Let's NOT Learn Anything At All!

Fact: The word for 'forward' in Ukrainian is 'sdrawkcab', which comes from the English word 'backwards' spelled backwards.
An average lifespan of a rock is only 2 days, however the reason we still think it's alive is because it doesn't decompose.
oreos have zero percent oreos, if you want real oreos then you have to seek and climb the cocoa tree~
and DON'T use milk! it'll spoil the oreos
If you eat watermelon seeds, but don't chew them, a watermelon is gonna grow in your belly!
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If you don't change your shirt after wearing it for 10 hours, the fabric will seep into your skin.
If you go to enough Hatsune Miku concerts you'll have a beautiful singing voice.
Drinking five cans of soda every day is the healthiest thing you could possibly do to your body.
Apples are the only living things that can teleport from location to location like seen in sci-fi movies.
If you use enough Squid Beacons in Splatoon, you'll become a member of the religion of Squid Beaconism. The benefits are great, because you can super jump anywhere in the world instantly. You must visit the shrine of Squid Beaconism whenever a new update for the game comes out, so you can pray that the next update will add more Squid Beacons.

Spread the Squid Beacon love.
You can survive being frozen in ice for a certain time, but each day frozen in ice subtracts a year of life from your body.
A recent study has proven that some rare bacteria may present alterations in musical taste. Let me explain myself :

This bacteria specimen, is nicknamed the "M?lomania" by researcher Harold Furguson, a researcher located in Arkansas who discovered it back in June 2014. A year and a bit later, after many experiments concerning it, the probability of it's modification power has almost been certified.

Its effect has been tested on volunteers, and in 87% of the cases, music that they often listened to seemed to affect the parts in the frontal lobe that create the pleasure effect a lot less, while music that can be considered more "loud", such as heavy metal or heavy electronica, seems to amplify the pleasure value. Mr. Ferguson has revealed that the bacteria seems to block out some of the neurotransmission, and craves high volume. No more details have been given at this point, but we now know of the existence of this special Bacteria. One could wonder what effects it could have if used properly !
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Putting two bananas up your nose will form a huge banana horn, thus you become a rhino with a horn for a banana.