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LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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I have a question that is probably really dumb. I think I'm agender since I never feel like a girl or a boy. But how do I tell?

this isn't dumb at all! If you don't feel like a girl or boy you could very well be agender! You don't have to know anything for sure yet, you'll figure it out :)
I meant "my own" rip

Like my mom really wants me to have my own kids but sex is just 0_0 for me

like that's the best suggestion

Whilst adoption is always a nice option (giving an unfortunate kid a family is always nice) a lot of people would rather have their 'own' kid. Whether it matters that a child is genetically yours or not is an entirely different debate but for most people, it does if there's nothing medically stopping them from doing it themselves.

I know that when the time comes I would prefer my child to actually be 'from me'...Unless it turns out my balls don't work, in which case I'll adopt. Preferably a child with a totally different ethnicity from my own so that I'll never have to have the awkward "am I adopted?" conversation since it's quite obvious without asking me that they are.
/waves a tiny "B" flag

Not planning on having any kids even though the option's there though and I get a lot of **** for it from virtually anyone who hears :\ God forbid a woman not want to procreate.

I would rather have the "are you straight or gay? you have to choose one, you can't have both!!" conversation a million times over than deal with people telling me I don't know what to do with my own body tbh.

Though the sexuality conversations are frustrating in their own way for sure. Fun memories of trying to come out when I was still in school and having several friends be like "ugh, that's disgusting, are you joking?" so I just played along and 'took it back' and only dated guys. And they all ended up being *******s too (understatement of the YEAR) so ughhh. I was raised in a sad little isolated suburban town so despite having the obligatory GSA program in high school, no one was very kind or open about it in reality.
I'm pansexual (I think), but even though I'll pretty much date anyone, I'm scared I'm never going to find love or a good relationship. I mean, I'm still young, but it's a scary thought. Plus, everyone at this age thinks being anything other than straight is weird, so I can't really act on my feelings/attractions to people.
I meant "my own" rip

Like my mom really wants me to have my own kids but sex is just 0_0 for me

Go with surgery. There are methods where you can have children without sex. Unless you are saying that you don't want to get pregnant? But then again you can also have a female who is pregnant with your child (yes the child will have your genetics).

I'm pansexual (I think), but even though I'll pretty much date anyone, I'm scared I'm never going to find love or a good relationship. I mean, I'm still young, but it's a scary thought. Plus, everyone at this age thinks being anything other than straight is weird, so I can't really act on my feelings/attractions to people.

I dunno about everyone thinking anything other than straight is weird. Although that population may depend on the age group and location. There seems to be a lot of different sexualities other than straight at my school and it seems that that has become accepting to the younger generation.
I dunno about everyone thinking anything other than straight is weird. Although that population may depend on the age group and location. There seems to be a lot of different sexualities other than straight at my school and it seems that that has become accepting to the younger generation.
There are kids pretending to be things other than straight, just to be different, but if someone was actually pan/bi/gay/something else and acted on it, it would be "weird"
There are kids pretending to be things other than straight, just to be different, but if someone was actually pan/bi/gay/something else and acted on it, it would be "weird"

There are those pretenders but it doesn't mean everyone is like that. So what if they judge us as "weird". I'm proud to be weird and you should too. If the people you care about don't accept you for who you are then don't let that stop you from being who you are. Sexuality isn't a choice. If they can't accept you then forget them. Gah this whole paragraphs sounds so cliche but it's true! :3
There are those pretenders but it doesn't mean everyone is like that. So what if they judge us as "weird". I'm proud to be weird and you should too. If the people you care about don't accept you for who you are then don't let that stop you from being who you are. Sexuality isn't a choice. If they can't accept you then forget them. Gah this whole paragraphs sounds so cliche but it's true! :3

It does sound so cliche. Lol.

The truth of the matter is, humanity is always going to be messed up in a way. We fear people who are different and when we fear something, we lash out at it angrily. Yes, the situations are getting better in some places, but in other places it's getting worse. All we can do is try to be better than our parents and raise the next generation to be better than us. But there will always be turds.
I don't think I've had any fear towards someone who was different than me :eek: Besides that I'm pretty fearless, I guess it's because I can understand where they are coming from and why they are different. The next generation has the most power. Teach them what you want, they may follow or ignore you but in the end they choose what happens in the world.
I don't think I've had any fear towards someone who was different than me :eek: Besides that I'm pretty fearless, I guess it's because I can understand where they are coming from and why they are different. The next generation has the most power. Teach them what you want, they may follow or ignore you but in the end they choose what happens in the world.

I never said you. I said the human population as a whole.
This thread is still a thing :p
Makes me glad, I might have been one of the first openly gay guys on here way back in the day.

Course I mostly just lurk on these forums nowadays haha
There are those pretenders but it doesn't mean everyone is like that. So what if they judge us as "weird". I'm proud to be weird and you should too. If the people you care about don't accept you for who you are then don't let that stop you from being who you are. Sexuality isn't a choice. If they can't accept you then forget them. Gah this whole paragraphs sounds so cliche but it's true! :3

I don't mind the judgement if it's to my face, and I can talk back. It's the little side glances and people talking about me and the negative attention I don't want. I've never been the kind of person to be concerned about this kind of stuff, but people are rude and snotty and judgmental and vicious, and I don't want to be their target.
I don't mind the judgement if it's to my face, and I can talk back. It's the little side glances and people talking about me and the negative attention I don't want. I've never been the kind of person to be concerned about this kind of stuff, but people are rude and snotty and judgmental and vicious, and I don't want to be their target.

But would you rather live your life hiding your sexuality or actually be proud of who you are even if there are people who don't accept you? It's more painful to hide who you are than to live the way you want to (in my opinion of course).
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