Let's talk vaccines!

Have you gotten vaccinated yet?

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Updated my vote!

Had my first Pfizer dose today. Everything went smoothly! I arrived 10 minutes before my scheduled timeslot, we were directed where to park, and the administration staff that got me signed in were all very friendly. I also got a fresh mask before heading inside the vaccination area. The doctor who administered the shot had great technique because I barely felt the needle go in -- he had a wonderful sense of humour, too. ^_^

My arm is starting to get increasingly sore, so I'm moving it around to promote circulation, despite the slight pain. I'll update this post if any other side effects kick in later or tomorrow. *fingers crossed none do*

When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised to see my second appointment was automatically scheduled for October 10th -- though I will try to find an earlier slot once booking eligibility opens up in the province to everyone 18+ during the week of August 9th.
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Two weeks passed since my second shot yesterday, making me fully vaccinated. I had the Pfizer.

The second shot had my arm feeling sore and I did have minor flu-like symptoms, but nothing that kept me from doing normal stuff. Small price to pay.

The actual shots didn’t hurt at all. I didn’t even get a bruise the first time, surprisingly, since I normally have bruises after every shot I’ve had.
My father and his wife got their first shot of Moderna on friday. My Dad was totally fine, but his wife was K.O. the next day.
She felt like she has the Grippe and was just laying around the entire day. Doing better now though!
In the country I live in some places are going to start to accept reservations for the first round of vaccines next month (yes it's very slow lol).

Only issue is that I'm moving beginning of August so I'd only have time to possibly get the first one in before then. I called my town about it and they said since the vaccine type/company is different for where I'm moving to and I'd need to get the same one twice it might be better to wait until then. Which makes sense but I was hoping to get it ASAP ;/

If nothing else maybe I can try to get my first dose when I'm checking out apartments which would be in a couple of weeks.
Had the first dose of Pfizer about an hour ago! 🥳

I was not even expecting to get it today. They tried to call me multiple times on Wednesday last week, to book in for 25th, but my phone never rang because I live in the middle of nowhere and the reception isn't great. I finally got the missed call notification on Sunday (27th) afternoon while out at a BBQ. I called up about an hour and a half ago to enquire about booking in, and they said they ran a clinic this morning but it was already done for the day. They put me on hold for a few minutes then came back and said while I had missed it by several hours there was one dose remaining and if I could get there in 15 minutes I could have it. So lucky day! Except for the fact the nurse put it in so fast I didn't have time to tell her I'm left-handed. Oops. 😓
My mom and aunt got their second dose of Pfizer yesterday! I checked in with my mom today and she said she had aches, chills, and a headache last night, but felt fine today. I'm glad they're finally fully vaccinated.

Now the only ones in my family who are unvaccinated are my brother and my cousin, and unfortunately they are dead-set against the vaccine for political reasons.
I haven't gotten it yet unfortunately but I am hoping to get my first dose soon. I am not that much in a hurry anyway though
Got my second dose booked for July 8th 😎 (was able to move it up earlier instead of the 14th)

I'm still pretty annoyed that my area is ending the mask mandate before I have an opportunity to get my 2nd (plus the 2 week period after to actually build up immunity) but moving it a bit earlier does make me feel a little better.
got my first shot of Biontech/Pfizer! 🥳

guys this 5G is insane, why am I paying Telekom for internet? cancelling right now

edit: my mother in law just told us to get a magnet and check for the microchip, i-
When I got the shot I suddenly wanted to buy products made by microsoft...coincedence, I fenk NAWT /j
So, my dad and my brother got their second dose this passed Friday. They felt like crap throughout the next day, had fevers, and slept through the entire day. I actually slept through the day too, since my sleep schedule is horrendous.

I still have not gotten either of my doses, since it requires an ID, which I do not have. However, my mom told me she found my school ID, and will send it to me next time she's out. However, I may get vaccinated until I get an actual government ID from the DMV.
I've been fully vaccinated for a while now with the Moderna shot. Since I'm apparently classified as an "essential worker." So my job was giving them to everyone. With both shots, I noticed my arm was really sore, kind of like you got a really bad bruise. And I kind of felt a little under the weather. Though the second shot gave me a small fever of around 101 but went away after two days.

But it wasn't bad, and it's nice that I can actually see some of my family again without worrying that they will get really sick. And that I can finally fly out of state to see my significant other as well.