LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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I have a friend who is gay. I don't discriminate him when I knew about it, in fact I accept him openly like a best friend, sister.

Until he start acting weird (yea to the boys not girl), molesting them secretly and he even told me about him getting desperate for love (oh yea love?), and cause we live together, one of my other friend caught him watching porn in the middle of the night, but that's okay for us. Not until he start going around touching all the boys (all the complaint came to me urghh...) and I keep a distance from there. Sometimes this make me feel guilty like I actually start to discriminate him but I don't...if he don't go around doing that ><

But tbh, I certainly don't see anything wrong for the same gender relationship, except I maybe couldn't accept this if it happen in my own family, but well, if things do happen we have to respect their choice of decision.

His actions (except for the gender they're on) have nothing to do with his sexuality, so you shouldn't be mad at him for being attracted to other guys.

If the guys he is well.. sexually assaulting by the sound of it have not consented, then what he is doing is wrong and should be treated the same was as a man assaulting a woman/woman assaulting a man/woman assaulting a woman.

If they have consented, then it's fine. If you dislike him doing it infront of you, just tell him it makes you uncomfortable. But if it isn't consenting, I'd consider reporting him because it is sexual assault, essentially.
So, as I was told firmly by a lot of demis I spoke to, demis are not just hets or bi, we have our own label and don't need to be lumped with a sexualities we don't identify as but then there are some demis that also identify as hets, but that is who they are an they can use whatever labels they want.
Those are actually two different things. Demisexual refers to how/when you can experience sexual attraction, heterosexual (or whatever else) refers to the people/gender you feel attracted. So yes, you can be both. :)
I accept everyone ( expect elder/child/animal abusers, murderers and rapists, they shouldn't be allowed to live lol ).
If you don't push your views on me or remind me constantly, I will be happy for you and wish you the best and never look down on you for it. That being said my experience is very limited. We had one lesbian friend who had to remind everyone constantly that she was, if she was treated unfairly that was her reason. I never understood the need for that, your sexual or gender identity does not matter to me unless its something I outlined above. It doesn't really change who you are as a person imo but it shouldn't rule your life either. I do understand people get treated horribly for it and it's shameful. I think you should be able to get married to a car if that car is what makes you happy lol ( no seriously some dude married his car? and gays etc cant? its ridiculous LOL)
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I had a chat with some other demisexuals last night about my feelings and then the demis can be hets and a lot disagreed. I told them about my experience with starting to feel sexually attracted to my female best friend (before I started seeing my boyfriend) and they said that's normal as we aren't sexually attracted to physical features but instead we are attracted due to the emotional bond and as such don't always discriminate between male and female. So, as I was told firmly by a lot of demis I spoke to, demis are not just hets or bi, we have our own label and don't need to be lumped with a sexualities we don't identify as but then there are some demis that also identify as hets, but that is who they are an they can use whatever labels they want.

That's why I just can't label myself as het anymore, because I can be attracted to males and females as long as there is an emotional bond, though to better explain it I would add that I consider myself a Bi-romantic Demisexual. Speaking to other demis and getting their 'approval' to use the label has really helped me accept that I am Demisexual and I hope that others (my family, irl and online friends and my boyfriend) can accept that...
oh okay. i didnt know that, (i thought it was like what the other person said above) but thats cool. i hope your family and friends will accept you.
Update and more complaining aboutmy situation, and I apologize in advance.

My mother now knows for sure that I am bisexual/pansexual, and she has been having her homophobic, and I feel like that is not a good enough description, boyfriend over every single day now until today when she just isn't coming home. And she actually told me, her child that came out to her, that she doesn't know why I have a problem with him, the guy who thinks it's okay for gay people to get turned away from businesses because they are gay, thinks it's wrong if gay people can be on the same insurance, and says variations of ew and gross repeatedly if he sees a drag queen on tv, going on about how gross it is because what if he thought it was a girl?

Yeah. I wonder why the distinctly not straight kid has a problem with him. Really. It's a mystery.

And I calmly said "well he's a homophobe" in way just saying that it's the first in the long list, because mind you other than just that he's still a horrible person for other reasons, and she rolled her eyes and sighed at me and walked away.

I am treating this ******* politely even though he thinks of people like me as less than human and my mom is letting him in my house and acting like I'm a ***** and a brat and like she's the victim.

Is any of this okay? What am I supposed to do here?
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Update and more complaining aboutmy situation, and I apologize in advance.

My mother now knows for sure that I am bisexual/pansexual, and she has been having her homophobic, and I feel like that is not a good enough description, boyfriend over every single day now until today when she just isn't coming home. And she actually told me, her child that came out to her, that she doesn't know why I have a problem with him, the guy who thinks it's okay for gay people to get turned away from businesses because they are gay, thinks it's wrong if gay people can be on the same insurance, and says variations of ew and gross repeatedly if he sees a drag queen on tv, going on about how gross it is because what if he thought it was a girl?

Yeah. I wonder why the distinctly not straight kid has a problem with him. Really. It's a mystery.

And I calmly said "well he's a homophobe" in way just saying that it's the first in the long list, because mind you other than just that he's still a horrible person for other reasons, and she rolled her eyes and sighed at me and walked away.

I am treating this ******* politely even though he thinks of people like me as less than human and my mom is letting him in my house and acting like I'm a ***** and a brat and like she's the victim.

Is any of this okay? What am I supposed to do here?

