predictions list, which means we're in for Twilight Princess all over again.
If I remember though like Nintendo left Zelda U off of their 2016 predictions list, which means we're in for Twilight Princess all over again.

I know- I basically cried at the news. I'm amazed they're effectively going to skip the 30th anniversary though. something doesn't sit right with that.
I would prefer for the NX to release in late 2017, although that would never happen. I'll definitely get the Wii U version, as the gamepad will make it better.
I personally don't care if they wait to release it until 2016. If it comes out looking as great as Twilight did, I'll be super happy about waiting! Plus it'll give me more time to actually afford the darn Wii U.
i was gonna make a new thread but cbf

but triforce heros is coming to EU october 23 and AUS october 24

oct 23 for NA too
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I've never played Zelda before but I got The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for the 3Ds and little did I know that it's probably the hardest Zelda game (Of course I've heard about the Zelda games and how Majora's Mask was really difficult but I never imagined it to be this difficult!). I heard that TLOZ Hyrule Warriors is coming out for the 3Ds!
I've never played Zelda before but I got The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for the 3Ds and little did I know that it's probably the hardest Zelda game (Of course I've heard about the Zelda games and how Majora's Mask was really difficult but I never imagined it to be this difficult!). I heard that TLOZ Hyrule Warriors is coming out for the 3Ds!
Majora's Mask is definitely not for beginners. Ocarina of Time is a wonderful way to get introduced to the series, as there is no pressure from passing time. I highly recommend getting OoT for the 3DS if you get the chance. Also, I can't wait for Hyrule Warriors Legends! :D
I finally got to play both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask for the first time! Since I didn't have money for video games until fairly recently in my life, say, the last few years, my first LoZ game was actually A Link Between Worlds. It's very fun, but very different from the other two.

I really love all of them. Ocarina and Majora's Mask in particular almost made me cry like a little baby.

A couple of my favorite things:



And something from A Link Between Worlds I can appreciate a little bit more, although now it's even creepier after I've finished MM:

there's a demo coming to japan similar to the splatoon test fire


hopefully this'll come to the west (tho I see no reason why it wouldn't), because I'm p undecided on this game, I didn't like the style of a link between worlds and since this baso has the same style i'm not too interested on it, but a demo might change my mind.
A Link Between Worlds was my first LoZ game, and while Link's appearance there isn't one of my favorites, I really love the game. I think he looks better in Triforce Heroes, actually.

I'd say give them a chance, though.~