Zelda Legend of Zelda General Discussion

I'm trying out the LOZ:Tri-Force Heroes Demo atm and so far so good.
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The lack of news for Zelda U is killing me ;-;

I 100% agree. I'd love to find out more...
It seems there's rumors going around about a Twilight Princess HD remake for Wii U, and maybe Skyward Sword (at least a better quality version) on the eShop.
aaa from reading this thread i want to replay so many of the games!!! I finished playing ocarina of time for the first time one hundred percent by myself this summer, which was pretty cool.
I have never actually played through majora's mask (just walked around and stuff lol) but i think i'm going to get the game for 3ds later this year to play it ^^

my favourite zelda game is probably windwaker or skyward sword. I did enjoy ocarina of time, twilight princess and phantom hourglass, but they're just not the same! Although when I go back to skyward sword now i find the controls to be kind of annoying )x

Nintendo sent me 3 demo codes just now!
Here's the email (cut out the codes, of course).

I just got the demo email too. They send you three demo codes so you can give two to friends!
Twilight Princess HD hype!!!!!!!!!!!

Changing yo avatar/sig to get pumped I see!!
My favorite LOZ game pops, you already know I'm hyped!!!!!

Also, peep this GOLDY orchestra on Colbert last night guys.
I might have teared up.

Also, peep this GOLDY orchestra on Colbert last night guys.
I might have teared up.

Basically it was just the music from the concert CD with the only new song being the TH main theme. Nothing new really.
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Changing yo avatar/sig to get pumped I see!!
My favorite LOZ game pops, you already know I'm hyped!!!!!

Also, peep this GOLDY orchestra on Colbert last night guys.
I might have teared up.
You are not alone.
Basically it was just the music from the concert CD with the only new song being the TH main theme. Nothing new really.

ok well i didn't hear the CD so this was a first time for me and i didn't wear protection so let me soak it in boi

edit: and it was also on late show with colbert man that's bonus points
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Was going to post this across a few threads but I de3cided to post it all here for convenience.
So I came up with ideas for HW and Smash relating to Zelda.
-In HW Legends, since there will probably be a new Adventure map for the Wind Waker stuff, what if the map is the sea chart from Wind Waker and every square was a different island? I thought it would be interesting, altough somewhat short compared to other maps. Maybe the could extend it by adding Hyrule?
-For Smash, I know Midna is a popular character, but I don't think she has a chance since she's already an assist trophy. But what if they has Twili Midna as a playable character instead? She wouldn't be mixed up with her assist trophy version and even though it's a much less recognizable form of her, it's still Midna. I just want a Zelda character because we haven't gotten a new one since Melee. That was back in 2001. If Zelda was one of their biggest series, you think they would add at least 1 newcomer in the 14 years since Melee came out but noooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo. Also Toon Link=Young Link.
Was going to post this across a few threads but I de3cided to post it all here for convenience.
So I came up with ideas for HW and Smash relating to Zelda.
-In HW Legends, since there will probably be a new Adventure map for the Wind Waker stuff, what if the map is the sea chart from Wind Waker and every square was a different island? I thought it would be interesting, altough somewhat short compared to other maps. Maybe the could extend it by adding Hyrule?
-For Smash, I know Midna is a popular character, but I don't think she has a chance since she's already an assist trophy. But what if they has Twili Midna as a playable character instead? She wouldn't be mixed up with her assist trophy version and even though it's a much less recognizable form of her, it's still Midna. I just want a Zelda character because we haven't gotten a new one since Melee. That was back in 2001. If Zelda was one of their biggest series, you think they would add at least 1 newcomer in the 14 years since Melee came out but noooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo. Also Toon Link=Young Link.

To be honest Twilight P is probably my least favourite game in the franchise. As cool as a new zelda representative would be, I definitely do not want it to be Midna, since she's had her time in the spotlight, and introducing her to sm4sh would do absolutely nothing (unless the Twilight princess HD leaks are true, then that changes a lot of things.) Though she is already an assist character, so the odds of her being brought into the game as a full-fighting character is slim.

I'd rather someone that's been reoccurring in the franchise, like Impa. If they did add her I hope they add her Skyward sword outfit and NOT her HW one.

- - - Post Merge - - -

off topic:
who else was almost brought to a tear when they found out that Impa had been waiting for Link for many years


If anyone perhaps has a spare EU demo code for Triforce heroes, that'd be gr8.

Didn't know where else to post so rip me.
I finally played through all 3 dungeons online that the Tri-Force Heroes demo offered, without a single death. I can say is that the communication system does work fairly decently despite the lack of voice chat, which partly contributed to how the game suddenly became more fun than I initially anticipated considering some of the questionable design choices that the development staff went for. It helped a lot that I ended up with teammates that are actually sane humans the second time I attempted connecting, even though Sturgeon's Law could apply at anytime when it comes to online with random players all over whatever region you're from. There are lags that temporarily stop the game from running, but they're sometimes helpful in a sense that it gives you more time to plan your moves ahead in a chaotic moment.

Alright, this makes me consider getting the game as a result, which is the first time that a demo actually convinced me to buy a game when I was initially worrying about it being a dud.