No, no, god no, what they're treating you like is absolute bee ess. If I were you, I'd straight up punch him any time he started getting homophobic, but I wouldn't suggest doing that. I've really got no answer for you if your mother's home is the only place you can live. If so, please try to stay strong and survive his crap until you can move out. If not, do everything you can to teach that jerk a lesson. Mentally. If he tells homophobic jokes, ask him WHY they're funny; you'll get to watch him break down into saying it's funny because it hurts other people. If he says anything about Jesus speaking out against homosexuality, whip out a Bible and tell him to find where Jesus said that, because he never did. Counterattack in any way possible, and if your mother sides with him in the end, move to the other place you can go. Im sorry if this isn't helpful.
blah my mother used to argue with me about it but I think we've both gotten tired of fighting
What's the difference between a sex and a gender?

Just saw a fb post of a person wearing a dress and then normal boy clothes and I couldn't tell what current genital they possessed. The post was a very big speech. Not gonna explain the post but basically it claimed that sex and gender were different things.

I thought they were the same?

Nobody get mad at me please. I want to know more about transexuality.
What's the difference between a sex and a gender?

Just saw a fb post of a person wearing a dress and then normal boy clothes and I couldn't tell what current genital they possessed. The post was a very big speech. Not gonna explain the post but basically it claimed that sex and gender were different things.

I thought they were the same?

Nobody get mad at me please. I want to know more about transexuality.

oh boy where do i start
i guess ill just list some basic stuff
1. you shouldnt care what parts someone has wtf
2. someones clothes doesnt determine their gender
3. sex and gender are very different things because i dont even believe "sex" exists. parts do not define your gender.
4. you probably dont even know what cissexism is so lets start
5.not all men have d*cks, not all women have v*ginas. it is cissexist if you assume so.
6.its transmisogynistic if you laugh at men in dresses (or doing feminine things)
7.not all trans people get surgery.
8. its "transgender" not "transgendered". the -ed part makes a big difference.
9. nonbinary people are people who identify outside the gender binary. i am genderqueer and im not a girl or a boy.
10. never ever use they/them pronouns for trans men/women on purpose. even nonbinary people (nonbinary people can use they/them pronouns like me, or they can use different pronouns)
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oh boy where do i start
i guess ill just list some basic stuff
1. you shouldnt care what parts someone has wtf
2. someones clothes doesnt determine their gender
3. sex and gender are very different things because i dont even believe "sex" exists. parts do not define your gender.
4. you probably dont even know what cissexism is so lets start
5.not all men have d*cks, not all women have v*ginas. it is cissexist if you assume so.
6.its transmisogynistic if you laugh at men in dresses (or doing feminine things)
7.not all trans people get surgery.
8. its "transgender" not "transgendered". the -ed part makes a big difference.
9. nonbinary people are people who identify outside the gender binary. i am genderqueer and im not a girl or a boy.
10. never ever use they/them pronouns for trans men/women on purpose. even nonbinary people (nonbinary people can use they/them pronouns like me, or they can use different pronouns)

tsundere, way to go off on LoveMcQueen. He asked a question and wanted to know more. You're going off on some stupid tangent and didn't say anything, instead listing a bunch of stupid things about being cissexist. LMQ never laughed at men in dresses, why would you even bring that up?
tsundere, way to go off on LoveMcQueen. He asked a question and wanted to know more. You're going off on some stupid tangent and didn't say anything, instead listing a bunch of stupid things about being cissexist. LMQ never laughed at men in dresses, why would you even bring that up?

he said he wanted to know more about trans stuff so i listed some basic stuff??????// i know he didnt laugh at men in dresses but its a common thing people do and i see it all the time?? umm?? what and i explained the difference between the two and said it shouldnt even matter??
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He asked the difference between sex and gender, and you conflate your own personal views that "sex doesn't exist" instead of answering the question.
He asked the difference between sex and gender, and you conflate your own personal views that "sex doesn't exist" instead of answering the question.

ok but it doesnt
sex is your parts. thats it. literally. gender is what you identify as. its that simple???
ok but it doesnt
sex is your parts. thats it. literally. gender is what you identify as. its that simple???

I am well aware of that, and that's what I told LMQ on his VMs in an unbiased view where I didn't conflate my own personal opinions with the answer to the question.
What's the difference between a sex and a gender?

Just saw a fb post of a person wearing a dress and then normal boy clothes and I couldn't tell what current genital they possessed. The post was a very big speech. Not gonna explain the post but basically it claimed that sex and gender were different things.

I thought they were the same?

Nobody get mad at me please. I want to know more about transexuality.

virtually sex is what you are based on your biological parts and gender is associated with what you identify as.
ie; my sex is male but my gender is neutral because i dont identify with either the male or female gender.
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...they just listed things to help the questioning person? and they only listed one thing about cissexism?? dude you're contradicting yourself with a lot of what you're saying
virtually sex is what you are based on your biological parts and gender is associated with what you identify as.
ie; my sex is male but my gender is neutral because i dont identify with either the male or female gender.

You don't? Huh. Never knew that about you.

The more you know.
I am well aware of that, and that's what I told LMQ on his VMs in an unbiased view where I didn't conflate my own personal opinions with the answer to the question.

ok but... the whole idea of 'sex' is harmful. thats why i avoided going into detail. that is my answer. because from the definition i used people will probably end up using terms like "male sex" and "female sex" (ive explained the difference before to people like that a while ago and they ended up talking like that sooo i try just to avoid it)
edit: here these ppl explain it soo much better but thts all im going to say. the last bit is so important js
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virtually sex is what you are based on your biological parts and gender is associated with what you identify as.
ie; my sex is male but my gender is neutral because i dont identify with either the male or female gender.

You are correct when it comes to sex and gender.

Sex is biological while gender is social. They are commonly mistaken as the same thing, but it's easily understandable as to why they are.

This link will easier explain it to people who need further explanation:

Give it a gander.
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