Not to bring up arguments again, but I have a question for you all.
Do you believe sexual sanctity ever truly existed or was it an invention of the 20th century? Humans are naturally animal and have animal instincts when it comes to sex and reproduction. I believe sexual promiscuity is more natural than sexual sanctity. Though, that's not to say I believe it's right to go out and screw with people's emotions but if two people are willing to be promiscuous with each other I don't think that harms anything.
So anyway, to kick this thread back on the topic of LGBT(QAOUSDUOASDALSJBDOUASD)ism
Rhode Island just became the 10th state to legalise same-sex marriage!
Heck yeah, go Rhode Island. xD
Also, I've just recently discovered this thread. Hi.
I'm sorry but I need to vent a bit...I just called gay again today and I know it's not supposed to be a hurtful term, but when someone uses it in a hurtful way it gets to me...I have to problem with LGBT at all, and I know I'm not supposed to let this stuff get to me, but it just does....I'm sorta in need of consolation right now...sorry if I sound needy or anything....
I'm sorry but I need to vent a bit...I just called gay again today and I know it's not supposed to be a hurtful term, but when someone uses it in a hurtful way it gets to me...I have to problem with LGBT at all, and I know I'm not supposed to let this stuff get to me, but it just does....I'm sorta in need of consolation right now...sorry if I sound needy or anything....
I'm sorry but I need to vent a bit...I just called gay again today and I know it's not supposed to be a hurtful term, but when someone uses it in a hurtful way it gets to me...I have to problem with LGBT at all, and I know I'm not supposed to let this stuff get to me, but it just does....I'm sorta in need of consolation right now...sorry if I sound needy or anything....
um, yeah, violence is definitely not the way to go about it. i would try to ignore them and if it keeps happening talk to someone about it.
defending yourself verbally is fine but not physically. that brings you down to their level, if not lower. don't do that to yourself![]()
Nothing really stuns a bully more than when you fight back. That's how I made my way through grade-school. After about second grade, I toughened up and stopped being the punching bag. Yea, sometimes they would escalate into fights, but it's better to get the other guy a few times and be able to defend yourself than be the guy that gets beat up and then have the teachers say "we didn't see it, so it didn't happen".As someone who was personally victimized for years that is just something parents and teachers tell kids to make them feel better or make it blow up bigger. If your under 16 you will get away with it in the long term. As someone who was choked until I passed out, who had coke cans thrown at my head and had to get stitches, and had nasty stuff like that, bullies never "get the hint". If they can get away with it because "boys will be boys", or "they're just kids", you can get away with socking them in the jaw.
And as someone who went to teachers, and my mum was basically told "There's nothing we can do because it's too many kids, so we're gonna blame your child because he sticks out too much.", some teachers are awful. And should never be told.
Like yeah, flippant remarks and annoying douchebags you can just ignore, maybe tell a teacher. But if its really bad, if you're being witch-hunted and fear going to school; little will help other than slapping back.
If you're getting verbally bullied and no one is doing anything about it, my advice is to be smarter than the bullies. If you can learn sarcasm and wit, you can make the bullies look stupid.
Contradict this?:FUN FACT: this will sometimes earn you a broken nose depending on how scary your bully is. I'm gonna make a bullet list.
1. Big scary, physically agressive bully thats bigger than you. Ignore and report.
2. Similar size, physically aggressive. Ignore and report, then maybe go banzai and smack the poop out of them. If your feeling up to it.
3. Not very brave, but emotionally and psychologically cruel bully, make them look dumb if your smart enough, if not then report, then maybe beat the snot out of them.
4. Someone being a poop, saying ignorant dumb stuff. Ignore. Maybe make them look dumb.
punch them in the face then pin them down and spit on their eyeball and then be like "oh sorry dude now you have *** body-fluid in your system and it'll probs go straight to your brain because its so close the eye-ball sorry man you caught the gay too i feel u man"
But n'aw though seriously now, why even care what some spitefull bigot butt-face thinks. I recommend punching them because lets be real that is the only way people learn. As someone who was tormented for years, trust me, when someone walks over you bite their foot off. Then the'll never walk over you again. Maybe hobble or limp. I dont really know where im going with this.
You aren't being very consistent.
I'm sorry but I need to vent a bit...I just called gay again today and I know it's not supposed to be a hurtful term, but when someone uses it in a hurtful way it gets to me...I have to problem with LGBT at all, and I know I'm not supposed to let this stuff get to me, but it just does....I'm sorta in need of consolation right now...sorry if I sound needy or anything....